Forgot how bad job searching was :(

I'm sure things will work out dude, good things to this when wait and so on!

I really hope so mate , just taking so long :( been looking/applying for over a year to do something different feel so wasted doing retail work.(but i know its kept me secure for a very long time)

Though i do have my own personal ideas of going (self employed etc) in 2013 if nothing comes about
well its a shambles before it even begains, just had a phone call telling me i was given the apointment in error and its actualy remploy who are dealing with me so i now have to wait for another apointment.

and yeah i asked about remploy as i thought they only delt with disabled people, but seems they are supplying for this as well.
well its a shambles before it even begains, just had a phone call telling me i was given the apointment in error and its actualy remploy who are dealing with me so i now have to wait for another apointment.

and yeah i asked about remploy as i thought they only delt with disabled people, but seems they are supplying for this as well.


I'm thinking of doing a clinical trial in a few weeks for a grand lasts like 2 weeks then I can sign off jsa for 3 months and reclaim and not have to deal with ingeus... 3 months I think refreshes your claim so you start afresh. If I die oh well....

Am I retarded? LOL
depends if you grow a new set of norks or not :P

just had the phone call off them and its next wed, at least with it being rempoly i shouldnt get harrased about my leg so thats one good thing, and while on the phone she did ask what id be looking and and mentioned about finding funding help, which is something as all the storys iv heard abouy A4E is they just do the same as the jobcenter and pack you off on any old freecourse no matter how pointless and ineffective it is.

I'm thinking of doing a clinical trial in a few weeks for a grand lasts like 2 weeks then I can sign off jsa for 3 months and reclaim and not have to deal with ingeus... 3 months I think refreshes your claim so you start afresh. If I die oh well....

Am I retarded? LOL

If you're not you could be after the trial - at least your benefits will go up lol

depends if you grow a new set of norks or not :P

just had the phone call off them and its next wed, at least with it being rempoly i shouldnt get harrased about my leg so thats one good thing, and while on the phone she did ask what id be looking and and mentioned about finding funding help, which is something as all the storys iv heard abouy A4E is they just do the same as the jobcenter and pack you off on any old freecourse no matter how pointless and ineffective it is.

LOL Yeah basically. These course literally do nothing which is crazy, and I can't believe these companies get 14k if they "find" you a job. AKA you find it yourself and then they just claim they helped you. Or fob you off onto some crapp job...

If you're not you could be after the trial - at least your benefits will go up lol


Sent a CV on the friday. Got a call back first thing on the Monday morning asking when if I could come for an interview.

Interviewed on the Wednesday, thought it went quite well, asked how quickly could I start etc. Sent away with a test to prove my abilities for the job.

Sent the test back on the Friday morning without realising it was a bank holiday. It felt like the longest weekend ever!

They emailed back on Tuesday saying thanks, they'll review the design internally and get back to me.

It's been three days now and not a word! Granted, not that long in the grand scheme of things and they're probably busy but damn, I'm absolutely climbing the walls here!

Just cant help thinking the worst, after them wanting a relatively immediate start. :(

I'm still stuck working in food retail (£6.69ph), apart from some mere A levels in I.T can't get anywhere in my local town. I did apply for a photography job but never heard from anyone and also screw fix. Another supermarket is being built about 8min walk from the one I work at. But people are saying its not worth going to work for another retail food firm. So stuck in a rutt.

keep looking online for jobs n get set one via email but nothing is catching me.

Try applying for the next level up? Claiming experience of running a department etc might be worth it for some extra moneys and the experience of "managing" a team would be beneficial for your actual career.

I'm still waiting to find out the date of my aptitude test, it'll be a week tomorrow since the congratulated me and said they'd be in contact in two weeks. I can understand the huge amount of applicants involved but starting to get the feeling that this company like's to leave everything till the last moment HR wise.
I remember waiting a stupid amount of time between an online application that was marked as 'congratulations youve got an interview' to actually having it for a job last year.

Was at least a months wait which was dumb.
Well the next stage is an "assessment centre" week beginning 28th May. So again a huge gap between stages.

And due to being an apprenticeship at college I'd have a guess that the actual "job" wouldnt start till the end of august.

It has given me time to read up on the process, the company and do practice questions.
sounds like HR in most places, havent come across one yet that wasnt a case of hurry up and wait.

I remember waiting a stupid amount of time between an online application that was marked as 'congratulations youve got an interview' to actually having it for a job last year.

Was at least a months wait which was dumb.

Aye, it's very frustrating, especially when the job could essentially start your career and set you up with a good company. Not sure whether to pop an email along tomorrow afternoon to see how things are progressing or just leave it and forget about it.

Guess I'm just use to being offered jobs at the end of every interview.
I received a whatsapp message from my previous manager this afternoon asking what the Blackberry server admin password I knew all the passwords for everything off memory anyway so just replied back.

Also, he said a virus issue I sorted out 4 weeks ago had come back and things were going crazy over there.

In a way, I'm glad I don't have to deal with that again!
My friend is currently in IT at a college, he's also on a not great wage and zero progression he was saying the same. Was on about going into private sector salaries def sound way better.

Hah, indeed! Sadly it's what public sector in schools is like for IT Guys, no idea why.

It doesn't help the fact i'm on the lowest scale either...well, I practically am anyway

Delvis at least you have experience within the IT sector more than most people :D

applied for 3x more jobs this morning meh see how it goes.

True chap! God knows how the other guy got the job over me =/ I just can't blab my way through an interview obviously!

Hope the job apps go well :)

Why haven't you left yet?? In all honesty should be able to get something that pays significantly better although that would involve more travel :)

Just haven't found anything yet chap...And to be honest, I'm not really liking the idea of more helpdesk jobs =/
Then don't apply for helpdesk and go for the next level up, second line or something ;)

Guess I'm just use to being offered jobs at the end of every interview.

Job I start next week I was originally interviewed for over a year ago, and have had 2 jobs since then!
Currently waiting for a contract to come through to me. The role would technically be a step down in responsibility but it has a lot greater prospects in the long term. Looking forward to it. :)

Chin up people :)
After graduating from Uni (did Biology) last May. I'll be starting my as a Microbiology Assistant this coming Monday.

I've had a part-time job throughout college and University, so I guess money hasn't been too much of an issue.

All I can say is keep at it! It's tough at the moment. I think the best way to go about things is to ring up the places your interested in and get put through to HR. They usually give you direct details to the person heads of departments etc.

Although Agencies can be good at times, its too much a case of getting as many people through to an interview so the agent can get more DOLLA' DOLLA'
Good that this thread exists.

I graduated with a 2.1 in Multimedia Technology and Design last May.

I have been applying to places non stop and had the odd interview but nothing at the moment.

I'm working at Burger King at the moment which I have done on and off since I was at college. The hours aren't great. The company is struggling big time.
Then don't apply for helpdesk and go for the next level up, second line or something ;)

Its all the same to me really...? I work on a helpdesk now, and never have had a 'tier' system so to speak, so I do 2nd line all the time without knowing it.

Just can't deal with annoying people and the stress sometimes.
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