Poll: Exit Poll: UK General Election 2017 - Results discussion and OcUK Exit Poll - Closing 8th July

Exit poll: Who did you vote for?

  • Conservatives

    Votes: 302 27.5%
  • Labour

    Votes: 577 52.6%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 104 9.5%
  • Green

    Votes: 13 1.2%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 19 1.7%
  • Scottish National Party

    Votes: 30 2.7%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 6 0.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 46 4.2%

  • Total voters
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18 Oct 2002
Wargrave, UK
Well, if we end up with no deal jjwf will get his wish and we will crash out of the EU. I feel sorry for all the European nationals in the UK and the Brits abroad whose lives will be turned upside down.
I really think we need a government of national unity to ensure we get a decent deal that protects people's rights.
29 May 2006
Well, if we end up with no deal jjwf will get his wish and we will crash out of the EU. I feel sorry for all the European nationals in the UK and the Brits abroad who's lives will be turned upside down.
I really think we need a government of national unity to ensure we get a decent deal that protects people's rights.

Nothing would please me more then to see the whole country come together and knock out the best Brexit possible. National Government +1
18 Oct 2002
Wargrave, UK
Brexit will affect people in the UK for generations. It's bigger than party politics and bigger than any PM or minister. If we screw it up it's not us who will have to deal with it. It's our childeren.
19 Feb 2007
Just wanted to add another alternative pov to people complaining about the young.

You say they don't get politics... That their votes were bought and that they have no experience in life so that's why they voted labour.

Well votes have been bought to the elderly for years. That's why they have triple lock pensions. And then you get the elderly voters that don't get the internet so their only news source is the sun daily mail and sky news. They also don't get the internet so happy for it to be regulated when they have no understanding of how the internet works.

So stop blaming the young.... The elderly dont understand modern politics either.
Well said.
23 Dec 2012
You Tories underestimated Corbyn and Labour - are you going to make the same mistake again.

Is not the definition of stupidity doing the same thing over and over but expecting a different result? Labour members have tried something different and it's working.

Labour lost by a long way. Celebrating this loss is like celebrating a 3-0 defeat when you were expected to get beaten 6-0. The PLP and Blairites won't ever get on board with going back to the 1970s and the centrist vote won't either.
6 Oct 2004
Well, if we end up with no deal jjwf will get his wish and we will crash out of the EU. I feel sorry for all the European nationals in the UK and the Brits abroad whose lives will be turned upside down.

It's the Brits still living in the UK I feel more sorry for, the ones living abroad have had a lucky escape!

Deleted member 66701


Deleted member 66701

It makes no difference, we voted to leave and that's what will happen including no FOM & no single market.
You seriously think not having enough MP's to vote through a bill in parliament makes no difference to getting bills through parliament?

Now, I'm not saying that what you suggest wont happen (esp with Labour suggesting they would support it), but saying that a minority government doesn't affect the chances of that happening, well.........
7 Nov 2002
pantyhose factory

LOL, already the Orange Order are circle jerking over hopes they can do a contentious parade route and this would hopefully be "high on the agenda" of the government,

May is playing with fire and appears to be prepared to put her own lust for power ahead of keeping what little fragile stability there is in NI. I hope people see her for the dictator she is and boot her out.
6 Sep 2011
21 Jul 2012
Can you show where that article relates to your statement?

Corbyn was asked by Andrew Marr on the BBC this morning if the UK could “stay inside the Single Market and customs union” as part of a Brexit deal.
The Labour leader replied: “The Single Market is a requirement of EU membership and since we won’t be EU members there will have to be an arrangement made.”
He added: “Where I frame it is we want a tariff-free access to the European market.”

Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell was even clearer during an interview on ITV’s Peston on Sunday less than an hour later, confirming Labour would not seek for the UK to remain in the Single Market.

RP: Now, we’ve got the Brexit talks also scheduled to start Monday week. There are analyses of the current makeup of the Commons which would suggest that a majority of MPs would now be in favour of, in a personal sense, of Britain remaining in the European single market. Could Labour itself, given your manifesto, support continued membership of the single market.

JM: I can’t see it being on the table in the negotiation but…

RP: But if it got back on the table…

JM: I don’t think it’s feasible but we’ve been clear all the way along. Ours is a ‘jobs first Brexit’, everything we can do to protect our economy. That must mean tariff-free access to the single market, that’s going to be our…

RP: So you would, just to be clear on this because I think this is very important to people, you would support the prime minister, if Theresa May remains prime minister during these talks, you would support her in her determination to get us out of the European single market.

JM: Let’s be clear: we are respecting the decision of the referendum. We are democrats…

RP: Yes, but the decision was about leaving the EU, it wasn’t about leaving the single market.

JM: I think people will interpret membership of the single market as not respecting that referendum. However, what we’re saying very, very clearly; we had the contrast in this general election. Here we had the Conservative Party going for a ‘race to the bottom Brexit’ and undermining our economy. We always said it would be a ‘jobs first Brexit’…

RP: No, I understand that but it is clear… I think that you are absolutely saying that Labour remains wedded to the idea of leaving the single market.

JM: It’s access. Access to the single market on a tariff-free basis.

Which part of the transcript leads you to believe they'll be pushing to keep the UK in the Single Market?
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