Former Russian double agent seriously ill in Salisbury.

Citation please?

It's in the same link I originally posted (it gets updated as the story develops)

The government's emergency committee, Cobra, has met in the Cabinet Office at an official level to discuss the events in Amesbury, which is being "treated with the utmost seriousness".

The Met said counter terrorism officers are now working with Wiltshire Police "given the recent events in Salisbury".
Location exactly the same distance from Porton Down (different direction) again.


The Skripals were found at The Maltings shopping centre, 7 miles (6 as the crow flies) from Porton Down.

The current incident occurred in Amesbury, 5.8 miles (4 as the crow flies) from Porton Down.

The Skripals were found at The Maltings shopping centre, 7 miles (6 as the crow flies) from Porton Down.

The current incident occurred in Amesbury, 5.8 miles (4 as the crow flies) from Porton Down.

Is this a coded message that Putin wants his slice of the Brexit pie, £2 Billion a year? ;)
Russian disinformation campaigns:

As for the Skirpals case according to German TV (RBB) the German government in early June informed a parliamentary oversight committee during a closed hearing that it still had not received any evidence that Russia was behind the incident that took place in early March....

That's a classic talking point straight from Russian propaganda channels. Sputnik ran it in January and April this year. It's based purely on a statement by Armin Laschet (deputy Chair of the Christian Democrats, and head of North Rhine-Westphalia). This was not a statement from Merkel or her government; it was just one politician's opinion. Sputnik and RT have deliberately blown it out of proportion.

By contrast, Merkel's government is satisfied that the evidence points to Russia. Here is a statement from the German Foreign Minister in March:

The attack in Salisbury shocked all of us in the European Union. For the first time since the end of the Second World War, a chemical warfare agent was used right here in Europe. It is clear that there must be consequences. We in the European Union have therefore adopted an unequivocal position and stand shoulder to shoulder with the United Kingdom.

We did not make the decision to expel the Russian diplomats lightly. However, the facts and evidence suggest that Russia is behind this attack. To date, the Russian Government has not answered any of the unresolved questions and shown no willingness to play a constructive role in clarifying the circumstances of the attack.


To date, Russian media and Russian officials have deliberately muddied the waters with at least 20 different narratives about the Skripal case, all of which are intended to shift blame away from the Kremlin.

You can read them here.
Russian disinformation campaigns:

That's a classic talking point straight from Russian propaganda channels. Sputnik ran it in January and April this year. It's based purely on a statement by Armin Laschet (deputy Chair of the Christian Democrats, and head of North Rhine-Westphalia). This was not a statement from Merkel or her government; it was just one politician's opinion. Sputnik and RT have deliberately blown it out of proportion.

By contrast, Merkel's government is satisfied that the evidence points to Russia. Here is a statement from the German Foreign Minister in March:


To date, Russian media and Russian officials have deliberately muddied the waters with at least 20 different narratives about the Skripal case, all of which are intended to shift blame away from the Kremlin.

You can read them here.

You know they are lying when their own officials don't even repeat the same story :/
I expect they are just worried this pair have been contaminated from the same stuff as used on the Skripals from somewhere, not that they were targetted
Poster A comments on June parliamentary oversight committee and BND findings.

Poster B questions it.

Poster C provides info about it.

Poster D brings up January and April, naming someone who wasn't part of the June story at all, and points us to a government report from March.

Clearly, this means posters A and C are gullible. Everyone else knows how to read and spot a strawman argument.
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