Poll: Exit Poll: UK General Election 2017 - Results discussion and OcUK Exit Poll - Closing 8th July

Exit poll: Who did you vote for?

  • Conservatives

    Votes: 302 27.5%
  • Labour

    Votes: 577 52.6%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 104 9.5%
  • Green

    Votes: 13 1.2%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 19 1.7%
  • Scottish National Party

    Votes: 30 2.7%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 6 0.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 46 4.2%

  • Total voters
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14 Mar 2005
Here and There...
Actually hard Brexit is pretty much WTO trading terms, those terms are costed at 50 - 100 billion short term this is widely known and unlikely to be popular.
Is it though or is that something you've made up I've certainly never seen it defined. I strongly suspect most hard brexit supporters would. Evsuggesting a much more favourable trade deal than the WTO default.
20 Oct 2004
so tories are even more of a minority now after Scottish mps say they will tear away from May and prioritise single market over immigration.
If tories aren't deciding a new leader and a GE now, they are ***** dumb and totally blind.

Davidson has denied that in a tweet but then went on the radio and said Scottish businesses need access to the single market.

Basically it's too early for players to show their hands. The fact Johnson and Davies are deafeninly quiet though is all anyone needs to know.
31 May 2009
I think the problem is that NI wouldn't be part of the United Kingdon of Britain and NI if there was border controls between Britain and NI.... Something the unionists obviously wouldn't be happy about as it would be seen as a move toward an Irish re unification....

This is exactly what is going to happen.
No mater who is in denial about the situation.
The UK ports and airports on the mainland will be subject to European and international checks, those in NI will also be subject to such regs, but freedom of movement will exist north to south.

It is the only realistic method any brexit border can be enforced without spending billions on a customs and security border.
NI will be left in quaziland , and no one will be bothered, not the nationalists not the unionists no one, as it is the only way to achieve it.
13 May 2003
I doubt it, they actually increased both the number of voters and vote share at this election.

If they have a more charismatic leader, don't mention fox hunting and support pensioners again then they could do even better.

Is the answer a more charismatic Lib Dem leader might have led to a Conservative majority. Because you're right the Conservatives increased their share and numbers it was just unusual for the second place party to get such a high percentage of the vote.
14 Feb 2004
Peoples Republic of Histonia, Cambridge
so tories are even more of a minority now after Scottish mps say they will tear away from May and prioritise single market over immigration.
If tories aren't deciding a new leader and a GE now, they are ***** dumb and totally blind.
There is zero chnance of the Brexit prescribed by TM and brexiteers post referendum happening without another GE. The DUP don't want it, scottish conservatives don't want it, and the majority of english tory MPs don't want it either. The mantra will remain the same but the substance will be slowly watered down.

It's going to be a difficault climb down. The process is essentially pointless.
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
There is zero chnance of the Brexit prescribed by TM and brexiteers post referendum happening without another GE. The DUP don't want it, scottish conservatives don't want it, and the majority of english tory MPs don't want it either. The mantra will remain the same but the substance will be slowly watered down.

It's going to be a difficault climb down. The process is essentially pointless.
yeah, what i meant though is it isnt just brexit, they essentially don't even have a majority for the day to day running. If you look at dup + many of tories own MPs they cant run goverment the numbers just dont work. Unless they work for the best of the country, but the chance of that is pretty much zero. compromise after con/ld got destroyed.
9 Dec 2007
sigh. its getting really boring reading comments all over the internet blaming young people for the current situation.

seems some people just want to pass the blame on rather than looking to their beloved Mrs May.
21 Oct 2012
London/S Korea
I doubt it, they actually increased both the number of voters and vote share at this election.

If they have a more charismatic leader, don't mention fox hunting and support pensioners again then they could do even better.
Exactly this. Alienating their core voters was not wise. A good leader and the conservatives will get the seats they wanted.

so tories are even more of a minority now after Scottish mps say they will tear away from May and prioritise single market over immigration.
If tories aren't deciding a new leader and a GE now, they are ***** dumb and totally blind.
Ruth has already debunked that. Quite bluntly on twitter
11 Oct 2004
i think the next election will be the end of the conservatives. Their short time was not short enough

Predicted Tory slogan at the next election: Only We Can Clean Up The Mess That We've Created

And I guess this is the end of Conservatives talking about English votes for English matters?
12 Nov 2015
Is it though or is that something you've made up I've certainly never seen it defined. I strongly suspect most hard brexit supporters would. Evsuggesting a much more favourable trade deal than the WTO default.

OK you don't like using the hard and soft let's not.

Do you believe all 52% of those voting for brexit support defaulting to WTO with its 100 billion short term costs?

If not then I'd argue, that we agree that the majority are seeking a deal with the EU.
a position I describe as soft Brexit

(not unfair to assume as at least 48% wanted to continue the deal we already had).
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
You base that statement on whose analysis of current trade?
his own like always in this thread he's come up with so much crazy stuff.

we would be stuffed on WTO as it does not cover services which includes the banking sector. It would cripple us and not just for a decade but many decades.
30 Nov 2005
Summary & Conclusion

For the last 40 years, preoccupied with "Europe", British governments have neglected the Commonwealthb. In the next 40 years, by an accident of history, the Commonwealth will be where much of global GDP growth (and hence of growth in propensity to import) will occur. The Commonwealth, originating in the nineteenth century and functioning in its present form since 1949, is the user-friendly neglected colossus which could enable UK business to fully capitalise on its strengths, focussing on exporting to, & investing in, the growth markets of the future.

The United Nations has 192 member-countries. The Commonwealth, which will account for 38 per cent of global labour force by 2050, has 55 members. The European Union, which will account for 5 per cent of global labour force by 2050, has 27 members.
6 Sep 2011
Predicted Tory slogan at the next election: Only We Can Clean Up The Mess That We've Created

And I guess this is the end of Conservatives talking about English votes for English matters?

Said this yesterday. They made one mess and the another and why.... All to get a big majority both times and get more power.

I dint know how anyone can vote for a party that puts its party before country. The tories have been incredibly selfish. Although I don't agree with Ukips ideals... At least they are doing what they believe is the right thing for the UK. I have more respect for them than the Tories.
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
LOL, not only do we not pay 350million a week to eu, you actually believe that liw which has been demonstrated to be wrong a million times, That link does not in any way support your claims, or ignores the fact we are the banking gateway to EU and we would lose that under wto.

you've added 2+2 and came up with 13
30 Nov 2005
General Conclusions

· The USA will become more powerful than it is today, economically, militarily, politically, culturally.

· Europe, & the European Union as a whole, will decline economically, militarily, politically, culturally.

· Growth in GDP, market size & equity returns will occur outside Europe.

· Continental EU will be a shrinking market, relatively unattractive to exporters and investors.

· The tax base of Continental EU will shrink: tax rates & public-sector debt will have to increase.

· Shrinking & ageing population in Continental EU will mean more demand for state-provided healthcare & pensions, with fewer active people to provide them.

· Most EU member-states will see falling demand for houses, schools, factories, shops and capital goods, with falling asset values & investment. This will affect both the tax base and the equity markets on which private pension provision depends.
30 Nov 2005
This paper takes growth in Labour Force, here defined as Working-Age (15-64) Population, to be a proxy for growth in GDP, using the latest projections of working-age population from the United Nations.

· It concludes that the rest of the Commonwealth will represent a market over nine times greater than that of the rest of the EU by 2050. Competition to export to & invest in the developing world will be fierce. British exporters will need to maximise their strengths: which is why, over the next forty years, the Commonwealth has the potential to become a valuable component of British trade policy.
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