well iv been invited (put on) the work program run by G4S. get to see them thursday, should be yet more idiots to deal with.
well thursday is my first apointment with them, i asked about if this was compuslory or not and the jobcenter advisor said it was as iv been claiming for 12 months, i also asked about if they try to send me on "work exp" for benefits can i tell them to sling the hook as i refuse to work for jobseekers unless its bumped up to min wage for the hours i work. she says that wont happen, as they are there to help me (yes i know) with training and skills.
i do get a feeling from what i can find out online its going to go down 1 of 3 ways.
1.il be left alone to keep signing and they will do nothing.
2.they will harras me untill im off of benefits one way or another, be it a job, forced in to pointless training or i tell them to stick it up there backside.
3.they will actually help me get training and get some sort of real work sorted.
the 3rd option i dont expect to happen honestly as from what i can find out g4s get paid a bonus the the quicker they get you off of benefits no matter how its done.
i hope they try the tesco stuff with me as i have 10+ years retail experience as well as a doctoers note saying i cant work standing up for long periods due to arthritis in my knee (the reason i had to quit the job i was doing).
The Work Programme provider will not make you seek, apply for, or do any work or have any medical treatment.
I think the "customers" should repeatedly cold call G4s HR department looking for jobs.
just found a link to G4S's work programme on there website. rather entertaining ideas they have.
i really like the idea that "cold calling employers" works.
i can see tomorows meeting being a good ole giggle.
Again...I've got to the point where I need to leave my company JUST to get a decent wage...
I can leave and become a damn catering assistant and get paid more!
what job you currently in?
Just an IT Tech at a school, but I administer the VLE / website as well.
There is next to no progression in the school sadly due to the nature of the job
I'm still stuck working in food retail (£6.69ph), apart from some mere A levels in I.T can't get anywhere in my local town. I did apply for a photography job but never heard from anyone and also screw fix. Another supermarket is being built about 8min walk from the one I work at. But people are saying its not worth going to work for another retail food firm. So stuck in a rutt.
keep looking online for jobs n get set one via email but nothing is catching me.
Just an IT Tech at a school, but I administer the
VLE / website as well.
There is next to no progression in the school sadly due to the nature of the job
Any of you guys get that gut feeling not knowing if you made the right choice? I'm sure I have but that feeling lingers the first few days. New people and environment.