Since i sold my lpg'd bmw i havent been to the local business that provided all my fuelling needs which at the last time i filled up was at £0.49pl. However today i was driving past and had a look at the price and i was shocked, it was now at £0.70pl. A 40%ish increase! There be rage somewhere.
I'm quite tempted to get my Jeep LPG'd. Apart from the initial cost and the fact that it isn't worth a huge amount more than the conversion, it would be just my luck that I get the conversion done and LPG costs go through the roof. I reckon I'll roughly save £20 a tank.
Fuel is becoming an issue irrespective of whether your overall finances can cover the costs. If it wasn't such a problem for most people, my Jeep would be worth twice as much as it is now - my first Jeep went to a chap in Bulgaria. He bought them in the UK drove them around for a bit and sold them for a hefty profit as fuel was cheap.