Poll: Exit Poll: UK General Election 2017 - Results discussion and OcUK Exit Poll - Closing 8th July

Exit poll: Who did you vote for?

  • Conservatives

    Votes: 302 27.5%
  • Labour

    Votes: 577 52.6%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 104 9.5%
  • Green

    Votes: 13 1.2%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 19 1.7%
  • Scottish National Party

    Votes: 30 2.7%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 6 0.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 46 4.2%

  • Total voters
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Sturgeon - voters rejected hard Brexit: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-politics-40252351/nicola-sturgeon-voters-rejected-hard-brexit

Uhm - no, they didn't. 85% of people voted for a party that supported leaving the single market (Labour and Conservatives).

That's complete tosh, unless you are suggesting that people only voted on one policy, which they did not.

I think one of Ashcroft's poll suggested only 8% of all labour votes considered brexit as the priority. Most labour votes when asked said they were more concerned with NHS funding.
a choice between "hard brexit" and "hard brexit" isn't exactly a choice though
what's great is in one post he said labour has no plan and no manifesto on brexit and then in the next post says its a hard brexit. which one is it.

in reality, if he bothered to read labours manifesto, it in no way can be described as hard, even quoted for it, guess what in normal scorza style he totally ignored it and moved on to his next troll posts.
I'm pretty hopeful that we're going to see an increasingly liberal society in the years to come if the voting statistics above are anything to go by :)

It's kind of hard not to feel stuffed over by the older generations for their wtfbbq choices.
I think its becoming more likely that its mainly the Older demographic that want a hard brexit. However... my vote wasnt to revert the referendum... or anything to do with brexit at all. My vote was for a fairer society and I think corbyn is the man that will at least attempt that.
I think its becoming more likely that its mainly the Older demographic that want a hard brexit. However... my vote wasnt to revert the referendum... or anything to do with brexit at all. My vote was for a fairer society and I think corbyn is the man that will at least attempt that.
With age comes conservatism.

Liberal facisism has taken control of western society, the mess is down to that.
That's complete tosh, unless you are suggesting that people only voted on one policy, which they did not.

I think one of Ashcroft's poll suggested only 8% of all labour votes considered brexit as the priority. Most labour votes when asked said they were more concerned with NHS funding.

Its probably far more nuanced than that as they basically bribed everyone possible in to voting for them.
As for hard brexit it's not a question of going for that, it's a question of not ruling it out, quite a different prospect but one you wouldn't show your hand on to who your negotiating with.
As for hard brexit it's not a question of going for that, it's a question of not ruling it out, quite a different prospect but one you wouldn't show your hand on to who your negotiating with.

The Choice is not Hard or Soft Brexit - it is Orderly or Disorderly exit. Soft Brexit is a myth.

What is the liberal facism?



.Liberals erroneously claim that the conservative right are fascists, or generally speaking, the farther right a society travels on the ideological spectrum the closer to fascism it gets. It is simply untrue. In fact, conservatism and fascism are on complete opposite ends of the ideological spectrum. Progressivism and fascism, however, are firmly located on the same side of the spectrum as fascism — the left.
But hang on a second: isn’t fascism all about war when liberals are all about peace and love? Not quite, says Goldberg, though this is indeed the most common misconception about the ‘f’ word. It’s not the war part of fascism’s inherent militarism that liberals find so attractive but the way it gives the state the chance to take control and put the whole of society on a war footing. In order to effect this sweeping social mobilisation, liberals need grand and apparently urgent causes to justify the bossiness and repression that this inevitably entails. ‘Climate change’ provided them with a perfect excuse for this kind of statist bullying
Its probably far more nuanced than that as they basically bribed everyone possible in to voting for them.

We've done this several times. More or less every voter votes for what benefits themselves and their family. The grey vote have been bought by the Tories since always.

Again though you are suggesting people voted on one aspect of the labour manifesto when it's unlikely that was the case.
The Choice is not Hard or Soft Brexit - it is Orderly or Disorderly exit. Soft Brexit is a myth.


I think hard brexit is meant to represent leaving the single market. AFAIK the Tory and Labour manifestos wanted freedom of movement (FoM) to cease and were led to believe by the EU that we can't have access to the single market without the latter but we haven't got down to negotiating yet so whether they are prepared to move on that stand point is anyones guess atm, I would be surprised if they would though so in effect we have no choice other than a hard brexit by default with regards to FoM.
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