Forgot how bad job searching was :(

I've got my second interview for a Project engineer role at a large tech company in Essex this afternoon, its taken me nearly 5 months since I finished my PhD (with a first class Masters of Physics) to get this far. Those of you who are looking, good luck and you'll find something eventually. But whilst your unemployed try to volunteer as much as possible so at least you are doing something you can put on your CV and it doesn't look like a total employment gap!
What a surprise i didn't get the job the so called "matching team" at the dole thought i could do looking at my cv :roll eyes: One think i am getting fed up with is the amount of agency jobs on the job centre site with hardly any information regarding them and if you email asking for more information they say send your contact details? what so you can sell my details on? is it not too much to send an email to me with a bit more information regarding the job nowadays?
The level of information in adverts on the job centre site is laughable. I swear some of them use monkeys fresh from the jungle to type them up. Not to mention the ridiculous system they use when your advisor shows them to you that separates them out into 2 arbitrary sections that nobody actually uses as they intended.
The level of information in adverts on the job centre site is laughable. I swear some of them use monkeys fresh from the jungle to type them up. Not to mention the ridiculous system they use when your advisor shows them to you that separates them out into 2 arbitrary sections that nobody actually uses as they intended.

The best I've found is that PostDoctoral positions, which are basically Research posts at university, are all listed under science - so going through them with my advisor means going one by one through the medical ones with only a couple of physics ones stuck in the middle. Then if you use the touch screens on their own you can separate them into a subject type. Hilarious that the touch screen clients run on a better system than the advisors have.
the jobcenters systems have been a shambles for years and if you make a suggestion to the staff about anything they look confused.
When you guys have left your old jobs do you get leaving gifts from your workplace? I just treated everyone to pizza as it's my last day and they gave me a card and a remote control chopper that's controlled via a smartphone app - Very nice of them!
Accepted a job offer earlier this week, didn't think I had got it since the interview was a good 2 weeks earlier. Better pay, career prospects and company benefits since I'm moving from an agency. Well chuffed :D
Accepted a job offer earlier this week, didn't think I had got it since the interview was a good 2 weeks earlier. Better pay, career prospects and company benefits since I'm moving from an agency. Well chuffed :D

Nice one dude! Enjoy!
should be fun when i sign on in 2 weeks i get to have my 12 months interview with yet another advisor.

where il be "invited" to go on a work scheme. oooh this should be a chuckle.
Forgot to share this one:

Yesterday decided to check to see if FMC has maybe updated a yes/no online. Went to log in and was asking for my username. Tried my usual "proffesional" usernames and none worked. Can't even just request a username online. Checked my email inbox by searching FMC and nothing came up apart from the confirmation email for the saying thanks for applying.

Think I'll try and give them an other week, but such a big and popular oppurtinity you'd atleast think they'd have some sort of automated "sorry to inform you" set up. I can only hope that no news is good news.
Just been offered an IT support role close to home.

The pay is £1k less than I was getting when I commuted into London, but then commuting was costing me about £4k + so i shouldn't grumble. Just a bit disappointed than they've offered me the bottom of the advertised scale, but as they had 160 applicants I suspect they'd just offer the job to someone else if I caused a fuss about it.
I'm so demotivated to find a job.

Just with the current climate and treatment of applicants and with my own personal mood.
Place I worked last year have some vacancies advertised again. But it's a 6outof7 rota, between 8:45 and 21:15. I can work that for a month, but for a 40+ hour week and less pay than last year (£2p/w but it's still a cut!) for 3 or 4 months it's just meh.

Last year in a different department I worked 12days in a row without a single day off. By the end of it I wanted to strangle the customers and their stupidity, and that only equalled two weeks pay.
I have worked 16days before averaging maybe 12hours a day. I'd do that again as £1300+ for 16days work isn't shabby at all.

I'm still feeling in limbo about this apprenticeship, I also cant seem to get back in to the various Edinburgh festival works with 4years of seasonal experience, it's just getting me down.
i know the feeling ash, after yet another visit to the docs they have confirmed i have early onset of arthritis on my knees and fluid behind my right kneecap.

they cant operate or anything as the knee is fine apart from pain there suggestion is take pain killers and work myself in to a wheelchair. as its expected aparently ?!

so now im racking my brain on what IT stuff i could try and pick up which will actually be of some use as far as me making money one way or another.
Got an interview with Jessops for a new store opening in bristol tomorrow. Hopefully get something to sit around my studies and pay for our hideously expensive house next year. Student living :(
i know the feeling ash, after yet another visit to the docs they have confirmed i have early onset of arthritis on my knees and fluid behind my right kneecap.

they cant operate or anything as the knee is fine apart from pain there suggestion is take pain killers and work myself in to a wheelchair. as its expected aparently ?!

so now im racking my brain on what IT stuff i could try and pick up which will actually be of some use as far as me making money one way or another.

I'm racking my brains for all things I have experience in or might be able to bear doing. I've even been thinking about retail again, but with my physical problems standing behind a counter and up on feet for a long time will just kill me.
I just got turned down for an apprenticeship as an admin assistant. Went to two interviews for it as well. To be fair it was probably more of a woman's job, taking notes for the execs, fetching coffees, although that's probably a really sexist viewpoint. Still gutted anyways!
Two weeks down the line and I'm working in an office 37 hours weekly albeit through an agency but it's a step in the right direction - that is away from retail!

Responded to an application from Donington Park race track last week - they are getting back on track! (pun fully intended)

The work is low level advisor stuff on the environment and planning so nothing too taxing at the moment but there are much more complex applications in the wings for me to get stuck into!
Got through for the apprenticeship! Next stage is aptitude/psychometric test which I usually fail at.

Done it a couple of times while applying for B&Q jobs and somewhere else when you first have to apply. I can't remember what was said but reading between the lines I was too unique, individual, creative and not what they're looking for in their dull drone like ways. I think it also hinted at I would try and solve issues above me/find problems with the way things are run.

So happy that I got through but need to read up more about what these tests are.
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