Folding@Home Weekly Team News - 20th July 2006

26 Dec 2002
Folding@Home Team News 13th - 20th July 2006

Current Team Position: 48th
Current Team Score: 17,368,572
Crunched This Week: 317,378 (24hr avg. 45,340)
Change from Last Week: -29,520

Next on the stomping horizon

39 The Team - 163 days (-16 days)
46 - 83 days (-30 days)
43 MacAddict4Life - 80 days (-3 days)
45 GruntvillE.CoM - 79 days (-6 days)
47 Team Lithuania - 44 days (-12 days)

Teams stomped this week


Ones to keep an eye on

None for EVERRRRRR!!! :D
Well as long as we stay one step ahead

This Week's Top Dumpers

1 . LigerZero - 28,506
2 . sculptor(OcUK) - 21,771
3 . Gazzza - 18,991
4 . bam0 - 16,110
5 . Babyface_UK - 13,323
6 . magman - 10,568
7 . Bigstan - 9,728
8 . DarkendViper - 9,723
9 . br - 9,351
10 . Ricko - 6,546
11 . polandro - 6,292
12 . lemonman - 6,214
13 . BigDom - 5,207
14 . kinnison - 5,206
15 . vent - 5,049
16 . Ken - 4,761
17 . froggy - 4,740
18 . rich99million - 4,696
19 . Dunc - 4,429
20 . lightning512 - 4,300
21 . Appleby - 4,184
22 . Trick - 4,149
23 . locrian - 3,611
24 . Steevo38_(OcUK) - 3,592
25 . verbal - 3,580
26 . diogenese - 3,572
27 . aXeR - 3,510
28 . Prescott28 - 3,393
29 . _Berserker_ - 3,353
30 . Huddy - 3,257
31 . Freefaller - 3,177
32 . piggott - 2,973
33 . RobOC - 2,894
34 . Mejinks - 2,644
35 . BillytheImpaler(OcUK) - 2,521
36 . duggyruss - 2,491
37 . dr.who - 2,384
38 . Joe42 - 2,338
39 . deej - 2,278
40 . sr4470 - 2,053
41 . MajorPart - 2,022
42 . Mattus - 1,831
43 . oceaness - 1,808
44 . Sammael(OcUK) - 1,671
45 . A_N_Other - 1,583
46 . Stormrider(OcUK) - 1,546
47 . penfold - 1,508
48 . Dean_Vile - 1,448
49 . FatRakoon - 1,360
50 . jidh007 - 1,349
51 . Unforgiven - 1,342
52 . Rincin - 1,294
53 . hornytoe - 1,227
54 . Fatiain - 1,196
55 . Broon - 1,180
56 . Zip - 1,164
57 . TownleaOCUK - 1,148
58 . r0undb0y - 1,117
59 . JoeyJoJo(OcUK) - 1,103
60 . StevenG[OCUK] - 1,066
61 . Corran - 1,060
62 . Cruize - 996

Single Machine Folding League

Colour Key: MultiCore/MultiCPU, SingleCore, Unclarified

1 . Dunc - 4,429
2 . sr4470 - 2,053
3 . Stormrider(OcUK) - 1,546
4 . Unforgiven - 1,342
5 . Rincin - 1,294
6 . Zip - 1,164
7 . JoeyJoJo(OcUK) - 1,103
8 . StevenG[OCUK] - 1,066
9 . Pilgrim57 - 913
10 . benjo1989 - 901
11 . lee87 - 898
12 . The_Alabama_Slamma - 866
13 . iBot - 824
14 . MrWhippy - 656
15 . 8_I3ALL - 647
16 . alonso - 622
17 . Adnams_Drinker - 574
18 . nellystew - 574
19 . Zirax - 574
20 . SiriusB_[OcUK] - 570
21 . Mikebert4 - 412
22 . pmbuzz - 404
23 . Leftfieldtilt - 380
24 . SB - 361
25 . Pixel - 270
26 . Zefan - 270
27 . _Viking_ - 192
28 . XFi - 178
29 . orderoftheflame - 153
30 . BlackAqua - 135
31 . ToLearn - 56
32 . TinkerBell - 53

This Week's Top Stompers

_Viking_ - 184
Robfow - 175
Energize - 165
ramey - 124
alonso - 123
orderoftheflame - 76
Septh - 76
bam0 - 74
Adnams_Drinker - 54
Babyface_UK - 52
magman - 51
TownleaOCUK - 50
xZIBIT - 40
catman05 - 35
locrian - 33
Zip - 31
8_I3ALL - 30
Freefaller - 30
Galifrey - 28
Mikebert4 - 28
cokecan72 - 24
iBot - 24
deej - 23
Gazzza - 23
CSO2_Tolien - 22
Unforgiven - 22
Zefan - 22
Broon - 21
Dead_Martyr - 21
Leftfieldtilt - 21
benjo1989 - 20
Spud_Gunn - 20
Mejinks - 18
Psycho_Sonny - 18
R0551 - 16
lemonman - 15
StevenG[OCUK] - 15
Kaed - 14
philio16 - 14
Stormrider(OcUK) - 11
jidh007 - 10
br - 8
RobOC - 8
Cruize - 6
Nix_and_Yewen - 6
Joe42 - 4
JoeyJoJo(OcUK) - 4
ToLearn - 4
FatRakoon - 3
Oli - 3
r0undb0y - 3
Twem - 3
XFi - 3
Appleby - 2
nellystew - 2
verbal - 2

This Week's Tiffy-Kat Winners

sculptor(OcUK) - 1,100,000
_Berserker_ - 400,000
Ricko - 180,000
Dunc - 160,000
vent - 160,000
Mattus - 120,000
BigDom - 100,000
sr4470 - 70,000
A_N_Other - 60,000
br - 50,000
Gazzza - 40,000
Paul_Holliday - 30,000
Babyface_UK - 25,000
bam0 - 25,000
lemonman - 25,000
lee87 - 20,000
RobOC - 20,000
magman - 15,000
2bullish - 10,000
Mejinks - 10,000
nellystew - 10,000
Cruize - 7,500
Freefaller - 7,500
JoeyJoJo(OcUK) - 7,500
locrian - 7,500
Broon - 5,000
Dunky - 5,000
jidh007 - 5,000
Nix_and_Yewen - 5,000
StevenG[OCUK] - 5,000
Unforgiven - 5,000
iBot - 2,500
Kaed - 2,500
R0551 - 2,500
TownleaOCUK - 2,500
Adnams_Drinker - 1,000
Leftfieldtilt - 1,000
Mikebert4 - 1,000

Congrats to all the Tiffy-Cat winners!!!

This Week's New Members


A huge welcome one and all :)
If you haven't done so already then why not check out the Folding@Home Setup Guide and the Quickie Guide for more foldy-tastic tips especially for when you're in a rush

Phew what a scorcher!!!
Although there's a bit of red around the place this week (although not in the 24hr average where we'd hoped there was) we seem to have still done pretty well compared to most of the other teams.
I just hope this hellishly hot weather eases up a bit - serious lack of sleepage in the newsmeister house :o
Sorry anyone who's not been mentioned - you know what to do now

***Only got one machine crunching? - Have a looky here***

Stats compiled from Stanford official stats page and EOC stats page
Stomping and Dumping Stats calculated between 19:45 July 13th and 19:40 July 20th

Previous Weeks' News:
July 13th, July 6th, June 29th, June 22nd, June 15th, June 8th, June 2nd, May 26th, May 19th, May 12th, May 5th, April 28th, April 21st, April 14th, April 7th, March 31st, March 24th, March 17th, March 10th, March 3rd, February 24th, February 17th, February 10th, February 3rd, January 27th, January 20th, January 13th, January 6th, December 30th, December 23rd, December 16th, December 9th, November 25th, November 18th, November 11th, November 4th, October 28th, October 21st, October 14th, October 7th, September 23rd, September 9th, September 2nd, August 26th

Single Machine Crunchers:
8_I3ALL, Adnams_Drinker, alonso, benjo1989, Bennah, BlackAqua, br83taylor, Concorde_Rules, divine_madness, Dunc, Euphoriabuzz, iBot, JoeyJoJo(OcUK), jonnyc90, killer_uk, lee87, Leftfieldtilt, lucifersam, m4cc45, Matblack, MattBrown, Mikebert4, MrWhippy, Napalm, nellystew, NightmareXX, OcUKIsotope, orderoftheflame, Pilgrim57, Pixel, Plasmoid, pmbuzz, Putty, Rincin, SB, SiriusB_[OcUK], slamma07, sr4470, Stelly, StevenG[OCUK], Stormrider(OcUK), The_Alabama_Slamma, TinkerBell, ToLearn, Unforgiven, Viking, XFi, Zefan, Zip, Zirax ...
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Loving the 'news' as ever rich - keep up the good work (and my your ctrl key never fail)

Also loving the team scores - roll on next week, got some team stompage a-plenty.

Yo Bam0 nice forth place :eek: you really pulled out the stops :D
Looks like I'm being overtaken this week by more that one foldering addict.

Keep up the good work team and welcome newbie's
Thanks for the excellent news rich as always.

Ah well we only slipped 5k. Lets hope thats down to the stupidly hot weather we've had. I know I had to put not on two servers coz of it. :(
rich99million said:
None for EVERRRRRR!!!
[Singing]The only way is up!![/Singing]

Thanks as always rich.

Are the stats this week a little bit off because of the stuff that been happening at

It's just SB has only produced 361 instead of the usual 930 :eek:
Seems to be nothing for the last 4 days
Should I leave it for a bit and see wether it picks up again or shall I pay a vist to my friend and see whats up?
shadowscotland said:
Yo Bam0 nice forth place :eek: you really pulled out the stops :D
Looks like I'm being overtaken this week by more that one foldering addict.
Doin' what I can ;)
I've yet to get all my boxes stabley outputting yet, finally got them all folding, then one starts shutting down saying it's overheating, when it isn't at all.
Then the network setup changed while I was away for 2 days and I lost about 24hs folding. That's the only reason babyface_uk is still ahead of me :P Shouldn't be too long now I hope.

Congrats to the whole team though, losing any chasers and getting that much closer to the teams ahead, can't wait for the team stomp.
oceaness said:
[Singing]The only way is up!![/Singing]

Thanks as always rich.

Are the stats this week a little bit off because of the stuff that been happening at

It's just SB has only produced 361 instead of the usual 930 :eek:
Seems to be nothing for the last 4 days
Should I leave it for a bit and see wether it picks up again or shall I pay a vist to my friend and see whats up?
I would definately go and check on that rig - the stats weren't down for very long and you should have had a small stash ready for when the feed to EOC started working again

Hopefully it's just got silly big WUs but probably worth checking on
I've had to drop to 1 core at the moment.. for some silly reason my computer doesn't like a slight increase in temperature :/ I mean it's not that hot? :confused: Bah anyway, at least it's still crunching away.

Glad I'm still making the lists anyway! :cool:

I noticed I'm now on page 2!! :D
Freefaller said:
I've had to drop to 1 core at the moment.. for some silly reason my computer doesn't like a slight increase in temperature :/ I mean it's not that hot? :confused: Bah anyway, at least it's still crunching away.

Glad I'm still making the lists anyway! :cool:

I noticed I'm now on page 2!! :D

You and I have been having quite the battle Freefaller, our output is pretty equal :)

Will have to see how my X6800 goes this week ;)
edit: Which is currently crunching a 41 pointer on 1 core. How crap is that!
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Worst week ever for me! Had to stop running folding over night... room WAAY too hot.

Seems cooler today and weather man says it will be cooler for the next few days so I will probably get my rig back on a 24 hour schedule. I can't believe how low my output is though, I have only dropped about 10 hours a day and my output has been smashed by about 200 ppd! :eek:

Not liking all the red people in the overtakes stats either :( I demand you all switch your machines off for a few days :D

Oh, a strange problem with FahMon, for the last couple of days it occassionally crashes out with a memory error or somesuch nonsense... after that the only way to get it back up and running is a reboot... any idea what could be up?

EDIT: Wow, no wonder production has been down, one of my cores is doing a big 392 point stinker of a WU.. it's been at it for days lol.

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Thanks for the stats Rich.

Congrats to Stormrider on the top single core this week! Similar to a few others, it seems my (relatively small) production is also down a bit. I'm gonna have to cut the slacking to try and get back up there next week

Up into the team top 200 and still rising steadily, watching bam0 and Babyface light up the charts from an ever increasing distance... :cool:
Thanks Unforgiven, I thought I was going to have a poorer week with the bad WUs I've had.
Thanks for the stats as well Rich, shame to see the daily average drop below the magic 50k.
Stormrider said:
Thanks Unforgiven, I thought I was going to have a poorer week with the bad WUs I've had.
Thanks for the stats as well Rich, shame to see the daily average drop below the magic 50k.

It's just this heat! Wouldn't suprise me if most people are having to turn their machines off or lowering the amount of work F@H is doing in order to get a good nights sleep!

Is nice and cool at the moment so planning to leave PC on overnight :)

W00t ... I finally got my 60,000 tiffy :)

It seems to be one step forwards and two back for me at the moment. No sooner do I get to my new house and finally sort out the internet with BT (!), my graphics card packs up on my main X2 rig. :( So, I've got a X1900XT coming tomorrow, which I'll have a play with so I can get folding again properly.

Fold on Team 10!
A.N.Other said:
W00t ... I finally got my 60,000 tiffy :)

It seems to be one step forwards and two back for me at the moment. No sooner do I get to my new house and finally sort out the internet with BT (!), my graphics card packs up on my main X2 rig. :( So, I've got a X1900XT coming tomorrow, which I'll have a play with so I can get folding again properly.

Fold on Team 10!

Nothing like a state of the art piece of computer hardware to brighten ones day :D

*strokes own X1900XT*

SiriusB said:
Nothing like a state of the art piece of computer hardware to brighten ones day :D
Don't you just love them. This particular PC appears doomed ... I've replaced the faulty RAM (dead on arrival), a faulty PSU (dead on arrival), the mobo after a month and now my X800GTO graphics have died :(! I don't think it actually wants to work :confused:.

Also, I've just noticed this on the EOC stats page ... LINKAGE ... where did everyone go? :(
I'd guess theat a fair few who joined up on the GD pimp have forgotten to leave it running:(

as for all you slackers complaining about the heat, I've had my bestest week in absolutly ages:D there must be more good woos about for us hardcore 24x7ers;)
diogenese said:
I'd guess theat a fair few who joined up on the GD pimp have forgotten to leave it running:(

as for all you slackers complaining about the heat, I've had my bestest week in absolutly ages:D there must be more good woos about for us hardcore 24x7ers;)

You must be hogging them as its 396 pointers for me :(

Babyface UK
thanks for the update Doctor Rich..

carp week for me and others I guess. .. Most of my machines are still waiting to feedback data to which is still down god damit!
I've had one completed WU uploaded since Sunday :(

I'm not a happy bunny as BigDom is now breaking away.

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