Former Russian double agent seriously ill in Salisbury.

They have autoinjectors filled with a mix of godawful compounds that may or may not work against a specific nerve agent.

They would still need respiratory care and immediate evacuation as they would be suffering the side effects if the antidote and still be unable to use most of thier muscles.

For soldiers a mass chemical attack of modern stuff froma. Comparable enemy is basically lethal which is the environment this stuff gets its reputation from.

Not quite urban setting at peacetime which is was never intended for

Also people seem to keep skipping over that many of this type of nerve agent were designed for assembling in final form "in the field" and that results aren't always as optimal and hence as lethal that way compared to when done in a lab - which can impact effectiveness.
What exactly has this got to do with a "Former Russian double agent seriously ill in Salisbury"?

Was going back to Panos's post - he was picking and choosing the bits of something to try and prove a point while ignoring all the other variables - something he seems to do quite often.
Was going back to Panos's post - he was picking and choosing the bits of something to try and prove a point while ignoring all the other variables - something he seems to do quite often.

that sort of approach is the basis for quite a few conspiracy theories and a thread like this seems to attract people who are into that sort of thing
Sooo still no one willing to answer who they think put the polonium in the tea?

In two threads its remarkable how certain people avoid that issue lol
I think I'll leave this here just to balance out the whole anti-russia, big scary bear rhetoric.

This was a bbc interview and you'll probably understand why he hasn't really been invited back. (apart from one time when he made a bit of a fool of Andrew Marr lol)

"I can see he [Putin] is a decent person, he wouldn't do such nasty things"

Ahhh...right.....that's me convinced! :D:D:D
What do you actually know about Putin other than what you are told through the Media?

That's his Dad speaking who will have had access to much more information than you or I, however it goes against general media driven consensus so must be nonsense.
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haha is that what he said? lmao xD

Good old Noam as well, fanatic muslims normally mention Noam Chomsky, even Osama Bin Laden recommended his books.

Lol do they that's the first I've heard of it. He (Naom Chomsky) is a Institute Professor Emeritus at MIT and you are? He has wrote many, many books, gives lectures the World over and you have done what?

It's funny how if you cannot discredit the information then It's better to discredit the person.

Considered the founder of modern linguistics, Noam Chomsky is one of the most cited scholars in modern history. Among his groundbreaking books are “Syntactic Structures”, “Language and Mind,” “Aspects of the Theory of Syntax,” and “The Minimalist Program,” each of which has made distinct contributions to the development of the field. He has received numerous awards, including the Kyoto Prize in Basic Sciences, the Helmholtz Medal and the Ben Franklin Medal in Computer and Cognitive Science.

Chomsky introduced the Chomsky hierarchy, generative grammar and the concept of a universal grammar, which underlies all human speech and is based in the innate structure of the mind/brain. Chomsky has not only transformed the field of linguistics, his work has influenced fields such as cognitive science, philosophy, psychology, computer science, mathematics, childhood education, and anthropology.

Chomsky is also one of the most influential public intellectuals in the world. He has written more than 100 books, his most recent being “Requiem for the American Dream: The 10 Principles of Concentration of Wealth & Power.”

Chomsky joined the UA in fall 2017, coming from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he worked since 1955 as professor of linguistics, then professor of linguistics, emeritus.
By "of interest" do you mean as a study in propaganda? It being Russia Today and Russia Today is basically the media wing of the Russian Government?
So are you saying that Litvinenko's father is knowingly spreading false information? If your son was killed in the manner that his was would you also go on public record and defend his killers, even moving away from the U.K. where you would presumably be protected and into the hands of the person/nation from whom you knew killed your son? You have to admit that wouldn't make sense would it.

It's interesting that we understand what propaganda is when it's attributed to an enemy state such as Hitlers Germany or Putin's Russia, but we refuse to acknowledge that propaganda exists in every nation or state including our own.

You should really have a look into Naom Chomsky who has written and talked extensively about the subject perhaps even have a look at his book Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media.

We normally think that the press are cantankerous, obstinate, and ubiquitous in its search for truth. In Manufacturing Consent Edward Herman and Noam Chomsky show how an underlying elite consensus largely structures all facets of the news. Far from challenging established power, the media work hard to discover and mirror its assumptions. The authors skilfully dissect the way in which the marketplace and the economics of publishing significantly shape the news. They reveal how issues are framed and topics chosen, and contrast the double standards underlying accounts of free elections, a free press, and governmental repression. The authors conclude that the modern mass media can best be understood in terms of a 'propaganda model'. News and entertainment companies dedicate themselves to profit within the established system. Their interests require that they support the governing assumptions of state and private power. The propaganda model provokes outrage from journalists, editors and broadcasters, but twenty years after first publication, Manufacturing Consent remains the most important critique of the mass media.

Here's a little short video illustrating The 5 Filters of the Mass Media Machine.

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It's interesting that we understand what propaganda is when it's attributed to an enemy state such as Hitlers Germany or Putin's Russia, but we refuse to acknowledge that propaganda exists in every nation or state including our own.

It's all Russian, my friend. We no longer have our own. You see, years ago the Russians began a most devious experiment called They'll-Novi-See-This-Coming. It was decided to talk common sense and behave more responsibly in international affairs. Assuming that Russia would always be perceived to have evil intent no matter what Russia did, it was hypothesized that the experiment would ensure that those who sought to distance themselves from Russian propaganda, would also distance themselves from common sense and behaving responsibly, and slowly but irrevocably decay those nations into abandoning all cornerstones of civilization such as the presumption of innocence unless proven guilty. The results of the experiment surpassed their wildest expectations, with the leadership of the countries targeted by the experiment displaying the most lack of common sense and responsible behaviour, in their zeal to show themselves to be the most inured to Russian propaganda. Naturally, this then also had a top-down effect on useful idiots among the general populace, unwilling to risk careers or social standing by speaking truth to power and telling their governments off for their behaviour. Therefore, ultimately, millions of people are falling prey to Russian propaganda even as they seek to escape it. It is said the experiment will continue for as long as Putin smirks whenever the subject is raised.

You'll never hear that on RT ^
Lol do they that's the first I've heard of it. He (Naom Chomsky) is a Institute Professor Emeritus at MIT and you are? He has wrote many, many books, gives lectures the World over and you have done what?

It's funny how if you cannot discredit the information then It's better to discredit the person.

Did I hit a nerve or something? I don't know an awful lot about Noam except Christopher Hitchens said Osama Bin Laden had recommended people read his books and I saw a fundamentalist muslim on youtube who preaches in speakers corner also quote Noams work, so I made the connection, not having a go at Noam at all.
Did I hit a nerve or something? I don't know an awful lot about Noam except Christopher Hitchens said Osama Bin Laden had recommended people read his books and I saw a fundamentalist muslim on youtube who preaches in speakers corner also quote Noams work, so I made the connection, not having a go at Noam at all.
I just thought it was interesting that you associated a person like Naom Chomsky with someone like Osama Bin Laden or a Muslim Fundamentalist It's not very surprising you know very little about him.

Perhaps you should look into him a little more it may open your eyes a bit.
I just thought it was interesting that you associated a person like Naom Chomsky with someone like Osama Bin Laden or a Muslim Fundamentalist It's not very surprising you know very little about him.

Perhaps you should look into him a little more it may open your eyes a bit.

I might yes, although I think we're probably on different parts of the political spectrum. I'm guessing Noams politics must align somewhere with these types of people otherwise why would they mention him.
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