Maybe people who only believe what they see with their own eyes and not what the authorities are telling them may want to look at the top 10 port scans on their router. The number one entity trying to scan my network for vulnerabilities can be traced back to St. Petersburg via an IP whois, with many reports from other people that they've been port scanned by the same entity.
Coming in at number two is what appear to be port scans (albeit 50% less than no. 1) originating from Kiev, Ukraine; also with numerous reports from others around the globe. I'm sure someone can shed some light on why this may be the case?
And at number three with 65% less attempted attacks than Russia is some idiot in Sofia, Bulgaria.
Port scanning is not the same as attempted murder by chemical weapons, granted, but at least it tallies up with what our intelligence is saying about Russia being up to no good with regard to cyber warfare and cannot be refuted when you can see it right in front of your face.
Here's the link if you want to catch Russian hackers red handed:
You'll need a fairly up to date ASUS router and probably custom firmware with scripting enabled to use it.
Those IPs tell you nothing about who is behind it though - a lot of hacking attempts, etc. originating from Russian IPs has been connected to China, stuff that traces back to South America has been shown to originate from Russia and China, etc etc. stuff from Ukraine is often Russian or North Korean.
Stuff like gives an idea as to the amount going on - a lot of it is state sponsored as well as criminal entities.
A lot is launched from compromised machines, etc. that might be on a completely different part of the globe but then you have NK for instance that sends 3-6 person teams abroad to orchestrate ongoing espionage which can include setting up shop for internet attacks in other countries or physically trying to get people inside big companies where they can gain access to information, etc.
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