Forgot how bad job searching was :(

Not posted in this thread yet but I wish you all good luck.

I've been looking for a new job for around 2 months now and there is absolutley nothing out there (I refuse to do sales!)

I hate my current job, I'm so close to walking out but my children are keeping me there as I have to support them. I fear that if someone says one bad thing to me then i'm going to crack!

I doubt I could live with myself if I had to live off benefits for a while, have to pay for the car/house and food/bills etc! :(
Not posted in this thread yet but I wish you all good luck.

I've been looking for a new job for around 2 months now and there is absolutley nothing out there (I refuse to do sales!)

The commission based sales stuff is dodgy anyway.

I hate my current job, I'm so close to walking out but my children are keeping me there as I have to support them. I fear that if someone says one bad thing to me then i'm going to crack!

I doubt I could live with myself if I had to live off benefits for a while, have to pay for the car/house and food/bills etc! :(

You wouldn't survive on it if you have a mortgage, the only thing paid by welfare is the interest and that only kicks in after 6 months. That said, with children you're entitled to a lot more support...
Started some work placement last week. It's unpaid but damn, it feels good to be doing something at least. This week I've been mostly sorting out their backlog of files and things which they've been putting off for a few months. :p

It's weird wearing shoes again actually, it's been years since I had to wear them daily! :D

I don't think I'll be getting a job out of this, but I'll certainly ask them to keep me in mind should something come up.

I believe the employer pays the agency then the agency screws me over with the wage :)

That's generally how it works from my experience of agencies, not necessarily the being screwed over with wages part but the being paid directly. It's one of the major reasons as to why companies use agencies - they aren't responsible for you in terms of payroll and don't have to afford you the same benefits as a permanent employee would get.

Am I correct in thinking you got onto the Government FMDS but turned it down?

Good luck to all those searching for jobs anyway. :)
I know how you guys feel, I've been looking for a job for ages. It just seems though that with so many people out of work there are dozens of other people much better qualified going for the same job. What chance do i have?
i have an interview next week for a job i really want! Heres hoping!

Good luck! We need somebody in here to get one to give the rest of us a lift :D

I've got a second interview for a job on Wednesday (assume I must be down to the last few in the selection process) so here's hoping! The way that things are going at the moment I'm not feeling too great though. Really struggling to keep my head up about the whole thing right now.

Damn recession!
Well I'm awaiting the outcome of a job I would love to have.. Sort of related to my current area but in a slightly different market (but one I know quite well). They're still "considering".. so I hope I get the chance to interview.

I was chased by an agency today about a development management role but that's a role I could have done with my eyes closed five years ago.

There's a few others I'll apply for tomorrow..
Well I'm awaiting the outcome of a job I would love to have.. Sort of related to my current area but in a slightly different market (but one I know quite well). They're still "considering".. so I hope I get the chance to interview.

I was chased by an agency today about a development management role but that's a role I could have done with my eyes closed five years ago.

There's a few others I'll apply for tomorrow..

That's the thing; I'm going for graduate roles with under a year's experience, which means that not only am I going for them, but so is every other grad and a lot of jobless but more experienced people!

Actually the interviewer which I'm going back to see on Wednesday said that he was binning most of the CVs from the really high flyers as he expected that, if offered the job, they'd be off again as soon as things started picking up.
was binning most of the CVs from the really high flyers as he expected that, if offered the job, they'd be off again as soon as things started picking up.

Exactly - I've done this whilst sifting through applicants before too. Often a firm looks for someone that's attempting to push themselves because they will work harder, gain more satisfaction (thus being more positive!) and not disappear leaving them out of pocket for the recruitment fees.
If they are advertising graduate jobs why should they be employing high flyers and people with years of experience? Just send it out as a normal job?

As for me, I've got a couple jobs sorted, a weeks painting here and some gardening there, still not got any positives from any companies, but I'm giving myself a target of October to get either an interview or a job with a company within the field I want to work (oil/mining exploration).
Well, at least I got some letters back... I put in a complaint at the JCP about messing around with the appointment times and they tell me staff are off sick with the flu :rolleyes:
Little update from me, ive been quite lucky really ive managed to get 5-6 jobs out of one agency and some are recurring, have been doing cleaning in a pool changing area, kitchen portering, cleaning at wildlife centre, hospitality bar work at newmarket race course and a couple ive been offered but already doing shifts elsewhere, still going to be overdrawn by the time i go back in early september but hopefully should be ok finding a good agency is a god send, must have sent atleast 50 cv's, also have got a job interview at 2 for a weatherspoons thats local to me and im hoping they will let me transfer if accepted to a weatherspoons at uni.
Little update from me, ive been quite lucky really ive managed to get 5-6 jobs out of one agency and some are recurring, have been doing cleaning in a pool changing area, kitchen portering, cleaning at wildlife centre, hospitality bar work at newmarket race course and a couple ive been offered but already doing shifts elsewhere, still going to be overdrawn by the time i go back in early september but hopefully should be ok finding a good agency is a god send, must have sent atleast 50 cv's, also have got a job interview at 2 for a weatherspoons thats local to me and im hoping they will let me transfer if accepted to a weatherspoons at uni.

Good to hear that, I hope you get something permanent :)
seems.. im about to register with about my 6th or 7th agency here.. "fingers crossed" oh nix... im really not looking forward to 2 weeks ATS ><
Managed to get myself an interview tomorrow for a very well paid job but have to take a few psychometric and concentration tests tomorrow! And if I pass them I get an interview in the afternoon. Here's hoping! :)
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