Favourite ice cream

Anyone tried the new Heston range of ice creams in Waitrose? 3 flavours available:

Salted caramel Popcorn
Chocolate with Rosemary
Yuk, no thanks, i am a bit of a traditionalist regarding my ice cream. ;):p

I am going to make proper vanilla ice cream tomorrow. Will stock up on eggs, cream and whole milk later, get vanilla pods and vanilla essence.

What's rum n rasin? Like what it says on the tin?
And vernmonster?

I'm going to make my own mint choc chip, raspberry frozen yogurt, chunky monkey (banana flavour with dark chocolate chunks), mango and rocky road!

That's just this weekend! Lol

dont you mean extract. not that artificial stuff called essence

I am off to buy ingredients!


updates please :) and i am not jealous, ;)
Just finished a batch of lavender ice cream, this is something all you guys should have a go at it is really really good. Simple too, basically replace vanilla extract/pod for 5 drops of lavender essence. It works so well.

Oh and if you're interested it's a normal off white/cream colour not lavender coloured.
Ok, ice cream bases are made and chilling in the fridge ready for tomorrow.

Sample 1 - Blueberries and Cherry frozen Yogurt mix
Sample 2 - French Vanilla Ice cream, made with a custard base with egg yokes, vanilla extract and 1 vanilla pod (probably cheaper to buy ready made as the pods are £4 for 2 and vanilla extracts are £6 a bottle!)

Tempted to use half the vanilla mix to make plain vanilla ice cream. The other half i am going to add in some crushed dark Green & Black dark Chocolate bits.
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I hope I am doing it right. Most recipes online are American so its all in ounces and 1 cup this and 1 3/4 cup that.

I have no idea what a cup is so I just took a 12 ounce mug and used that as a unit of "cup" and everything went relative to that.....at least the proportions should be correct.

I mean, what can go wrong? It's full of sugar, no matter how it turns out it'll be sweet and cold lol

Right? :D
To much sugar will turn it extremely hard.

How can you not have cups? Cups are amazing and I wish all recipes would use it. Why gaff about weighing stuff.
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