Fuel up/down again

Anyone seen petrol over £1.50 yet?

Yesterday I saw BP Ultimate at £1.48.9 and Diesel at £1.45.9.


Not quite reached £1.30 yet unless you feel the need to goto BP who are still 3ppl more expensive than anyone else. Currently filling up at £1.27.9 although that jumped from £1.25.9 in a week :(
Rich1988 said “can only laugh at this guy with the prius thinking its fast, its a 10 second to 60 car, it can have all the torque in the world but its still a slow car,”
What if its 0 to 30 in a real fast time frame and it’s only the 30 to 60 bit that takes ages? It’s not the same style of engine so it might leave many cars standing in the first few seconds. After a few seconds you’re now in single file so that last 6 seconds of 30 to 60 does not matter as you are already in front.

Not that I am saying this is right as I don’t have the accurate numbers. But surely a gearless engine pulls off faster in the first few seconds? I would have thought it has speeds up to 30MPH faster but takes longer to hit 60MPH.

Isnt perfectly possible for a car to leave another cars standing at the lights but have a slow 0 to 60MPH?
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Our mistake, the Prius is a traffic light GP Weapon.

*provided you only race from 0-30....

But if what you say is true it must take a total age to get from 30-60.

Lol considering i can get 30mph in 1st gear, a 0-30mph race would still not show the Prius as being the speed demon some of the owners think it is :p
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Let me guess, you have read that somewhere?

I can guarantee you have not driven a series 3 Prius, or you would not have stated that. The initial instant torque of a 650volt 3phase motor combined with the 1800cc engine will throw you back in your seat and you will be pulling way ahead whilst the rest of the pack are still going thru the gears. Will some of them pass me further up the road? absolutely they will :p

is this guy serious?

it takes 10 god damn slow and boring seconds to get to 60, I seriously doubt it throws you back in your seat lol WUT!
just filled up at 1.36.9 for diesel :(
Most expensive seen on the way home was 1.39.9.

GRrrrrrrrr bloody 90 mile a day commute.
The taxation levels on fuel is really ******* me off.
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