Fishing - Anybody doing any ?

Still here. Nothing since apart from being snagged and lost a rig weight and shock leader.

Blasted tapered leaders to braided line. Fun tieing that one on the beach.
Thanks to Cainer & Dave :)

Spent the morning doing casting practice.. well and some fishing amongst the snags - lost more kit than I have done so far in sea fishing in one morning.

Barrel jellyfish..

Usual suspects stealing bait

But I did catch one mackerel! Dinner tonight..
Is that your haul from the marina today?

Sea Angler has an article about sea walls this month. They mentioned about the multitude and decades of fishing gear all hooked up, lost from past anglers creating one big snag. They recommend casting far and reeling in fast and high.
Is that your haul from the marina today?

Sea Angler has an article about sea walls this month. They mentioned about the multitude and decades of fishing gear all hooked up, lost from past anglers creating one big snag. They recommend casting far and reeling in fast and high.

Will leave cainer to elaborate - but that is all I caught.

It was slow going across the board - couple of garfish by the old bloke next to us on floats. However nothing biting lures - the warden was suggesting float and mack strips in the still weather. I tried lures and float but not bait..

The later part of the trip I was trying out the uptide casting.. trying to get some distance, which I was starting to get. The spinning rod was good with 2oz, so I think I need to stock up on 1-2oz weights for that.
cheers for comming down Nick,
by all accounts a slow day though :/, between the three of us we only had 6 mackerel, and 1 pout....
3 starfish and 1 spider crab also graced our lines though lol, fished from ~06:30 - 12.45.
we fished the west wall in the end and the snaggy ground proved to be a bit of a problem, appart from what us 3 caught i only saw 2 garfish and 6-8 mackerel and i over heard one guy saying he saw someone catch a bream and that was it for the west wall, just one of those days i guess :/.
we bumped into two bailiffs on our way back to the car apparently the east wall saw a plaice, a red mullet, some bream and a few mackerel so i dont think the grass was much greener on the other side, but saying that i will fish the east wall next time to avoid the snags!
those jellyfish though... wow they were huge, the diameter of the head must have been 18" at least

one butt hooked spider crab

some maccies
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The sea was really dead today almost flat today, the Sea Angler mag says that walled piers / marinas fish best with an oncoming tide i.e. west to east too blow all the food onto the wall. They did say a flat sea could mean a blank day so it looks like you done well.

What bait were you using?
Mrs back and seems happy.. looking forward to the macky dinner :D Oddly - it's the first time I've caught mackerel (on the boats I never seem to have the knack).

Equipment washed down, tried and rod rings WD40'd.

So the spinning rod at 1-2oz casting is awesome fun :) The mackerel you could feel but it could cope with far bigger fish. It was funny the two oriental guys in the next bay kept watching the casting - seemed to me that I was going further with 2oz and feathers etc than he was going with a far bigger rod and reel. The rod looks like an LRF but it's definitely a boat rod!

Had chance to play with the uptide using the lower handle. After trying 3,5,6,9,10-12oz (can't read it so should measure it at some point) it's casting is between 5-10oz rating showed it was very happy with 6-9oz and I think would do 10oz on a boat just to get away from the boat.
The multiplier cast was funny - initially the casts were slow spooling.. as I got better and found the 6oz weight, with a short drop to the lead, resulted in the spooling getting faster and faster - the last cast was nuts with the reel screaming. The old Pen 160 is probably at it's limit (as Cainer noted). Will try the warbird next but for now that's a decent boat cast distance for up tiding and far better than I was doing previously.
The uptide smaller rings mean I will need to look carefully at how I tie the knots, I had several interesting mishaps with the lead slamming the harbour wall thanks to a knot sticking in the rings.
I could have put the hyper loop FS reel on the uptide but I was concerned that the 20lb braid would cut my finger and the strain may be too much. It was starting to dig in on the spinning rod casting but not too bad.

The norwegian pirk came into it's own for snags - wrapping the braid around it and then leaning back to free the snag (50lb braid!) or snap the braid at the knot (20lb braid) without causing too much abrasion. The wall has braided the 20lb a bit at close range.. so I will keep an eye on that.

That area is not a good place to use treble hooks - I even lost my sparkly cod spoon (single 6/0 or 8/0 hook) I was using as an attractant - should have taken off the hook.

So I need to restock some weights, some feathers, vibe eels, a bass/cod spoon, ...

Definitely up for a next time out.. if a boat position comes available I'd be happy to put forward you both. Mental note - take some change and lower denominations as the bailiff doesn't have change - I also feel I owe you some diesel!
Looking at the cost of boats soon. Nothing massive just enough to get out a bit. Probably something on a trailer.

Boats- everything is a grand. Unfortunately that also applies to smaller boats :/

One of the guys on the WSF boat forum had is boat out for antifouling (£800 lift) and then found out that one of his props is the reason for his slow performance - the tips are bent so that's another £4000 for a new prop..

Wilson Flyer seems to be favourite. Works for two people.
yaaaay, macca's getting a boat... AND WERE ALL INVITED :D

seems a reasonable cost if you use it enough, you'l get into some nice fishing grounds out from newhaven too
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