Poll: Exit Poll: UK General Election 2017 - Results discussion and OcUK Exit Poll - Closing 8th July

Exit poll: Who did you vote for?

  • Conservatives

    Votes: 302 27.5%
  • Labour

    Votes: 577 52.6%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 104 9.5%
  • Green

    Votes: 13 1.2%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 19 1.7%
  • Scottish National Party

    Votes: 30 2.7%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 6 0.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 46 4.2%

  • Total voters
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11 Oct 2004
The swing to Labour was probably first time voters, or voters with short term memory loss, who didn't have to live under the last labour fiasco.

Labour have a proven terrible record of government.

Mate, have you seen what the Conservatives have done to this country over the past two years? They've created the worst political chaos I've ever witnessed.
17 Apr 2009
As you get older , you see politics for what is it.

I'm 50 this year and seen the same old crap all my life - promises here and lies there.

No party delivers on pledges, because they can't.

They say what you want to hear for a cross on a piece of paper.

In any other industry, you could send it back under miss-selling / RMA my vote.

Fact is no opposition party can ever deliver on their promises - because the other party would have done, it if it was that simple.

I get what you're saying, but there are small movements depending on who's in power.

A mate of mine is a night shift team leader in a supermarket. Last year, he took home close to the starting salary of a teacher or nurse. It's the public sector pay freeze, combined with the National Living Wage, that's to blame for that. This year, he'll earn about 4% more.

We can't afford to pay public sector workers fairly, but we can (apparently) afford tax cuts for the wealthy, for business and for inheritance.

Any party could find the money to reverse the pay freeze if they wanted to. The reality is, the Conservative Party don't want to.

I agree that many of the big sweeping pledges aren't likely. But sometimes it's the small changes that have the greatest effect on people's lives and people's livelihoods.
6 Sep 2011
Mate, have you seen what the Conservatives have done to this country over the past two years? They've created the worst political chaos I've ever witnessed.

Even as a left leaning voter.... I admire UKIP more than the tories at the moment. Even though I believe many of ukips ideas are wrong.... At least they believe in what they are saying and want to put the people first.

The same cant be said for the tories. Twice now they have put party politics before the country and twice they have failed leaving us looking in disarray and embarrassing on the world stage.

How anyone that can vote for a party that puts the countries interest in the background is beyond me. More respect for UKIP
Man of Honour
16 Mar 2005
Clevedon , Bristol
Mate, have you seen what the Conservatives have done to this country over the past two years? They've created the worst political chaos I've ever witnessed.

I remember having to use candles at night during the 70s' because the electricity companies were on strike under a Labour government.

If the current situation is the worse you've witnessed, look back
28 Jun 2005
On the hoods
As you get older , you see politics for what is it.

I'm 50 this year and seen the same old crap all my life - promises here and lies there.

No party delivers on pledges, because they can't.

They say what you want to hear for a cross on a piece of paper.

In any other industry, you could send it back under miss-selling / RMA my vote.

Fact is no opposition party can ever deliver on their promises - because the other party would have done, it if it was that simple.
So if it's all cobblers, why do you get to deride labour voters from some conservative ivory tower?
12 Nov 2015
No but they must be plonkas if you thought it was going to be an easy with no tough times ahead.

So are you accepting of the probability that the majority of the UK being opposed to the WTO 100billion, Labour spending plans dwarfing, idiocy of May's no deal big mouth approach.



13 Aug 2003
As you get older , you see politics for what is it.

I'm 50 this year and seen the same old crap all my life - promises here and lies there.

No party delivers on pledges, because they can't.

They say what you want to hear for a cross on a piece of paper.

In any other industry, you could send it back under miss-selling / RMA my vote.

Fact is no opposition party can ever deliver on their promises - because the other party would have done, it if it was that simple.

At least you've lived some? I cannot take to this young generation and I'm only 36. They aren't willing to listen, they're close minded, not tolerant, think they know all about the world through lecturers, friends and the Internet and think they're entitled to everything. At the same time thinking all this utopia is going to magically appear as we sing kumbaya and Hey Jude.

They slagged Clint Eastwood for saying the same stuff.

18 Oct 2002
Sinn Fein think the Tory/DUP alliance contravenes the Good Friday Agreement.

You'd have thought somebody clued up on this would have checked.
9 Jul 2013
At least you've lived some? I cannot take to this young generation and I'm only 36. They aren't willing to listen, they're close minded, not tolerant, think they know all about the world through lecturers, friends and the Internet and think they're entitled to everything. At the same time thinking all this utopia is going to magically appear as we sing kumbaya and Hey Jude.

They slagged Clint Eastwood for saying the same stuff.

Sounds about right.
25 Mar 2008
His own MPs don't even listen to him and he's surrounded himself with incompetents like Abbott and McDonnell. He promised young people the moon on a stick and still posted Gordon Brown numbers. He still lost by a considerable amount and with his rudderless leadership style Labour MPs must be tearing their hair out about how to get rid of him. This could probably work out well for the Tories when they get rid of May soon.
Wow. Your point was about the DUP. You dropped that and switched quicker than Scorza.
14 Dec 2010
Sinn Fein think the Tory/DUP alliance contravenes the Good Friday Agreement.

You'd have thought somebody clued up on this would have checked.

Great..... and so it begins. I actually miss Cameron as PM, I truly do.

Wish she would just resign already, "enough is enough".

Clueless as home secretary, now making an absolute pigs ear of PM. What happens when your're a stubborn mule in a modern world that demands flexibility.

1) Lets in gawd knows how many Jihaddis on her watch
2) Offers no real assurances over Brexit, even suggesting not making a deal is an actual plan.
3) Calls a snap election without spending much time gauging public opinion. (But then she doesn't care. Stubborn old mule)
4) Creates the worst manifesto the Conservatives have done in decades & refuses to debate it publically.
5) Gets us involved with the DUP and screws up long standing peace treaties.

She just has to resign today.... NOW.
6 Sep 2011
Great..... and so it begins. I actually miss Cameron as PM, I truly do.

Wish she would just resign already, "enough is enough".

Clueless as home secretary, now making an absolute pigs ear of PM. What happens when your're a stubborn mule in a modern world that demands flexibility.

1) Lets in gawd knows how many Jihaddis on her watch
2) Offers no real assurances over Brexit, even suggesting not making a deal is an actual plan.
3) Calls a snap election without spending much time gauging public opinion. (But then she doesn't care. Stubborn old mule)
4) Creates the worst manifesto the Conservatives have done in decades & refuses to debate it publically.
5) Gets us involved with the DUP and screws up long standing peace treaties.

She just has to resign today.... NOW.

As said in my previous post. At least ukip wanted to put the country first. Twice the tories have put the party before the country. How anyone can vote for this party is beyond me. Id rather ukip be in over tories as at least they have morals. The conservatives arnt patriotic at all.... They just want power.

And I say all that as a left leaning voter.
17 Apr 2009
At least you've lived some? I cannot take to this young generation and I'm only 36. They aren't willing to listen, they're close minded, not tolerant, think they know all about the world through lecturers, friends and the Internet and think they're entitled to everything. At the same time thinking all this utopia is going to magically appear as we sing kumbaya and Hey Jude.

They slagged Clint Eastwood for saying the same stuff.

So basically, the usual patronising bull ****.

Unless you're Blue through-and-through. Then you get a pass.
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