Final Fantasy XIV - A Realm Reborn

Disappointed to read 'cross server dungeon finder. It was all the cross server stuff that killed wow for me.

Found it much more enjoyable to recognise people from your server in bgs/dungeons wheras now you either queue with a full premade or get lumped with randoms you will never see again that dont think twice about being morons because why not, not like they will get a bad name on their server and be avoided :|
Disappointed to read 'cross server dungeon finder. It was all the cross server stuff that killed wow for me.

Found it much more enjoyable to recognise people from your server in bgs/dungeons wheras now you either queue with a full premade or get lumped with randoms you will never see again that dont think twice about being morons because why not, not like they will get a bad name on their server and be avoided :|
I've never thought about that as I have no experience with it. Hopefully the community will be more mature in FFXIV. Also I do know they are constantly monitoring and changing how the loot system works in dungeons, so hopefully it won't be so bad and they'll have good redundancy systems which discourages people from being *****.
Man this had me tortured last night, I was almost going to give up, asks for email/Nickname to start then nickname, then email.

I sent myself 3 password resets before I realised I didn't need to be putting in the one time password section lol

These guys at squenix are literally using account management pages from the late 90s. Horrible lol!
Yeah, complete ****

Just got an hour to myself, and thought lets go, lets explore, but they've taken the servers down until further notice it seems :(

Servers were only up for the weekend, they are still doing timed tests at the moment where the servers are normally up for around 72 hours.

There will be another weekend announced shortly.

Open beta which will be phase 4, will be the next big phase but that's probably at least 6 weeks away.
Beta Test Phase 3 Schedule (06/18/2013)
Thank you for your participation in the beta test for FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn.

The testing schedule is detailed below.

Dates and Times
June 21, 2013 (Friday), 2:00 a.m. to June 23, 2013 (Sunday), 2:00 a.m. (PDT)
June 21, 2013 (Friday), 9:00 a.m. to June 23, 2013 (Sunday), 9:00 a.m. (GMT)
I'm guessing this is p2p?

I wouldn't mind trying this but was so badly burnt by the first horrific incarnation I would be very reluctant to pay a penny until I knew it was good.
I'm guessing this is p2p?

I wouldn't mind trying this but was so badly burnt by the first horrific incarnation I would be very reluctant to pay a penny until I knew it was good.

Yea, it's p2p.

I quit the original because it was really boring but this certainly has improved. Hope you get a chance to check it out.

Thanks for the testing schedule Ade74. :)
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Been posting mainly in the console thread as it seemed a little more active.

Seems to be a few guys from here on Odin server. I made a linkshell so it's easier for us to communicate. Give me a shout in game if you want an invite Character Name: Kaiku Hai

Should be on all through this weekends test.
Beta Test Phase 3 Schedule (06/18/2013)
Thank you for your participation in the beta test for FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn.

The testing schedule is detailed below.

Dates and Times
June 21, 2013 (Friday), 2:00 a.m. to June 23, 2013 (Sunday), 2:00 a.m. (PDT)
June 21, 2013 (Friday), 9:00 a.m. to June 23, 2013 (Sunday), 9:00 a.m. (GMT)
everyone in the last test is still in the next right?

moogle seems to be the unofficial uk server btw
Linkshell is basically just a chatroom really. You can have up to 8 at any time, each linkshell can contain up to 128 people.
Was anyone playing over the weekend?

Managed to get my Maurader to lv22 and beat Ifirt :D.
Really enjoying the beta so far.

I never played FFXIV 1.0 but put tons of hours into FFXI.
One thing that I find benefits the game above all is the ability to teleport to all the different areas if you've touched the Aetheryte. No more wasting 30 minutes travelling back through all the zones!
Yeah played a hell of a lot over the weekend. 18 hours friday and 15 hours saturday :o

Got THM to 34 and did a few runs of the 32 dungeon (Longstrops?), was fun. Killed the Giant NM crab (Cancer) in Costa Del Sol with a group of 8 people. Took around 15 mins so no idea how much HP he got but it's a lot. got 20k exp from that one Fate which was nice.

Limsa is the one place I haven't leveled up in yet but it looks amazing so I think I'll save it till release when I level Arcanist.
Been playing beta from phase 2... absoulutely love it, though I dislike the combat lag which hopefully is reduced by official release.
Been playing beta from phase 2... absoulutely love it, though I dislike the combat lag which hopefully is reduced by official release.
mines fine are you not on an EU server? I'm assuming they are actually in the eu :p

From the UK > japan should be a ping of around 250-300
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I've been playing on Moogle and not had any lag.

Ahhhh, i really don't know what class stick with.
I prefer melee based class's, think GLD has been the most fun so far.
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