Poll: General election voting intentions poll

Voting intentions in the General Election - only use the poll if you intend to vote

  • Alliance Party of Northern Ireland

    Votes: 2 0.3%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 287 42.0%
  • Democratic Unionist Party

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Green Party

    Votes: 67 9.8%
  • Labour

    Votes: 108 15.8%
  • Liberal Democrat

    Votes: 25 3.7%
  • Other party (not named)

    Votes: 15 2.2%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 2 0.3%
  • Respect Party

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Scottish National Party

    Votes: 36 5.3%
  • Social Democratic and Labour Party

    Votes: 1 0.1%
  • Sinn Fein

    Votes: 4 0.6%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 137 20.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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28 Nov 2004
9th Inner Circle
Sorry Splodgy, i'm not letting you derail another tread with your thin skinned mary whitehouse impression, go be offended for others somewhere else...

Back on topic, Labour just received a major mauling about their anti-business stance on the Daily Politics right now

I'm not thin skinned. Just prefer debate without childish name calling...

Anyway, the talk about Labour is on Radio 2 right now. Business leaders always get uppity if their fiefdoms are under threat. The leader of Boots, who pays no tax over here lecturing about proposed tax policies is a tad ironic.

Agreed. Let's all go back in time, great idea!

Everything was better in the 1950's!
18 Jun 2012
This forum isn't a fair representation of the wider population though. It is mostly white, impressionable, male adults who vote on sound bites rather than policy or fact

Luckily I'm aware of this but for a forum which is mostly populated by younger generations it's a little worrying. Im in early 30s and my generation was pretty liberal but it seems the current generation is a lot more right wing and 'old fashioned' in their views which i find a bit worrying and regressive.
Man of Honour
27 Sep 2004
Spoiled ballots are counted. If 50% of the population spoiled the ballot then it would be taken very seriously. The issue is most people don't think that it is a valid option and will either not vote or will go for whatever they voted last time.

Counted in the sense that the number of spoiled ballots is recorded but there's no distinction drawn between a ballot where the voter clearly intends to say "none of the above" and a ballot where they've just failed to follow the instructions so it's invalid. That's a drawback to the current recording system - you can't tell whether we've got a sizeable percentage of people dissatisfied with the options on the ballot, whether we've got a sizeable percentage of incompetent people or somewhere between the two.
21 Apr 2009
People are worrying about the results of high right-wing polling from a business' forum, which attracts individuals with high levels of disposable income? Seriously?
18 Oct 2002
Just watched the interview with the Green Party leader, golly gosh! What happened to Lucas?

EDIT - I was thinking about voting Green as a protest vote. Not a chance!
Last edited:
16 Jun 2013
People are worrying about the results of high right-wing polling from a business' forum, which attracts individuals with high levels of disposable income? Seriously?

This is a business forum? I thought it was about computers and bitching :confused:.

What am I doing here.
27 Apr 2013
Vast swathes of people without jobs (mostly in the Public Sector) because of the Conservatives unnecessarily harsh cuts would disagree.

The cuts made by the Conservatives were small, which is why we're still running at a loss with an unbalanced economy.

The total number of jobs lost in the public sector under the coalition was about 1 million, which includes about 150,000 from the Royal Mail privatisation. This compares to millions of jobs created in the private sector. Even if two thirds of those were low paid, you'd still have more new private sector jobs than you would have cut from the public sector.
18 Oct 2002
Counted in the sense that the number of spoiled ballots is recorded but there's no distinction drawn between a ballot where the voter clearly intends to say "none of the above" and a ballot where they've just failed to follow the instructions so it's invalid. That's a drawback to the current recording system - you can't tell whether we've got a sizeable percentage of people dissatisfied with the options on the ballot, whether we've got a sizeable percentage of incompetent people or somewhere between the two.

It is easy to measure a base rate of incompetent people though so if there was a large upswing in spiked ballots then it would be taken seriously. Ideally there would be a non of the above but we are taking politics here and things are far from ideal to begin with.
13 Aug 2010
Even if two thirds of those were low paid, you'd still have more new private sector jobs than you would have cut from the public sector.

Except it's 80% of those new jobs created are either low paid or so called modern apprenticeships which means the tax payer gained nothing as those jobs are all applicable for Tax Credits.
6 Oct 2011
This forum isn't a fair representation of the wider population though. It is mostly white, impressionable, male adults who vote on sound bites rather than policy or fact

You made me chuckle. Thanks. he impressionable people will be voting UKIP or Green party. Especially when it comes to sound bites. Although Labour has come up with a few lately. Chris Bryant is a clown... out clowned by Ed.

Vast swathes of people without jobs (mostly in the Public Sector) because of the Conservatives unnecessarily harsh cuts would disagree.

Many would argue that Labour completely made up jobs in the public sector during their god awful reign. Middle management in the NHS was disgraceful. Kept the unemployment figure down though...

People who are saying they will spoil their paper or not vote. Get a grip. Millions of people did not die for your freedom and right to a democracy just so you can squander it.
6 Oct 2011
Except it's 80% of those new jobs created are either low paid or so called modern apprenticeships which means the tax payer gained nothing as those jobs are all applicable for Tax Credits.

80% of new jobs created in the private sector are apprenticeships? Love to see this source.

Also even if it is correct, it still means these people are working, getting paid, and probably spending said wages on nice things. Which in turns helps the economy...
11 Mar 2009
In the past I have always voted Conservative, and would like to see them in power over a labour government.

However I strongly disagree with our Local Tory MP on local matters and do not even get me started on our useless Tory AM, I will skip down the street the day those two are gone.

Thankfully my area is split between tory and lib, I can see UKIP appealing to a large amount of elderly voters though.

I think my vote will be with the Liberals this time, but I will have to look at Plaid Cymru further.
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