Poll: General election voting round 4

Voting intentions in the General Election?

  • Alliance Party of Northern Ireland

    Votes: 2 0.3%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 276 39.5%
  • Democratic Unionist Party

    Votes: 1 0.1%
  • Green Party

    Votes: 41 5.9%
  • Labour

    Votes: 125 17.9%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 50 7.2%
  • Not voting/will spoil ballot

    Votes: 33 4.7%
  • Other party (not named)

    Votes: 5 0.7%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 3 0.4%
  • Respect Party

    Votes: 2 0.3%
  • Scottish National Party

    Votes: 31 4.4%
  • Social Democratic and Labour Party

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sinn Fein

    Votes: 1 0.1%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 128 18.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Some nice mythbusting on the "recovery", including an absolutely striking figure:


Mediamacro myth 7: the strong recovery

Major crises, such as the Great Depression, are usually followed by sharp increases in GDP, overtaking the previous high e.g. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Depression#/media/File:US_GDP_10-60.jpg, that's a real "recovery".

It's this authors assertion that the dip in the above chart, and continued poor performance, is a direct consequence of austerity. We won't be "recovering" until we get "back on track", which continues to look unlikely as long as the Conservatives keep cutting.
You should watch
Skip to about 4:12 for the start
Don't get tempted to skip the bit about empires it is relevant
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Some nice mythbusting on the "recovery", including an absolutely striking figure:


Mediamacro myth 7: the strong recovery

Major crises, such as the Great Depression, are usually followed by sharp increases in GDP, overtaking the previous high e.g. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Depression#/media/File:US_GDP_10-60.jpg, that's a real "recovery".

It's this authors assertion that the dip in the above chart, and continued poor performance, is a direct consequence of austerity. We won't be "recovering" until we get "back on track", which continues to look unlikely as long as the Conservatives keep cutting.

I don't like this graph, look at ones for all the other countries of the world and you will find a similar trend, it is NOT just UK's fault for the slow recovery it is a global trend. This is the closest I have come across just from a quick google for USA


You cannot blame a national governments austerity on a GLOBAL lack of recovery back to the logarithmic trend line.

I do believe austerity slowed growth but it is not the only measure and certainly not the major deciding factor of what has slowed the UK economy growth rate down when it has been reacting to far more external global recessionary measures.
Can't remember. She did offer a telephone number to verify and who the poll was by but I thought it would be a chance to get a UKIP perspective over and so wasn't interested in who the poll was by.

Cameron or Ed Milliband ?


You have to choose one or t'other !!

Least worst option then "Cameron".

Well the poll probably wasn't interested in ukip as they won't even factor when it comes to who is PM
Apparently something is funny ?

All the high horse stuff is getting on my nerves now. It's happening in the pubs too. Let people vote for whoever they wish and don't lecture or be condescending to them because you think you have the moral high ground or some divine perspective.

eg: If someone wants to vote for George Galloway then that's their democratic right and I don't feel like I have the right to belittle them for a decision I'd personally consider a bit foolish..
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Apparently something is funny ?

It was the "naturally I said UKIP" as if voting for any other party is nonsensical.

Look, I am with them on the EU. I don't understand the obsession with wanting large parts of our legislature being out of our control and agree that wanting to control immigration is perfectly sensible and not inherently racist. I even agree the media use conformation bias against them and highlight stories that play to the narrative whilst ignoring other parties when the do the same thing.

But, when you get past the single issue of the EU, they are basically the English version of the Tea Party. Their policies look like something my nan would have written; bring back smoking in pubs, get rid of race laws, massive tax cuts for the rich, replacing "environmental" departments for military ones etc.
To be fair I support abolishing the smoking ban on a place by place nature. If pubs or clubs want to allow smoking I think they should be allowed to.

At least the smell of BO, **** and vomit was masked even if the smell ruined my clothes :D.
To be fair I support abolishing the smoking ban on a place by place nature. If pubs or clubs want to allow smoking I think they should be allowed to.

Then you support a total reversal of the law, given prior to it there was no law stating a pub must allow smoking (ergo they had the choice before).
Then you support a total reversal of the law, given prior to it there was no law stating a pub must allow smoking (ergo they had the choice before).

It'll be interesting if pubs do reverse the policy if they're allowed to, i believe a big chuck of pubs will stay smoke free if they have the choice anyway
It was the "naturally I said UKIP" as if voting for any other party is nonsensical.

Look, I am with them on the EU. I don't understand the obsession with wanting large parts of our legislature being out of our control and agree that wanting to control immigration is perfectly sensible and not inherently racist. I even agree the media use conformation bias against them and highlight stories that play to the narrative whilst ignoring other parties when the do the same thing.

But, when you get past the single issue of the EU, they are basically the English version of the Tea Party. Their policies look like something my nan would have written; bring back smoking in pubs, get rid of race laws, massive tax cuts for the rich, replacing "environmental" departments for military ones etc.

"large parts of our legislature being out of our control "

That's the point right there, not being able to run our own country how we want it to be run is important to some people.
Somehow that is not so important to many Red or Blue voters.
I also think you disrespect your Nan because she is old, that is pretty low imo, she has more experience of the world than you and that should be respected.
I doubt very much she would want "massive tax cuts for the rich".
Then you support a total reversal of the law, given prior to it there was no law stating a pub must allow smoking (ergo they had the choice before).

Indeed they had the choice. I knew of a few who had banned smoking prior to the law.

I would still want to keep the law for places like shopping centers and so on.

Just if a pub wants to allow smoking they can apply for a license.
I don't understand the obsession with wanting large parts of our legislature being out of our control....

Large parts of our legislature aren't out of our control. The EU remains primarily a trading partnership. We're bound by rules we agree to, and which are necessary to maintain the functioning of a single market. Leaving the EU would do little to limit the impact of that regulation on us (since we mostly change with Europe anyway) and simply remove our ability to control it at all.
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