This whole thing stinks, one minute will not recover next minute right as rain. I think some apologies are due from certain people ? Will the truth ever come out i wonder.
I for one trust no one, the first thing casualty in war is the truth.
Regardless, watch China closely from this point on, Russia is small game here in comparison, a dog really.
Last time I checked, food poisoning wasn’t contagious either. What was wrong with the copper? Sympathy pains?
Truth is something that never comes out.... Look at the David Kelly case. Why the British government locked his case files for 70 years, not the standard 40? The guy died two days after saying off the record to BBC that Iraq had no WMDs. And regardless the vilification he received by the media and government he was right. And by government I do not mean Tony Blair. But the system (civil servants, advisers, army officers etc) who are still there "in government".
And also the 146 Conservative MPs who voted for the Iraq war, and without their vote it couldn't have started, because a third of the Labour MPs were against including Corbyn stating that they need more evidence.
Look at the Saar Offensive. Nobody held to account why 110 Anglo-French divisions didn't invade Germany in September 1939, while outnumber the Germans 5 to 1, just sitting there are the border. The war, already declared by that point, could have ended by start of October 1939 at worst case scenario saving tens of millions of lives. But again even something obvious as history, is buried and we will never know.
Thats how the Mafia works, and the ex German VP of OECD was right calling Britain a Mafia state. Should have added USA also in the sentence.
She shouln't say anything if she's not sure of the situation and she's not under threat.
Look at the Saar Offensive. Nobody held to account why 110 Anglo-French divisions didn't invade Germany in September 1939, while outnumber the Germans 5 to 1, just sitting there are the border. The war, already declared by that point, could have ended by start of October 1939 at worst case scenario saving tens of millions of lives. But again even something obvious as history, is buried and we will never know.
Truth is something that never comes out.... Look at the David Kelly case. Why the British government locked his case files for 70 years, not the standard 40? The guy died two days after saying off the record to BBC that Iraq had no WMDs. And regardless the vilification he received by the media and government he was right. And by government I do not mean Tony Blair. But the system (civil servants, advisers, army officers etc) who are still there "in government".
And also the 146 Conservative MPs who voted for the Iraq war, and without their vote it couldn't have started, because a third of the Labour MPs were against including Corbyn stating that they need more evidence.
Look at the Saar Offensive. Nobody held to account why 110 Anglo-French divisions didn't invade Germany in September 1939, while outnumber the Germans 5 to 1, just sitting there are the border. The war, already declared by that point, could have ended by start of October 1939 at worst case scenario saving tens of millions of lives. But again even something obvious as history, is buried and we will never know.
Govts and the truth depend on the situation. It is best not to believe the Govt especially in times of conflict.
The Second World War in 1939 got off to a slow start mainly because despite what the later propaganda claims the country did not want a war as they had been through the slaughter of WW1. Appeasement, a dirty word now, was hugely popular in all sections of society prior to the war. The RAF conducted raids dropping leaflets over Germany and when asked why they did not drop bombs one RAF leader said because it was private property below. France likewise did not want a shooting war as they had suffered terribly in the previous one. Everybody, apart from Churchill who believed it was his destiny to lead the country in a war, expected that another treaty would settle things. That is why it was called the Phoney War period.
This whole thing stinks, one minute will not recover next minute right as rain. I think some apologies are due from certain people ? Will the truth ever come out i wonder.
Govts and the truth depend on the situation. It is best not to believe the Govt especially in times of conflict.
The Second World War in 1939 got off to a slow start mainly because despite what the later propaganda claims the country did not want a war as they had been through the slaughter of WW1. Appeasement, a dirty word now, was hugely popular in all sections of society prior to the war. The RAF conducted raids dropping leaflets over Germany and when asked why they did not drop bombs one RAF leader said because it was private property below. France likewise did not want a shooting war as they had suffered terribly in the previous one. Everybody, apart from Churchill who believed it was his destiny to lead the country in a war, expected that another treaty would settle things. That is why it was called the Phoney War period.
Well soldiers have epipens to deal with it generally.
Well soldiers have epipens to deal with it generally.
Looking into it there is another reason for the Saar Offensive stalling - the French forces were still heavily reliant on massed artillery (WW1 mindset) supporting their forward offensive - in an era where Germany was pushing new ground with air power that artillery which took hours to move and setup was a sitting duck for the likes of Stukas with the French air force largely obsolete and no match for the German forces in the air - what they didn't know due to misinformation was that those German air forces were largely committed to the Polish offensive.