Folding@Home Weekly Team News - 30th November 2006

Whats happened to BTI recently? I haven't seen him for a while.

I wish we could get a graph of average 24/hour average production of all teams versus our average average 24 hour production over the last month or so. I'm sure it could be done relatively easily...
That way we would know if its bad wus dragging everyone down or us on a slippery slope.
Berserker said:
Oh, and Rich, I was talking about resigning F@h, not the beta stuff.
That's not good :(
Though I can see why you would what with the GPU and, to a lesser extent, the SMP clients effectively de-valuing the traditional CPU effort.

Perhaps Stanford should have stuck with their initial scoring for the GPU client, it's only really the combination of Core2Duo and extremely nice 364 pointers which made the 440PPD GPU benchmark look like a slap in the face :o With the current work I'm sure the offer of 440PPD (or more like 500PPD with some overclocking) would have looked quite good.

However from Stanford's point of view the GPU is doing work in 1/20th to 1/40th of the time and the SMP clients can complete work in 1/2 or 1/4 of the time which makes a huge difference to the science when the creation of new WUs depends on the results of the previous generation.

I guess only time will tell if Stanford's points policy with the new clients does more harm than good in terms of keeping enough of the right kind of clients, they've lost me as a CPU client beta tester for now but since there seems to be no CPU client beta work out there for testing I don't suppose that matters much.

edit: Anything on the BURP front at the moment? - That's a project I actually found pretty interesting, probably due to actually being able to see a finished result :D

edit2: Mr B I noticed earlier in the week you had 3 consecutive days of production in the range of 1600-1700 points - I take it this was just a build up of horrid ~390 pointers and not related to loverly SMP client production then? :(
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BURP is coming along slowly. I quit all my clients after the big work dried up earlier in the year. I believe there has been some sporadic work recently, but not much. New client work is nearly complete and they're talking about going from pre-Alpha to Alpha though so that's likely to change.
I think stanford need to overhaul their points system, its far too dependant on the luck of getting good wus or not, whereas it should be much more related to the performance of the machine which folds.
I wonder if they should set up a points system based not on the wu but the machine thats crunching it, so its effectively a benchmark score, then have a few more points for doing the wu which gives a bit of variation and adds a little luck to make things interesting?
joeyjojo said:
Billy's back btw. Billy - where art thou!?
Hello thar, I've been on a bit of a hiatus becasue I've been rather ill for the past week or so. I spent Tuesday through Sunday with a 103F fever splitting time between the bed and the area in front of the toilet; not pretty. :o

I'm feeling a little better now and have been fooling about on the computer a bit but I'm still on leave from work so my spammage will not be up to its full strength for some time, methinks.

Nice to see you missed me, dearies. :p :D
Concorde Rules said:
Bah, lemme look ;)

Mac - Processor 1: 2133 @ 90%, log goes back to the 17th where its at 66%.
Mac - Processor 2: 2124 @ 22%, log goes back to the 21st where its at 4%.

3 clients before windows install
2 new CPU clients after reinstall

3 from messing around with my failing GPU, 5.81, 5.06 and a beta client...


Concorde regains his number 1 spot above the slackers. Shameful tbh, because the GPU hasn't been folding for 40-48 hours this week :D
Concorde Rules said:

Concorde regains his number 1 spot above the slackers. Shameful tbh, because the GPU hasn't been folding for 40-48 hours this week :D


rich99million said:
the judge's decision is final ;) :D

so nerrrrrr :p

We all know you have a mighty machine, how hard is it to manage one week with a maximum of 3 active clients being displayed? :D
What is it you do Mr Concorde? Not only do you seem to reinstall Windows every week you also said in another thread you had no problem wastin...spending 2-3K on the new mac. Also, why on earth would you need to spend about 700 quid on the new CS3?

BillytheImpaler said:
Hello thar, I've been on a bit of a hiatus becasue I've been rather ill for the past week or so. I spent Tuesday through Sunday with a 103F fever splitting time between the bed and the area in front of the toilet; not pretty. :o

I'm feeling a little better now and have been fooling about on the computer a bit but I'm still on leave from work so my spammage will not be up to its full strength for some time, methinks.

Nice to see you missed me, dearies. :p :D
Unlucky. Hope you're feeling better now. :) I think the winter flu is doing the rounds at the moment, i'm trying my best to avoid being coughed all over but its not easy.

PS - Stan, what's happened?
Stans away so all his machines have started playing up as they always do. :p

Edit: I had a record month in november, 15,000 points.
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BrownSparrow said:
Woot! I'm now on page 2!! :D

Good work BS.

Thanks for the news Rich good to see your gaining all 7 days on the above teams above us again, good work team :D

And as for me - back in the TOP 10 again \0/ mostly due to home rig getting throught 3-4 wu's a day and boosting my average :D. Server crunching at lease two WU 24/7 other wise just office hours for the rest of the farm :(

And (big and)

The judges have decided to award Growse with best post of the month for 'An Apology' and award him:

SiriusB said:
What is it you do Mr Concorde? Not only do you seem to reinstall Windows every week you also said in another thread you had no problem wastin...spending 2-3K on the new mac. Also, why on earth would you need to spend about 700 quid on the new CS3?


Im a student, and I have no quams about buying a new mac :D

And I need 2k for the Mac Pro + CS3

CS3 = £200
Mac Pro = £1,400
Then the rest for 74Gb Raptor and a 320Gb Storage HD.

I reinstall windows every month/2 weeks depending on if I have time or enough driver revisions have come out, or Windows messed up in some way. Something I have never had to do on a mac...
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