Former Russian double agent seriously ill in Salisbury.

I for one trust no one, the first thing casualty in war is the truth.

Regardless, watch China closely from this point on, Russia is small game here in comparison, a dog really.
This whole thing stinks, one minute will not recover next minute right as rain. I think some apologies are due from certain people ? Will the truth ever come out i wonder.

Truth is something that never comes out.... Look at the David Kelly case. Why the British government locked his case files for 70 years, not the standard 40? The guy died two days after saying off the record to BBC that Iraq had no WMDs. And regardless the vilification he received by the media and government he was right. And by government I do not mean Tony Blair. But the system (civil servants, advisers, army officers etc) who are still there "in government".

And also the 146 Conservative MPs who voted for the Iraq war, and without their vote it couldn't have started, because a third of the Labour MPs were against including Corbyn stating that they need more evidence.

Look at the Saar Offensive. Nobody held to account why 110 Anglo-French divisions didn't invade Germany in September 1939, while outnumber the Germans 5 to 1, just sitting there are the border. The war, already declared by that point, could have ended by start of October 1939 at worst case scenario saving tens of millions of lives. But again even something obvious as history, is buried and we will never know.
I for one trust no one, the first thing casualty in war is the truth.

Regardless, watch China closely from this point on, Russia is small game here in comparison, a dog really.

Yes. What going on with China atm, is what we should worry about.
And Russia isn't alone, already the head General of the PLA said that Russia and China will fight together any military aggression. And said it from Moscow earlier this week.
That in addition to petro-yuan which is reality second week now, the Chinese tariffs against US imports that tumble Dow Jones. The threats from US to add tariffs to an extra $100bn worth of Chinese imports while at the same moment all these on the back of USA demands for the initial $50bn to be removed, China must buy American gas and oil.

Thats how the Mafia works, and the ex German VP of OECD was right calling Britain a Mafia state. Should have added USA also in the sentence.

And lets not forget the direct threats to Turkey by USA if they buy the S-400s from Russia.
I imagine the Skripals will likely also claim it was food poisoning as soon as they are able to speak to the media, the fear of more reprisals against family members will probably guarantee it. Its going to be a tad embarrassing to the UK government if the victims side with the alleged perpetrators, regardless of whatever the reality of the situation is.
Well i mean duh, when you're family starts dying left and right (naturally), what you have left is all the more important.

If she blames Russia, she'll be killing her cousin... family is everything there.
Ubersonic - you are aware that scientists other than Russian ones worked at the labs in Uzbekistan where Novichok was produced? Ukranian scientists amongst them. As you're so adamant that it is impossible for other states to produce Novichok variants without having the wisdom directly passed down to them (which I reject), I wonder if the fact other countries' scientists were involved is of interest to you?
Truth is something that never comes out.... Look at the David Kelly case. Why the British government locked his case files for 70 years, not the standard 40? The guy died two days after saying off the record to BBC that Iraq had no WMDs. And regardless the vilification he received by the media and government he was right. And by government I do not mean Tony Blair. But the system (civil servants, advisers, army officers etc) who are still there "in government".

And also the 146 Conservative MPs who voted for the Iraq war, and without their vote it couldn't have started, because a third of the Labour MPs were against including Corbyn stating that they need more evidence.

Look at the Saar Offensive. Nobody held to account why 110 Anglo-French divisions didn't invade Germany in September 1939, while outnumber the Germans 5 to 1, just sitting there are the border. The war, already declared by that point, could have ended by start of October 1939 at worst case scenario saving tens of millions of lives. But again even something obvious as history, is buried and we will never know.

I talked personally to one of the Labour MPs who was in meetings with Blair before the Iraq War. They told me that it was explicitly talked about that "we need to find some way to justify the war." You're quite right. Our government deliberately lied to us and everybody knows it. You occasionally find someone who for ideological reasons claims otherwise, but that's it. Given we know our government was willing to kill hundreds of thousands of people (including British soldiers) it's hardly supportable that it would quail at killing one weapons scientist who was in its way. What's one more body?
Thats how the Mafia works, and the ex German VP of OECD was right calling Britain a Mafia state. Should have added USA also in the sentence.

Bit rich when many big German companies have deep rooted issues with cartel like behaviour, plagued by tax corruption and other allegations and in many cases it is almost impossible the government wasn't at least somewhat aware but it has been mostly US financial regulators who've brought it to light despite how vocal the Germans and EU have been against corruption.
Look at the Saar Offensive. Nobody held to account why 110 Anglo-French divisions didn't invade Germany in September 1939, while outnumber the Germans 5 to 1, just sitting there are the border. The war, already declared by that point, could have ended by start of October 1939 at worst case scenario saving tens of millions of lives. But again even something obvious as history, is buried and we will never know.

Not really a big mystery - there was general British support of the appeasement favoured by Chamberlain which resulted in a reluctance at first to back the French up combined with Hitler having played out a charm offensive similar to that King Jong-un is doing at the moment so that French forces would have still seemed like the bad guys on the world stage despite ongoing German action against Poland, etc. - it wasn't until 1940 perception on this really started to turn around (it is only due to hind sight we see WW2 as we do). As mentioned in the recent WW2 thread here the French government had also been lied to about the cost of such action from the start of German troop movements in the build up to WW2 and were misinformed about the disposition of German forces.
Truth is something that never comes out.... Look at the David Kelly case. Why the British government locked his case files for 70 years, not the standard 40? The guy died two days after saying off the record to BBC that Iraq had no WMDs. And regardless the vilification he received by the media and government he was right. And by government I do not mean Tony Blair. But the system (civil servants, advisers, army officers etc) who are still there "in government".

And also the 146 Conservative MPs who voted for the Iraq war, and without their vote it couldn't have started, because a third of the Labour MPs were against including Corbyn stating that they need more evidence.

Look at the Saar Offensive. Nobody held to account why 110 Anglo-French divisions didn't invade Germany in September 1939, while outnumber the Germans 5 to 1, just sitting there are the border. The war, already declared by that point, could have ended by start of October 1939 at worst case scenario saving tens of millions of lives. But again even something obvious as history, is buried and we will never know.

Govts and the truth depend on the situation. It is best not to believe the Govt especially in times of conflict.

The Second World War in 1939 got off to a slow start mainly because despite what the later propaganda claims the country did not want a war as they had been through the slaughter of WW1. Appeasement, a dirty word now, was hugely popular in all sections of society prior to the war. The RAF conducted raids dropping leaflets over Germany and when asked why they did not drop bombs one RAF leader said because it was private property below. France likewise did not want a shooting war as they had suffered terribly in the previous one. Everybody, apart from Churchill who believed it was his destiny to lead the country in a war, expected that another treaty would settle things. That is why it was called the Phoney War period.
so what is Putins next response ?
Unlike the Americans, May cannot make similar financial restrictions on Russian assets in the UK because they are too important to the (London/SE) economy, especially in the shadow of Brexit; so ironically if Putin decided (& was able) to apply financial restrictions on those Russians that would damage the UK.
He still has the option of 'restricting' BP 20% ownership in Russian gas giant Rosneft.

Apparenty Macrun (&others ?) are still attending the upcoming 22nd St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, too, cue shaking hands.
Govts and the truth depend on the situation. It is best not to believe the Govt especially in times of conflict.

The Second World War in 1939 got off to a slow start mainly because despite what the later propaganda claims the country did not want a war as they had been through the slaughter of WW1. Appeasement, a dirty word now, was hugely popular in all sections of society prior to the war. The RAF conducted raids dropping leaflets over Germany and when asked why they did not drop bombs one RAF leader said because it was private property below. France likewise did not want a shooting war as they had suffered terribly in the previous one. Everybody, apart from Churchill who believed it was his destiny to lead the country in a war, expected that another treaty would settle things. That is why it was called the Phoney War period.

I'd hazard WW2 was the end of respectable war tactics unfortunately, that old Prussian mindset was still in effect, not at all what occurred between the West and the Soviets afterwards, which was practically a war of deception, lies, disgusting behaviour all-round, sovereign abuses on an epic scale by both GRU/KGB and CIA (not entirely sure what ours did, not nearly as much as the CIA though, holy jebus).

/i do not include the genocide as a war tactic, as it was for all-intents-and-purposes a social policy
This whole thing stinks, one minute will not recover next minute right as rain. I think some apologies are due from certain people ? Will the truth ever come out i wonder.

One miniute being a month ago and right as rain being life changing did efects?

Just to be clear here you realise this chemical kills by making you spasm to the point you can't breath and suffocate.

In a combat environment your respiratory support is likley to be a mate who wasn't exposed trying to do chest compressions so maybe a few at best, if you're lucky a medic who can intubate you and has a bag so perhaps he can keep breathing for you for half an hour or so but still your under attack.

These people had the advantage of being in a developed country near medical services and not an active chemical warzone.

So ambulance, intubation, forced air ventilation 24/7 and round the clock care for 4 weeks.

Something no soldier attacked by thid would ever have.

But since you're here and every false flagger is ignoring it I'll ask again who do you think killed litvinenko?
Govts and the truth depend on the situation. It is best not to believe the Govt especially in times of conflict.

The Second World War in 1939 got off to a slow start mainly because despite what the later propaganda claims the country did not want a war as they had been through the slaughter of WW1. Appeasement, a dirty word now, was hugely popular in all sections of society prior to the war. The RAF conducted raids dropping leaflets over Germany and when asked why they did not drop bombs one RAF leader said because it was private property below. France likewise did not want a shooting war as they had suffered terribly in the previous one. Everybody, apart from Churchill who believed it was his destiny to lead the country in a war, expected that another treaty would settle things. That is why it was called the Phoney War period.

Looking into it there is another reason for the Saar Offensive stalling - the French forces were still heavily reliant on massed artillery (WW1 mindset) supporting their forward offensive - in an era where Germany was pushing new ground with air power that artillery which took hours to move and setup was a sitting duck for the likes of Stukas with the French air force largely obsolete and no match for the German forces in the air - what they didn't know due to misinformation was that those German air forces were largely committed to the Polish offensive.
Well soldiers have epipens to deal with it generally.

They have autoinjectors filled with a mix of godawful compounds that may or may not work against a specific nerve agent.

They would still need respiratory care and immediate evacuation as they would be suffering the side effects if the antidote and still be unable to use most of thier muscles.

For soldiers a mass chemical attack of modern stuff froma. Comparable enemy is basically lethal which is the environment this stuff gets its reputation from.

Not quite urban setting at peacetime which is was never intended for
Looking into it there is another reason for the Saar Offensive stalling - the French forces were still heavily reliant on massed artillery (WW1 mindset) supporting their forward offensive - in an era where Germany was pushing new ground with air power that artillery which took hours to move and setup was a sitting duck for the likes of Stukas with the French air force largely obsolete and no match for the German forces in the air - what they didn't know due to misinformation was that those German air forces were largely committed to the Polish offensive.

Also the allied strategy was to stay on the defensive untill they had massed enough resources to overwhelm the Germans (which would take several years). Germany on the other hand needed a quick victory, as her access to raw materials was very limited, even more so by the blockade. On the oother hand the allies were in a much better position materially so with time they would get relatively stronger and Germany weaker.
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