Poll: Exit Poll: UK General Election 2017 - Results discussion and OcUK Exit Poll - Closing 8th July

Exit poll: Who did you vote for?

  • Conservatives

    Votes: 302 27.5%
  • Labour

    Votes: 577 52.6%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 104 9.5%
  • Green

    Votes: 13 1.2%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 19 1.7%
  • Scottish National Party

    Votes: 30 2.7%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 6 0.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 46 4.2%

  • Total voters
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5 Sep 2009
God's own country
Rofl... All you need to look on is the daily mail comments to see what your saying as complete lies
And I'm sick of people like you quoting the Daily Mail as gospel for everyone that isn't left wing.
It's pathetic, I'm sure you can't really believe that. The hate spewed from the left is incredible, it makes a mockery of the "tolerant left".
It rates up there with "religion of peace".

Or mayber we should pretend that every Labour voter is a Marxist momentum member? It's just as true.
6 Sep 2011
And I'm sick of people like you quoting the Daily Mail as gospel for everyone that isn't left wing.
It's pathetic, I'm sure you can't really believe that. The hate spewed from the left is incredible, it makes a mockery of the "tolerant left".
It rates up there with "religion of peace".

Wtf you talking about. "if remain won the right would have accepted the vote and no one would have complained"

What I said is look on the daily mail comments and you'll find out that's not true. You moan about the extreme left but it seems like you deny there is an extreme right ... And that they accept everything....

Who who trying to kid this forum or yourself.
5 Sep 2009
God's own country
Wtf you talking about. "if remain won the right would have accepted the vote and no one would have complained"

What I said is look on the daily mail comments and you'll find out that's not true. You moan about the extreme left but it seems like you deny there is an extreme right ... And that they accept everything....

Who who trying to kid this forum or yourself.

Well I saw 15 years of Labour with no running protests in the streets, without mass protests in the media. Some of the traditional right wing media got behind Labour if you are old enough to remember.
People just got on with it. Not like now when every bad loser keyboard warrior is spouting bile because they didn't win.

EDIT: I just reread your post and want you to show where I ever insinuated there wasn't a far right? No? Can't do it? More lies and insinuations with no proof.
Good going.

Deleted member 66701


Deleted member 66701

Well I saw 15 years of Labour with no running protests in the streets, without mass protests in the media. Some of the traditional right wing media got behind Labour if you are old enough to remember.
People just got on with it. Not like now when every bad loser keyboard warrior is spouting bile because they didn't win.

You should read some of the threads on Stormfront that have appeared after Thursday!
5 Dec 2010
deep space nine
Actually, I think you're the one not realising what just happened.

This is just the start of Labours resurgence. They were never going to cut through the detritus in the press and Tory lies about Corbyns leadership ability and Labours fiscal credentials enough to win the GE outright - there just wasn't enough time. Now people have started to wake up, the next GE is where it's at.

Imagine if the NEC had got behind him - we would probably be toasting a Labour victory now


but no - even after a resurgence in Scotland and some amazing scalps ( lovely finish in Kensington ) they still have to stick the boot in


even Mandy admits it - that they could have done better if they didn't go all orient express on his ass

6 Sep 2011
Well I saw 15 years of Labour with no running protests in the streets, without mass protests in the media. Some of the traditional right wing media got behind Labour if you are old enough to remember.
People just got on with it. Not like now when every bad loser keyboard warrior is spouting bile because they didn't win.

What the hell are you arguing about. I KNOW there are people on the left that don't accept the referendum result but I KNOW catergorically that if Remain had won that SOME on the right wouldn't have accepted it ... My Dad being one of the and Farage being another.

At this point I think your trolling and I cba now so ignoring.
6 Oct 2007
North West
No 10 confirms basis of deal between Tories and DUP

“We welcome this commitment, which can provide the stability and certainty the whole country requires as we embark on Brexit and beyond. The details will be put forward for discussion and agreement at a Cabinet meeting on Monday.”

provide the stability and certainty, that's hilarious.
25 Jul 2005
I'm talking about the mass hysteria we've witnessed since the decision to leave. That WOULD NOT have happened as you well know, people like me would have moaned about it over a pint but you wouldn't have seen the George Soros sycophants on the streets protesting because they lost.
That's the simple difference. Bad losers.

Does discussion of EU armies, immigrants and the myriad of other things being crowed about on this forum by several Leave supporters count as mass hysteria?

There would certainly be less discussion about policy and resulting issues, because we would be in a situation of status quo, so no need to discuss the possible results of a "no deal" and crash out for example, or the crashing of the pound, the potential major issues with trade, and this ****show of an election.

The likelihood of protest if it went the other way is extremely high. Your idea that Leave voters would just go back to their pints and complain under their breath is fanciful as well. You may have done so, but there would be plenty of others that wouldn't, just as there are plenty of remain supporters not protesting in the streets.
25 Jul 2005
Well I saw 15 years of Labour with no running protests in the streets, without mass protests in the media. Some of the traditional right wing media got behind Labour if you are old enough to remember.
People just got on with it. Not like now when every bad loser keyboard warrior is spouting bile because they didn't win.

EDIT: I just reread your post and want you to show where I ever insinuated there wasn't a far right? No? Can't do it? More lies and insinuations with no proof.
Good going.

I guess you were asleep for the anti war protests? The bigest in UK history.

There is some serious glossing over of history and conformational bias going on in your posts.
20 May 2007
Lets see how stable Northern Ireland is after all this....

Big mistake this is.

May is just scrambling for anything to ensure she clings on to power but this will not end well for her or the country.
5 Sep 2009
God's own country
You should read some of the threads on Stormfront that have appeared after Thursday!

Well I didn't know what Stormfron was until I googled it now, but why the hell would I be reading anything there? It look like a white supremecist site, or is this the usual tired and tested left wing retort of calling someone a "Nazi" because they disagree with you?
Maybe you could point me to a bit I should be reading because that's not the sort of place I'd care you peruse.
6 Sep 2011
I am still waiting for you to justify your accusation, ignore me if you want but you said something very silly that wasn't true and it made you look stupid.

Ok last comment cus I don't wanna get dragged into an aguemnt into someone who sounds challenged.

You moaned about an extreme left not respecting the result of a referendum and said the right would have respected the result in a case of remain winning. You've ignored that there is a left who respect the result and said that ALL right wingers would have respected the result.

Well my dad said if leave lost that he would go out and protest. He considers himself right wing. And there is a lot of Extreme right wing that would have done the same but you have not mentioned that they would go out an protest. Farage himself said it would be unfinished business.

So it seems you've targeted extreme left wingers but then denied that the extreme rightwingers wouldn't have done the same.
13 May 2003
When people think Far Right do they think Jacob Rees Mogg or do they think BNP. There is no far right, there are racists who are called Far Right and there are extreme right wing libertarians (maybe even authoritarians I suppose) but Far Right is a pejorative term that is widely understood and deliberately misleading. No one is walking the streets at night worrying people who believe in small state and free market economics is going to beat them up.

edit: spotted a typo
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29 May 2006
When people think Far Right do they think Jacob Rees Mogg or do they think BNP. There is no far right, there are racists who are called Far Right and their are extreme right wing libertarians (maybe even authoritarians I suppose) but Far Right is a pejorative term that is widely understood and deliberately misleading. No one is walking the streets at night worrying people who believe in small state and free market economics is going to beat them up.

Judging from the hyperbole I'm seeing on this board at the moment I'm sure they'll be happy to lump Rees Mogg into the disabled murdering Tory far right mafia.
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