Poll: Exit Poll: UK General Election 2017 - Results discussion and OcUK Exit Poll - Closing 8th July

Exit poll: Who did you vote for?

  • Conservatives

    Votes: 302 27.5%
  • Labour

    Votes: 577 52.6%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 104 9.5%
  • Green

    Votes: 13 1.2%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 19 1.7%
  • Scottish National Party

    Votes: 30 2.7%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 6 0.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 46 4.2%

  • Total voters
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They've obviously all been briefed to just parrot the same rubbish. Surely even when they are saying it they must know nobody believes it.

I'd haver more respect if they just said, my bad, we made a wrong choice, we messed up but this is the card we have been dealt so lets just do what we can.

This Strong and stable government in the national interest does not wash with anyone.
The conservatives have destablised this country now twice and it wasnt for the national interest but their desire to have more power.

What a joke. I'm glad people are waking up to this.
Does it not seem slightly unfair that <18 year olds are not allowed to vote yet with our aging population there is no cap on upper voter age? It means the Tories will have a progressively larger voter base over time, many of whom will not live to see the policies enacted (if we're being brutal about it).

It might seem unfair but pretty much any policy you bring in to combat it will be worse in one way or another.
Opposed to sold down the river, on a river of debt that the Labour party would sign us up to with every conceivable reckless way they could spend our money and a pile of borrowed money that one day we'd have to bail them out again with.
Remind me how the tory deficit reduction plan is going? The one Hammond has postponed indefinitely? I'd rather we not destroy the NHS in a bid to ideologically cut our spending. Of course, if either party were serious about sorting out our deficit and debt then they'd do something about the pension black hole. Are the tories going to make cuts there while they're cutting everything else? Nope.

That was the outcome of the referendum.
A referendum granted us by an idiot at the helm of which bickering, divided party?
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Clearly there are many shades between being in the EU like we are today, and being out of the EU like a country such as US.

The disorderly element of Brexit come from the potential disagreements over what our post exit relationship with the EU looks like.

Tariffs in particular because without freedom of movement it will be difficult to get a comparative deal on trade without making the whole EU project rather pointless for those countries that remain.
Does it not seem slightly unfair that <18 year olds are not allowed to vote yet with our aging population there is no cap on upper voter age? It means the Tories will have a progressively larger voter base over time, many of whom will not live to see the policies enacted (if we're being brutal about it).

we've had this debate before, with various different sides and the overall conclusion was either lower it to 16 (old enough to die for your country old enough to vote etc) or leave it as is

i suppose you could technically put a limit of losing the vote 18 years before you die, but then ofc that's impossible to put into practice.
Does it not seem slightly unfair that <18 year olds are not allowed to vote yet with our aging population there is no cap on upper voter age? It means the Tories will have a progressively larger voter base over time, many of whom will not live to see the policies enacted (if we're being brutal about it).

Nor do they care about progressive policies that improve the future of the country.
Investment comes from growth, as the Tories have said we need to get brexit right and other investment stems from that rather than Labour's reckless promises that you can have your cake today on borrowed money and no idea of whether they would pound for pound increase the economy on the back of that spending.

Nonsense, you have to speculate to accumulate.
Obama realised this and borrowed big with his stimulus package that help drag the US economy out the gutter.
Austerity is suffocating any type of economic recovery in the u.k imho
None the less it was the outcome of a democratic referendum and you can't rerun it until you get the answer you desire.

which is gon' be real ironic if they have to re-run this general election.

it was a close vote, of course people are going to be annoyed. the only thing i'd say is how come folk are to scared of having another referendum? surely we brexited first time and we'll brexit again, of course knowing the result hasn't changed anyone's mind at all.....
Its pointless you add a at most ~1-2m voters at the lower end and the population is aging faster than that (if we truly believe 40-50 year olds like harming themselves as much as 50-grave folk do).
None the less it was the outcome of a democratic referendum and you can't rerun it until you get the answer you desire.
Democracy doesn't work very well with an at best ill informed and at worst wilfully ignorant electorate.

Besides, the referendum was only advisory. They could have ignored the result and said it was not sufficiently conclusive.
I think this election will go down in history as being a bad example of democracy. I'm not totally against a hung parliament but it couldn't of happened at a worse time. We needed strong and stable when dealing with such a monumental shift in the future of our country. If we didn't have brexit on the horizon I wouldn't have a problem with a hung parliament for our own domestic issues. I think a lot of people voted Labour to give the Tories a bloody nose but messing up brexit won't result in any winners IMO.
DUP won't stand for a hard Brexit either, and they are the only thing keeping the Conservatives propped up.
Listening to David Davis today, he seemed quite open to the idea of taking advice from the likes of Kier Starmer about Brexit, so I have a feeling that this isn't going to be the Brexit that some are expecting.

Hes desperate for someone to give him some clue on what to do, hes running out of time and people are starting to expect some action.
Hes still on page 1 of his notebook which he has written ideas on the front of. Number 1 is "resign" ;)
Democracy doesn't work very well with an at best ill informed and at worst wilfully ignorant electorate.

Besides, the referendum was only advisory. They could have ignored the result and said it was not sufficiently conclusive.

Technically yes, but we were given their word that we would get what we chose.
I think its pointless having another referendum now.... Things are now destablising even more because of our government. And I'm saying this as a remainer who still wants to remain.
I think its even more clear now though that if the referendum was reran in 2 years time Remain would likely win.... by that time the elderly pop would have fallen to shift the voter over to remain.... its mainly them that are brexiters and its mainly them that are right wingers.

One question... why are elections / referendums held during the week. It really goes into the elderly / retirees favour as they have all day to vote and not much to do.
I think this election will go down in history as being a bad example of democracy. I'm not totally against a hung parliament but it couldn't of happened at a worse time. We needed strong and stable when dealing with such a monumental shift in the future of our country. If we didn't have brexit on the horizon I wouldn't have a problem with a hung parliament for our own domestic issues. I think a lot of people voted Labour to give the Tories a bloody nose but messing up brexit won't result in any winners IMO.

Nah, i much prefer total chaos if it gets people noticing the total shambles their country is.
Clearly there are many shades between being in the EU like we are today, and being out of the EU like a country such as US.

The disorderly element of Brexit come from the potential disagreements over what our post exit relationship with the EU looks like.

I agree, the point I'm making however is that the UK must renegotiate its way back in as a Third Country. There is no staying in, the UK will leave, fully. Unless A50 is revoked I suppose, but that's unlikely. Also I think you'll find the EU's idea of the disorderly element has little to do with the future relationship and more to do with the pragmatic details of separation.

Nah, i much prefer total chaos if it gets people noticing the total shambles their country is.

Well I'm glad it will be a total shambles under the control of UK Parliament rather than the EU, in years to come all that legislation returning to our statue book will be up for amendment to suit us better subject to our parliament debating what the UK needs.
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