Sigh, got really excited at the idea of the 87-rated Vrsalkjo, didn't realise you need _12_ wins in Online Singles :/
Sigh, got really excited at the idea of the 87-rated Vrsalkjo, didn't realise you need _12_ wins in Online Singles :/
Currently half time in a match vs a full icon squad. I'm deservedly winning 2-0. Feels like the game is trying to let him back into it.. I'm having to make every tackle 2-3 times and I've hit the post/bar twice since going 2 ahead (with green timed bull shots).
Beat him 3-1. Horrific experience.
Please no let’s not go down that route again ..... please no.The game is so scripted it’s unreal
Damn the lucky SOB I've been doing lots for him. Currently 15-2 best ever record to this point with the addition of TOTY KDB and Prime Raul. Coincedince I think not, Raul scores some pure cheesy goals.
Don’t you dare put across the fact this game might be pay2win, how dare you.
Fuji pulled TOTY Mbappe from an upgrade pack on his RTG. IT'S JUST A COINCIDENCE GUYS!![]()
You're just as likely to have your superior player advantage flushed down the drain by the dodgy gameplay. I just struggled horribly against some guy with discard golds, he wasn't even that good.
What a superb game to pump money into then![]()
First go at the weekend league and at 6 games in all I can say is that I hate it
Loaded teams, people playing all sweaty and other rubbish ways of winning and players are just second to everything. Absolutely terrible. Won't be playing again, a break from online for a bit and then I'll stick to Rivals if at all.
Get what you mean. Tbh if I knew they were releasing the Ibra SBC I wouldn't have got him, I'd have done Best prime instead. That being said can't really complain with how the team's playing:
Baby Best - 32 games, 32 goals, 12 assists. **** knows what that would be with his prime version!
FB Ibra - 28 games, 26 goals, 21 assists
Prime Raul - 28 games, 20 goals, 24 assists
TOTY Marcelo - 7 games, 6 goals. Played as a CM in a 41212 narrow.
I've got 700K in the bank at the moment. Think I'm going to save for TOTY Kante.
Last game brought up 500 wins on my account. Record of 500-20-194. Not bad but I'm definitely not as good as I was a couple years ago.
So, new team:
4231 - Fernandinho or Fabinho will go to CB, Marcelo to CDM, and Militao to left back, I don't use them to attack much and he seems fast enough and decent defensively. Also allows Casillas to be tried. I do have better RB's in the club but chem is a slight issue.
I used untradeables mostly for VVD, and got about 150k back from the packs, so he cost around 180k in total, which I thought was decent, especially if he goes up to 91 next month.