Poll: Exit Poll: UK General Election 2017 - Results discussion and OcUK Exit Poll - Closing 8th July

Exit poll: Who did you vote for?

  • Conservatives

    Votes: 302 27.5%
  • Labour

    Votes: 577 52.6%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 104 9.5%
  • Green

    Votes: 13 1.2%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 19 1.7%
  • Scottish National Party

    Votes: 30 2.7%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 6 0.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 46 4.2%

  • Total voters
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25 Jul 2005
When people think Far Right do they think Jacob Rees Mogg or do they think BNP. There is no far right, there are racists who are called Far Right and their are extreme right wing libertarians (maybe even authoritarians I suppose) but Far Right is a pejorative term that is widely understood and deliberately misleading. No one is walking the streets at night worrying people who believe in small state and free market economics is going to beat them up.

You mean much like the use of "the left" on this forum by many that appear to think that left is anyone with views left of Trump of May? :p

Oh and another one for you slug. Those nasty leftie pro go hunting protestors during Labours last stint..


The "right" never go out and protest do they? ;)
5 Sep 2009
God's own country
Does discussion of EU armies, immigrants and the myriad of other things being crowed about on this forum by several Leave supporters count as mass hysteria?

Nope, a few people toasting a result that went their way is not quite the same as mass hysteria and protesting because you lost. Don't you understand that? Bile and anger from the self appointed guardians of tolerance is quite ironic, don't you think?

There would certainly be less discussion about policy and resulting issues, because we would be in a situation of status quo, so no need to discuss the possible results of a "no deal" and crash out for example, or the crashing of the pound, the potential major issues with trade, and this ****show of an election.

Not sure what point you are trying to make there. Congrats.

The likelihood of protest if it went the other way is extremely high. Your idea that Leave voters would just go back to their pints and complain under their breath is fanciful as well. You may have done so, but there would be plenty of others that wouldn't, just as there are plenty of remain supporters not protesting in the streets.

What a joke of an assumption. Mass protests of the butt hurt losers are the preserve of the Left. Like it or not. When have we had mass protests by right wigers when a vote goes against them? Enlighten me please Einstein.
12 Nov 2015

Why are you expecting me to answer things you can look up yourself?
Yes - free trade is tied to freedom of movement for Norway too. Norway also has to pay into the EU at about the same level they would if they were a full member and accept most EU law but without any say on anything. It's not the clearly superior deal some people make it out to be. It appears that most Norwegians think it's an adequate compromise, but I don't see that sort of deal getting majority support here even if the EU offered it to the UK (which, of course, they don't have to do).

The Norway/Sweden border might be a useful model for the UK/Eire border post-Brexit, though. It's also a land border between EU and non-EU countries with a lot of cross-border traffic and they've made it work well. The UK/Eire border is a lot messier though. It even goes through houses in some places. Kitchen in one country, living room in another country. Then there's the peace issue - an open border is an important symbol of it.

Perhaps because I have and you are both talking rubbish?

Although the Kingdom of Norway is not a member state of the European Union (EU), it is closely associated with the Union through its membership in the European Economic Area (EEA), in the context of being a European Free Trade Association (EFTA) member.

14 Nov 2002
Under the Hill
Theresa May is absolutely delusional. "Strong and Stable" has been her mantra for the whole campaign. She single handedly called the election and the result has destablised the UK and the upcoming Brexit negotiations. She has now had to get into bed with the DUP, a party whose noses are so deep in the trough they can't see. This arrangement delivers disproportionate representation to the DUP, far beyond whay they have under the power sharing agreement. This fundamentally destablises Northern Ireland and is an even worse decision than calling the election in the first place. She does not deserve to be PM and if she had any dignity would resign.



13 Aug 2003
When people think Far Right do they think Jacob Rees Mogg or do they think BNP. There is no far right, there are racists who are called Far Right and their are extreme right wing libertarians (maybe even authoritarians I suppose) but Far Right is a pejorative term that is widely understood and deliberately misleading. No one is walking the streets at night worrying people who believe in small state and free market economics is going to beat them up.

You mean much like the use of "the left" on this forum by many that appear to think that left is anyone with views left of Trump of May? :p

Oh and another one for you slug. Those nasty leftie pro go hunting protestors during Labours last stint..


The "right" never go out and protest do they? ;)

The same people that are far left but see centre people as extreme right?
5 Sep 2009
God's own country
I guess you were asleep for the anti war protests? The bigest in UK history.

There is some serious glossing over of history and conformational bias going on in your posts.

And that is pathetic. Anti war protests? How was that in any weay comparable to people complaining when they lost an election. FFS, if that's the best you can come up with it says it all really. Pathetic.
5 Sep 2009
God's own country
Um, yes? You asked a question and I answered it?

The problem is that their beliefs and the reinforcement thereof is problematic if their beliefs don't bear any resemblance to objective reality.

LOL, you must have Google Fu'd for ages to post so hilariously. It reminds me of Blackadder:
"Indeed it is, sir -- but a very fine one, for I celebrated last night the
encyclopaedic implementation of my pre-meditated orchestration of demotic

Let's break it down into plain English, you don't speak to others like this... only on the net to sound pompous.
Reinforcing someones beliefs isn't problematic any more than what the Guardian and Mirror do. And as for "resemblance to objective reality" just look at Corbyn's manifesto and then give your head a shake.
You only m,ake yourself look foolish by posting so pompously thinking I'd be cowed or impressed by large words.

Like I said, pathetic.
21 Jan 2003
Theresa May is absolutely delusional. "Strong and Stable" has been her mantra for the whole campaign. She single handedly called the election and the result has destablised the UK and the upcoming Brexit negotiations. She has now had to get into bed with the DUP, a party whose noses are so deep in the trough they can't see. This arrangement delivers disproportionate representation to the DUP, far beyond whay they have under the power sharing agreement. This fundamentally destablises Northern Ireland and is an even worse decision than calling the election in the first place. She does not deserve to be PM and if she had any dignity would resign.

The conservatives are well on their way to being the political party that ruined this decade. I predict by 2021 Labour will be in power and offering real change optimism for the 20's ahead.
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