Final Fantasy XIV - A Realm Reborn

One character slot per server is £7.69 per month (8 max)
8 character slots per server (40 max) is £8.99 per month (using 30 day sub - less if you pay more0.

They're doing it this way because theoretically one character can be all classes - in practice you'll run out of quests pretty quickly so you'll have to grind to level everything - but the choice is there


Oh right, I thought it was £10 for 1 slot and £15 for 8 slots, I'll just go with the 8 then, not such a big difference. Must have gotten £ mixed up with $.
You put a lot of time into this game so far then DinAlt? I only clocked up about 5-6 hours in Beta 3, but really looking forward to it. You going to pick it up on release?
i got in at the end of P2 - Ive played most of the weekend sessions since. I've preordered because although there's nothing particularly new (other than the ability to swap classes / use abilities from other classes) I found my self enjoying the story and graphics - will it be a long term relationship ? Dunno to be honest - depends on the new end game which no one has seen. Will it be fun for a couple of months definitely.

I'm a long term MMOer and this is the only game I'm actively interested in currently, lets hope it'll keep it's attraction :)

Oh right, I thought it was £10 for 1 slot and £15 for 8 slots, I'll just go with the 8 then, not such a big difference. Must have gotten £ mixed up with $.
Yeah the difference isn't much -I'll probably do the 1 character sub for a month and see how far I get in that month and whether I can take the grind for secondary classes.
Please note to get the best out of any toon you'll need to get the primary class to level 30 and two subsidiary classes to at least 15 to unlock your "job" (specialist class) plus if you really want to min / max you'll want to get to at least level 20 in a crafting profession to unlock the crafting of "materia" (similar to adorns in WoW). Then to save money / reduce dependency on other players you'll probably want to level a gathering class (or two) to help out with your crafting. Note you can do all of the above on one character... So you'll have lots to do whichever way youchoose to play. And remember if you get bored of being a mage. You can join the warrior's guild and start from scratch (statwise) but with the benefit of keeping your cash, reputation and gear !

Personally, during P4 I'll hit the level cap on the 16th either as a Conjuror or Arcanist then cross train as a Thaumaturge and possibly Archer for the sideskills. After that I'll level up my crafting to cap and if I have any time left (I won't be able to play on the Saturday as I'm going to a gig) I'll level up my harvesting (unfortunately this last is very boring so it's never going to be a priority for me.

Just thought I'd add - P4 is capped at level 20 so I'm aiming to get all the stuff I've done before out the way as quickly as possible, plus current beta players get in a day before open beta starts so I want to get out of the starter area before it gets congested.

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thanks! will have a look, and yeah I've been looking for a game with player housing for a while, was waiting for archeage but taking ages.
yeah stated like that it's a bit confusing but really all it means is they've made it so you can be every class in game and made it so that to be the best you need all three types of class - adventure, crafting and gathering - they all reinforce one another (though if you hate any of the three types you can either buy materials to avoid gathering or get material crafted / fitted for you if you hate crafting (unfortunately it appears the best end game gear will be raid / dungeon so crafting won't be for "epic" gear)

thanks! will have a look, and yeah I've been looking for a game with player housing for a while, was waiting for archeage but taking ages.

If you like player housing the best game by far is Everquest 2. Many people literally do nothing but design and decoration - some of the results are absolutely amazing. There are leaderboards in game which alllow you to see and even visit people's creations and rate them.
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This has caught my eye recently, tried the original iteration and never got into it, this is looking more promising.

I've found a lot of information on classes but can't seem to find the basics! So essentially you can level up all classes on one character without any negative impact to any in particular? Also reading up on jobs I found that "the job also restricts your cross-class sharing by limiting you to two classes (based on the job)" does this refer to the sharing of skills only, or the use of classes generally?

I'm surprised they've gone with upfront purchase + sub, especially since PS2 has had such success with their model. I'm not complaining personally as I've always preferred people investing in the game on an equal footing.
This has caught my eye recently, tried the original iteration and never got into it, this is looking more promising.

I've found a lot of information on classes but can't seem to find the basics! So essentially you can level up all classes on one character without any negative impact to any in particular? Also reading up on jobs I found that "the job also restricts your cross-class sharing by limiting you to two classes (based on the job)" does this refer to the sharing of skills only, or the use of classes generally?

I'm surprised they've gone with upfront purchase + sub, especially since PS2 has had such success with their model. I'm not complaining personally as I've always preferred people investing in the game on an equal footing.
The way it works is that you select the class you are gaining xp for by equipping its weapon (or tool if it's a crafting or gathering class). For every 5 levels in the class who's weapon you have equipped you get one skill slot opened which can be from any other class you've levelled. These extra skill slots alllow you to add skills from other classes and use them at will - the normal example would be training 3 levels in Conjuror unlocks a heal spell for all your other classes (not all skills are cross trainable BTW).
Once you have met the requirements to equip a "job" (which is what they call specialised classes) you can then only use the side skills from two specific classes which vary for each job (you get unique extra skills from the jobs themselves as compensation).
You can of cause still swap out your weapons again to regain any sideskills you need.
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Hi guys,

Sorry for the shameless plug but I saw this thread get bumped the other day. I've created a new channel looking to get some FF14 content out there. I know the videos are a bit rough around the edges but heres the first 2 I made.

Just tried out the benchmark thing and damn it looks good for an MMO. Will have to give a try at the weekend with the open beta and see if it's worth buying, it wasn't even on my radar until now.
Graphics look polished, with an interesting class system, but what high-level and end game content is there at launch? The release isn't far off and it appears that jobs haven't even been tested yet?
I played a couple of classes up to about level 16 earlier in the beta & whilst it felt quite polished I found it to be very run of the mill mmo fare. I hope it does well but I don't think I'll be getting it...
£11.00 for the pre-order on GMG with Cities XL 2011(free game) trade in and GMG25-OGRUH-7SM8H.... just don't know whether too!
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