Poll: Exit Poll: UK General Election 2017 - Results discussion and OcUK Exit Poll - Closing 8th July

Exit poll: Who did you vote for?

  • Conservatives

    Votes: 302 27.5%
  • Labour

    Votes: 577 52.6%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 104 9.5%
  • Green

    Votes: 13 1.2%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 19 1.7%
  • Scottish National Party

    Votes: 30 2.7%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 6 0.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 46 4.2%

  • Total voters
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21 Aug 2010
I'm not so sure, Conservatism and especially the hard right ideology of it is an out of date approach!
Young and informed people have realised that an individualistic, primitive and darwin like approach to society is not the correct path, the survival and progress of our species is hinged on cooperation, empathy, compassion and team-work!

Deleted member 66701


Deleted member 66701

I'm not so sure, Conservatism and especially the hard right ideology of it is an out of date approach!
Young and informed people have realised that an individualistic, primitive and darwin like approach to society is not the correct path, the survival and progress of our species is hinged on cooperation, empathy, compassion and team-work!
Yup - even after 15 odd years of a Labour government and a big economic crash in 2008 the Tories only managed to scrape into a coalition and then a measly 12 seat majority. The pendulum is swinging away from them.
Man of Honour
21 Feb 2006
Corbyn has impressed me. Not for many of is policies of which several are not something I could support, but for the way he has stood up to people in his party and the media, how he has taken a direction and gone with it and how he has positioned himself to his target demographic. He is obviously made of tough stuff and I always respect a politician who stands for something and doesn't seem to buckle under pressure from those around him. I will not vote for him, but it is healthy to have a strong opposition and he has my respect for being strong in the face of 'the normals' of politics.
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
the survival and progress of our species is hinged on cooperation, empathy, compassion and team-work!

The only way that can work is with a global consciousness shift to understand how to work together to further that goal - the more left leaning approach to it is a brute force application doomed to failure.
21 Aug 2010
Corbyn has impressed me. Not for many of is policies of which several are not something I could support, but for the way he has stood up to people in his party and the media, how he has taken a direction and gone with it and how he has positioned himself to his target demographic. He is obviously made of tough stuff and I always respect a politician who stands for something and doesn't seem to buckle under pressure from those around him. I will not vote for him, but it is healthy to have a strong opposition and he has my respect for being strong in the face of 'the normals' of politics.

His real and he has integrity, something that is utterly alien in politics these days!

15 May 2007
Ipswich / Bodham
You can't undo burned money. Besides, if Cameron is such a great guy as so many including here want him back, he was the one that caused all this mess and bailed ship. All of this is because of him.

No, you can't. But you can prevent burning any more. I'm not suggesting Cameron should come back - he shouldn't and he wouldn't. I'm suggesting that it should be considered to revoke A50. It is becoming more and more clear that a 'soft Brexit' is likely to deliver nothing close to what many thought it would when voting to leave.
18 Oct 2002
The obvious downside of revoking A50 (if it's possible) is that it means Farage won't go away. However, even if we let The Sun handle exit negotiations and it just ended up with a bad pun drawn on the rear end of a drunk man in an England shirt, with ties being severed instantly, it's not going to stop the people who complained endlessly about the EU complaining endlessly about something else. And Farage would just find a different scapegoat for his grifting.
30 Jun 2007
I'm not so sure, Conservatism and especially the hard right ideology of it is an out of date approach!
Young and informed people have realised that an individualistic, primitive and darwin like approach to society is not the correct path, the survival and progress of our species is hinged on cooperation, empathy, compassion and team-work!

so certainly not elft wing then?

which subsidies those who dont cooperate and work as a team.

capitalism rewards success.

communism rewards mediocrity.
18 Oct 2012
so certainly not elft wing then?

which subsidies those who dont cooperate and work as a team.

capitalism rewards success.

communism rewards mediocrity.

too much of either is a bad thing yes, but whilst capitalism rewards success, it equally relies on someone being on the bottom getting shafted, the longer this goes on with the money flowing upwards the more people end up becoming embittered.
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
Capitalism rewards the control of the means of production and exploitation of the working class by the few.

Who said anything about communism?

As the poster above me said too much of either is a bad thing. If you look at where Corbyn wants to take the country if eventually leads to a point where people are punished for the "crime" of being successful or fortunate and that regressive redistribution of wealth is unsustainable indefinitely without resorting to extreme measures.
28 Nov 2003
I'm not so sure, Conservatism and especially the hard right ideology of it is an out of date approach!
Young and informed people have realised that an individualistic, primitive and darwin like approach to society is not the correct path, the survival and progress of our species is hinged on cooperation, empathy, compassion and team-work!

How "nice", but as the years pile on this idealistic view so many of us had in our youth will be bushwhacked by one or more of these realities. Marriage, bosses, work colleagues, work competitors, customers, neighbours, officialdom or just the plain old vicissitudes of life's cold realities. I'd love you to read your own post here in 30 years time and know what you thought of it then..... :) Humans are tribal, and you are best remembering that, and how tribalism works.
9 Aug 2013
Young and informed people

Im young and informed, and can tell you this is a crock of ****.

We aren't advanced enough yet to live in a star-trek utopia world.

Capitalism drives the world pure and simple.

New medicines and treatments for example, they aren't being developed for the good of mankind, they're developed for a healthy bottom line.
6 Oct 2004
I have already started 21+

So who's going to vote for the future of today's youth if they aren't allowed to? Judging by your posting, the "mature" 40+ year-olds in their safe careers with their appreciating assets certainly don't give a *** about them, so who exactly is going to look out for them?

With your suggestion, someone who just misses turning 21 when there's a GE could potentially be 26 by the time they actually get to vote; should they not be allowed a say in their future before that, at the point when most people start working on their career/building a family/etc?

Deleted member 66701


Deleted member 66701

As the poster above me said too much of either is a bad thing. If you look at where Corbyn wants to take the country if eventually leads to a point where people are punished for the "crime" of being successful or fortunate and that regressive redistribution of wealth is unsustainable indefinitely without resorting to extreme measures.

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