Poll: Exit Poll: UK General Election 2017 - Results discussion and OcUK Exit Poll - Closing 8th July

Exit poll: Who did you vote for?

  • Conservatives

    Votes: 302 27.5%
  • Labour

    Votes: 577 52.6%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 104 9.5%
  • Green

    Votes: 13 1.2%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 19 1.7%
  • Scottish National Party

    Votes: 30 2.7%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 6 0.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 46 4.2%

  • Total voters
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29 Jan 2008
Why are you asking me to present beyond your (false) yes is rubbish answers when you can look it up?

I can't look up your argument(assuming you have one) - it is rather different to you asking for basic facts then bizarrely declaring them to be 'rubbish'. Care to explain yourself or are you going to indulge in more time wasting rubbish?
18 Oct 2002
How is this hook up being seen in Ireland? I know SF are being pushed to take their seats, which they won't do, but people can't be happy with the DUP seemingly getting a lot more power...

Not really sure yet, it'll probably be monday before the mla's are on tv banging on about it in detail.
14 Mar 2005
Here and There...
How is this hook up being seen in Ireland? I know SF are being pushed to take their seats, which they won't do, but people can't be happy with the DUP seemingly getting a lot more power...
What SF should do is say they might take up their seats at any moment for important votes. Forcing the Tory party to wheel everyone into the commons sick of otherwise and bear them into line. That process is so draining they would struggle to keep it up for long. I'm hoping for a concerted effort from the opposition to **** things up for Mrs May at every opportunity!
16 Jun 2005
In the middle
What SF should do is say they might take up their seats at any moment for important votes. Forcing the Tory party to wheel everyone into the commons sick of otherwise and bear them into line. That process is so draining they would struggle to keep it up for long. I'm hoping for a concerted effort from the opposition to **** things up for Mrs May at every opportunity!
Glorious! :D



1 Feb 2007
What SF should do is say they might take up their seats at any moment for important votes. Forcing the Tory party to wheel everyone into the commons sick of otherwise and bear them into line. That process is so draining they would struggle to keep it up for long. I'm hoping for a concerted effort from the opposition to **** things up for Mrs May at every opportunity!

I don't think it quite works like that as the SF MPs would have to be sworn in first. It is that swearing in that they object to, as Republicans they do not recognise the Queen as head of state for them.
14 Nov 2002
Under the Hill
How is this hook up being seen in Ireland? I know SF are being pushed to take their seats, which they won't do, but people can't be happy with the DUP seemingly getting a lot more power...
The renewable heating scandal was the tipping point in disrupting power sharing. Things like this contributed:

The DUP are held accountable by many and there are quite a few whispers of friends and family of those in high places being beneficiaries of the scheme. For context, this scheme was delivered by Arlene Foster and will cost tax payers £1bn over the next 20 years. She is widely regarded (outside her constituency and in many pockets within) as incompetent and not fit to be first minister. Speaking with some family they are pretty annoyed by the current situation and although Catholic, are quite moderate in their views.
28 Jun 2005
On the hoods
LOL, you must have Google Fu'd for ages to post so hilariously. It reminds me of Blackadder:
"Indeed it is, sir -- but a very fine one, for I celebrated last night the
encyclopaedic implementation of my pre-meditated orchestration of demotic

Let's break it down into plain English, you don't speak to others like this... only on the net to sound pompous.
Reinforcing someones beliefs isn't problematic any more than what the Guardian and Mirror do. And as for "resemblance to objective reality" just look at Corbyn's manifesto and then give your head a shake.
You only m,ake yourself look foolish by posting so pompously thinking I'd be cowed or impressed by large words.

Like I said, pathetic.

I am actually a bit embarrassed looking back at it, as I said problem and problematic in close succession and the sentence got a bit muddled for it.

But anyway, I would talk to people like that if I thought they had the wit to understand. Clearly I misjudged a segment of my audience here.

And why would I need to google anything? We're any of the words I used beyond you? I hope not...

Deleted member 66701


Deleted member 66701

What SF should do is say they might take up their seats at any moment for important votes. Forcing the Tory party to wheel everyone into the commons sick of otherwise and bear them into line. That process is so draining they would struggle to keep it up for long. I'm hoping for a concerted effort from the opposition to **** things up for Mrs May at every opportunity!

Exactly - Wilson couldn't do it in '74 (lasted 8 months), Tories would fare no better*

*Although it should be noted that Wilson went on to win the new election with a majority of 3, but at least Wilson attempted cross party negotiations rather than what May is doing. This "putting the country first" is widely accepted as the reason why Wilson won the second election - I can't see May treading that path.
5 Sep 2009
God's own country
Ok last comment cus I don't wanna get dragged into an aguemnt into someone who sounds challenged.

Lets start with an insult calling someone challenged. That makes you sound childish.

You moaned about an extreme left not respecting the result of a referendum and said the right would have respected the result in a case of remain winning. You've ignored that there is a left who respect the result and said that ALL right wingers would have respected the result.

I never, ever mentioned extreme left, where does that come from? Making it up to suit your agenda again?

Well my dad said

But really? You are bringing "My Dad said" here as your argument? Oh my goodness that's making me chuckle.

So it seems you've targeted extreme left wingers but then denied that the extreme rightwingers wouldn't have done the same.

Well the simple fact you've tried to mitigate a lie by saying "it seems" makes everything you have said absolutely irrelevant.
Well done for lying and then backtracking poorly.
16 Jun 2005
In the middle
Exactly - Wilson couldn't do it in '74 (lasted 8 months), Tories would fare no better*

*Although it should be noted that Wilson went on to win the new election with a majority of 3, but at least Wilson attempted cross party negotiations rather than what May is doing. This "putting the country first" is widely accepted as the reason why Wilson won the second election - I can't see May treading that path.
With something as big as brexit looming there should absolutely be cross party negotiations going on, but unfortunately all we have is a wannabe dictator with no mandate being propped up by a small group of corrupt religious lunatics. What could possibly go wrong.
5 Sep 2009
God's own country

I am actually a bit embarrassed looking back at it, as I said problem and problematic in close succession and the sentence got a bit muddled for it.

But anyway, I would talk to people like that if I thought they had the wit to understand. Clearly I misjudged a segment of my audience here.

And why would I need to google anything? We're any of the words I used beyond you? I hope not...

ANd none of your words were beyond me, it was the pomposity of the post with a clear intent to brow beat. I'm quite sure you don't speak to people in person like that which is what makes me smile. The fact that your argument was so poor you had to resort to that hilarious post in order to try to assert superiority.
Funny as you like.
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