FC3 is a better shooter, FC4 has too many animals/bandits attacking you, i got so fed up with it that i deleted the game......even the damned birds attack you.
everywhere you walk you hear screaming and gunfire, Wolves, bears and eagles attacking you
it is not a game for strolling around enjoying the view like FC3, Nature is random and unpredictable, (the vegetation and the lifeforms), but FC4 has got it totally wrong, it's too much of everything all around you.
it's a lazy careless shooter and it's bugged to hell...in comparison, FC3 is one of the best there is.
but to be totally honest, FC3 is a bit too boring, what's gone wrong is you have tiny enemy camps that need liberating and that's it, the 1st game had it right because if you remember it well, you spent a lot of time inside buildings and underground in bunkers/ caves/ science facilities etc.
FC1 is the best, but sadly looks extremely old nowadays