Poll: Exit Poll: UK General Election 2017 - Results discussion and OcUK Exit Poll - Closing 8th July

Exit poll: Who did you vote for?

  • Conservatives

    Votes: 302 27.5%
  • Labour

    Votes: 577 52.6%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 104 9.5%
  • Green

    Votes: 13 1.2%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 19 1.7%
  • Scottish National Party

    Votes: 30 2.7%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 6 0.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 46 4.2%

  • Total voters
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15 May 2006

Ireland’s prime minister has issued a warning to Theresa May over her plans to do a deal with the DUP to prop up a Tory minority government.

Enda Kenny, who has been Taoiseach since 2011, said he had indicated his “concern” to the prime minister over the plan.

Mr Kenny suggested that the arrangement, if poorly handled, could jeopardise the peace process in Northern Ireland.

He also raised concerns about the lack of a nationalist voice in favour of a united Ireland at Westminster – where the SDLP are now wiped out and Sinn Fein do not take their seats on principle.

He tweeted on Sunday: “Spoke with prime minister May - indicated my concern that nothing should happen to put Good Friday Agreement at risk, and [the] absence of nationalist voice in Westminster.”
15 May 2006
As I have said before even with the DUP there is no majority in parliament for May


Ruth Davidson has vowed to scupper Theresa May's hard Brexit, warning the Prime Minister her blueprint needs to be "reopened".

The Scottish Tory leader said she wanted to prioritise the economy and free trade in the upcoming EU negotiations, and that restricting immigration would not be a key focus.

Ms Davidson now wields considerable influence after the party in Scotland won 13 seats.

Former Tory Chancellor George Osborne described her as the "heroine of the party" who is now "flexing her muscles".

"She is the heroine of the party, if she had not won seats in Scotland...there would not be a Conservative government," the Evening Standard editor told The Andrew Marr Show.

"I don't think there is a majority now in the House of Commons for hard Brexit...and if the Ruth Davidsons of this world are starting to flex their muscles, in my view that can only be a good thing."

Her increased power could put Ms May's Brexit plans in jeopardy after the Prime Minister was significantly weakened when she failed to win a majority in the Commons in the general election.

Deleted member 66701


Deleted member 66701

i'm not disagreeing with the point, just the implementation.

i suppose you could link the right to vote for example with having some form of full time employment that generates tax revenue, of course that would likely end up with both students and retirees getting shafted as well as those on benefits.

And would deny the vote to home makers, those who have just lost their job, the disabled and the sick.

I'm not usually this straight forward, but that's a stupid idea.
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
We were told not to listen to the IFS and their damning reports on the affect that Brexit would have on the economy, so why should we listen to them now?

I am not directing this at you as i don't know how you voted in the referendum, but anyone who voted leave and brings up the economy when it comes to Labour/Corbyn needs to take a long hard look at themselves.

Didn't vote in the referendum - I'm an advocate of the countries of the world making more of an effort to work together not countries isolating themselves more at the same time I believe the EU has become outdated, somewhat corrupt and inefficient and badly in need of reform the only option I could vote for is one that pushed first for reform before leaving as a last resort.



13 Aug 2003
I dont. I was just making a point. If people are complaining that the young shouldn't be allowed to vote then neither should the elderly. They get their news from papers and sky news which is heavily biased. They don't understand new technology. From question time the other day it sounds like half of them want to drop a nuclear bomb on a country.

So if you want to ban the young from voting because they don't understand... Lets ban the elderly too..... Ironically if that happened we would have a labour government

I hardly ever watch Question Time now but was curious to see Friday's episode but wow! Where on earth did you get that? Oakshott?
19 Feb 2007
If people wanted a soft Brexit then why didn't Labour get a majority what with all of the free stuff he was offering? you can't even reach 326 seats with all of the remainer parties put together. If the DUP respect the 2016 independence referendum then May has only really lost 2 seats.

How can the Tories not getting a majority mean a rejection of hard Brexit and yet Labour doing appallingly by comparison isn't a rejection of soft Brexit?
Are you ignorant? You do realise Corbyn\Labour started this election campaign race handicapped.

If the election was a 6 furlong horse race, May had a 5 furlong head start, she only won by a short head, that is ridiculous.

Corbyn had been hammered into the ground for the past 18 month by all forms of the MSM, if there had been another week added on to the end of the election then Labour would have won imo.

e: May came across exactly as what she really is, vindictive, self serving and power hungry, and us peasants are beneath her.
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
From question time the other day it sounds like half of them want to drop a nuclear bomb on a country.

You mean they remember long enough back that they appreciate what it took for the level of peace and security we enjoy in this country rather than take it for granted as a self standing thing?
18 Oct 2012

Ireland’s prime minister has issued a warning to Theresa May over her plans to do a deal with the DUP to prop up a Tory minority government.

Enda Kenny, who has been Taoiseach since 2011, said he had indicated his “concern” to the prime minister over the plan.

Mr Kenny suggested that the arrangement, if poorly handled, could jeopardise the peace process in Northern Ireland.

He also raised concerns about the lack of a nationalist voice in favour of a united Ireland at Westminster – where the SDLP are now wiped out and Sinn Fein do not take their seats on principle.

He tweeted on Sunday: “Spoke with prime minister May - indicated my concern that nothing should happen to put Good Friday Agreement at risk, and [the] absence of nationalist voice in Westminster.”

it's nobody but Sinn Fein's fault if they decide not to take their seats on principle, nobody stopping them but themselves. I fully support their freedom to boycott Westminster as they choose but if they do then they can't complain they have no voice.

And would deny the vote to home makers, those who have just lost their job, the disabled and the sick.

I'm not usually this straight forward, but that's a stupid idea.

it is really stupid, but then so is being surprised that young folk vote for the party that bothers to try and engage with them, hasn't stopped some posters.
Last edited:
14 Feb 2004
Peoples Republic of Histonia, Cambridge
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