So if it's all a conspiracy theory, and part of one big false flag operation spanning multiple governments and countries, please provide the motive - why is the UK government complicit in not only performing these acts, but also - against it's own people on it's own soil. Why is it doing these things?
Secondly, explain how a government that ***** up in every possible way, at every possible opportunity (can't even fake it's own expense claims, or puts a foreign secretary on TV who single-handedly condemns a woman to rot in an Iranian Jail by accident, and countless other examples) is suddenly able to cast all that to one side, before successfully pulling of what would amount to, an absolutely unprecedented act of attempted murder, treason, betrayal, never witnessed before, which would end it's own destruction.
You see what I'm getting at, in order for your theory to stack up - you have to be able to accept some crazy possibilities without any critical thought at all, as soon as you apply critical thought - compare it to reality and ask the question "is this really plausible?" the whole thing becomes nonsense.
In this regard, members of government don't have to pull off anything, other than jump when told to, and run with a story, believe what they are told to believe, react how they are briefed to react, and qualify it all to cover their ***** with "highly likely". They have free will not to, but that'd mean raising their head above the parapet. And that's where I'd agree with you on this government and most governments - they are rubbish and don't have backbone or understanding of what they are getting into when they enter politics until it's too late, so they tend to go along with the narrative created for them. Remember as well that MI5 will have all the **** on them and nobody is squeaky clean. Or, if they are now, everyone has a past.
As for the question about possible motives, plenty have been offered in this thread (back in the day) already. Including that there are those in NATO countries who hate Russia with a passion, for not bending over and letting them do as they please, and seeking a multi-polar world, instead of accepting uni-polar NATO domination. Assad must go versus the will of the Syrian people must be respected. Russia annexed Crimea versus NATO organised a coup in Ukraine which not all of Ukraine accepted, including Crimea which historically was and felt Russian. So there are those who want to hurt Russia's reputation, transmit the image that their morals leave a lot to be desired, damage them financially with sanctions, raise doubts over whether Russia destroyed all its chemical weapon stockpiles when time is approaching for the US to finally do the same... and possibly bring all this crap up again during the World Cup, using two human guinea pigs that will provide even more information about Novichok and its effects on humans, to interested parties. Who to pick? How about two heroin addicts? When to do it? Well not on the first day of the World Cup, too damn obvious. Wait a bit, hopefully England will get knocked out. They surprisingly haven't been? Well, too bad. Must happen now. There was always going to be an Act II to this.
There are equally, if not more so, crazy things about the Skripal story, including both victims conveniently collapsing at the same time, after 4-5 hours of allegedly receiving the dose. Rain allegedly helping to minimize the dose so that they didn't die... but found in surprisingly non-degraded levels in Skripal samples and still enough to kill four months later in tiny amounts (we are told). Baby wipes will get rid of it. Nope, full decontamination required. Now baby wipe advice again. Now you have the government purchasing the Skripal and Bailey properties (but not Zizzi's or the pub) with tax-payer money, which might be a sneaky way of laundering payments made for silence/services rendered. No secret payments to offshore accounts. No secret testing on humans. All out in the open. All explainable. Because evil Russia.
Then again, it might all just be a coincidence that suddenly during the World Cup, two people have come into contact with the substance accidentally, when nobody else has for four months. Or that Putin has taken the risk, during the World Cup, of actively poisoning two people to cast more doubt on the original accusations.