I've been playing metro exodus enhanced edition last week. The story, gameplay, world design, stealth and crafting are very good, I wouldn't say outstanding, IMHO overhyped somewhat, but nothing I'm unhappy with or bothered by.
But the visuals, my word, they are simply fantastic*. Every hour or two I come across a scene where I have to stop playing for a minute just to enjoy the beauty and realism. The daylight scenes with the sun reflecting off the oil pools, the night scenes in the indoor environments in first area, just wow. You can pinpoint where an enemy is (indoors) and which way he is facing without line-of-sight because you can see where his head torch is reflecting, that's a level of realism I wasn't prepared for. The sound effects are also incredibly good.
*Playing at 4K res, settings mix of high and ultra, DLSS balanced, HDR on**, getting around 90-110 fps most of the time. PC specs in my sig.
** When you turn HDR on there is a bug with the gamma, everything looks a bit washed out, internet searches reveal the bug is well known but will not be fixed (it looks normal for a brief moment when you are removing or applying the gas mask). To work around it I adjusted TV display settings, reduced brightness and increased contrast & OLED light settings. Only takes a minute and my game sessions are usually 3-4hours at least so I don't mind doing it each time, can't remember the exact changes right now but if you want to know I can write them down.
The only other raytraced AAA game I have played so far is CP2077 which didn't look anywhere near as realistic or stunning to me. Which other ray traced games are totally stunning visually like metro exodus is?