Poll: General election voting round 4

Voting intentions in the General Election?

  • Alliance Party of Northern Ireland

    Votes: 2 0.3%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 276 39.5%
  • Democratic Unionist Party

    Votes: 1 0.1%
  • Green Party

    Votes: 41 5.9%
  • Labour

    Votes: 125 17.9%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 50 7.2%
  • Not voting/will spoil ballot

    Votes: 33 4.7%
  • Other party (not named)

    Votes: 5 0.7%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 3 0.4%
  • Respect Party

    Votes: 2 0.3%
  • Scottish National Party

    Votes: 31 4.4%
  • Social Democratic and Labour Party

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sinn Fein

    Votes: 1 0.1%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 128 18.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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18 Oct 2002
Ocuk is just an exception, I don't have enough info to deduce why its users lean right away but if I were to guess I'd say the initial 'core' of users happened to be leaning right and they attracted other users with similar opinions. This isn't enough to explain the current situation but maybe some of the older members can confirm it was a factor?

OCUK haad a reputation for being the BNP's technical support. many of the central left leaning people disappeared. BNP is now just replaced by UKIP.
27 Apr 2013
Well, I believe the reduced intelligence is more commonly associated with socially ring wing views.

What do you base this belief on?

I'm aware of a study which circulated (picked up by the Guardian for example) a few years ago which suggests a correlation between the two, but that study has been ripped to shreds. Can you link to alternative sources?

I would suggest that there is a socially left-wing bias amongst those who attended higher education, because academia (the social sciences in particular) was overrun by the left-wing from the 60's onwards.

Once there is a strong political bias in education, its very difficult to break the self-perpetuating cycle of leftist bias. Especially when its reinforced by those students going out into other industries where they reinforce the narrative which feeds back into academia. In many universities its very hard to challenge the orthodoxy and succeed.

So I wouldn't associate right-wing views with lesser intelligence. Perhaps in general there is an educational link, but there are many highly intelligent people who endorse right-wing views.

D.P. said:
OCUK haad a reputation for being the BNP's technical support. many of the central left leaning people disappeared. BNP is now just replaced by UKIP.

Given that you've no concept of what is far-right, I find it difficult to believe you've any concept of what is 'central left (sic)'.
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18 Oct 2002
It's about plotting change as the election becomes closer rather than the absolute values.

That may have some basis in reality. UKIP vote here has declined while the Labour-Tory ratio has been stable. That is reflected in the national polls.

However, when the sample is extremely skewed then you have to be very careful to draw conclusions, regressi0n towards the mean and so on.
4 Sep 2008
What do you base this belief on?

I'm aware of a study which circulated (picked up by the Guardian for example) a few years ago which suggests a correlation between the two, but that study has been ripped to shreds. Can you link to alternative sources?

I would suggest that there is a socially left-wing bias amongst those who attended higher education, because academia (the social sciences in particular) was overrun by the left-wing from the 60's onwards.

Once there is a strong political bias in education, its very difficult to break the self-perpetuating cycle of leftist bias. Especially when its reinforced by those students going out into other industries where they reinforce the narrative which feeds back into academia.

In many universities its very hard to challenge the orthodoxy and succeed.

Sources for your claims?
6 Nov 2005
Well, given that this is a) the internet, and b) OcUK, it will amaze everybody to learn that essentially nobody's opinions have changed over the course of the polls :p

22 Sep 2011
Portsmouth (Southsea)
What do you base this belief on?

I'm aware of a study which circulated (picked up by the Guardian for example) a few years ago which suggests a correlation between the two, but that study has been ripped to shreds. Can you link to alternative sources?

I would suggest that there is a socially left-wing bias amongst those who attended higher education, because academia (the social sciences in particular) was overrun by the left-wing from the 60's onwards.

Once there is a strong political bias in education, its very difficult to break the self-perpetuating cycle of leftist bias. Especially when its reinforced by those students going out into other industries where they reinforce the narrative which feeds back into academia. In many universities its very hard to challenge the orthodoxy and succeed.

So I wouldn't associate right-wing views with lesser intelligence. Perhaps in general there is an educational link, but there are many highly intelligent people who endorse right-wing views.

Given that you've no concept of what is far-right, I find it difficult to believe you've any concept of what is 'central left (sic)'.
It's not a coincidence that all the least intelligent forum members are rabid UKIP supporters.

Regarding the myriad of studies out there, this is related to social views which should not be confused with economic views both of which have a left/right element.

Traditionalist views on social issues, such as equality are essential appeals to tradition - held by those with poor reasoning skills & require a sense of comfort from bigotry.
30 Apr 2006
Can we stop confusing right-wing with authoritarian! I'd say the majority here are socially liberal, but economically right. I am anyway, I believe in a small government first and foremost.

Indeed, if anything the Labour has proved itself time and again to be more authoritarian than any other party.
18 Oct 2002
What do you base this belief on?

I'm aware of a study which circulated (picked up by the Guardian for example) a few years ago which suggests a correlation between the two, but that study has been ripped to shreds. Can you link to alternative sources?

I would suggest that there is a socially left-wing bias amongst those who attended higher education, because academia (the social sciences in particular) was overrun by the left-wing from the 60's onwards.

Once there is a strong political bias in education, its very difficult to break the self-perpetuating cycle of leftist bias. Especially when its reinforced by those students going out into other industries where they reinforce the narrative which feeds back into academia. In many universities its very hard to challenge the orthodoxy and succeed.

So I wouldn't associate right-wing views with lesser intelligence. Perhaps in general there is an educational link, but there are many highly intelligent people who endorse right-wing views.

Given that you've no concept of what is far-right, I find it difficult to believe you've any concept of what is 'central left (sic)'.

There are endless studies on the matter, e.g.

But it is more complex than a simple linear relationship. As elmarko pointed out, lower intelligence is more strongly associated with social conservatism than economic. And there are a load of other factors to consider, e.g it is believed that extreme left or right political views tend to correlate with lower intelligence because the far extremes tend to be extremes rigid, e.g. UKIP.
Then there are things like conservatism is negatively correlated with education and education is positively correlated with intelligence. If lower intelligent demographics were educated to the same standards then there may be no or reduced political differences.
One of the important factors within higher education demographics, e.g. those who attended university, is that they are shown a much broader political landscape, exposed to different opinions and viewpoints. People that leave school at 16 because of failed grades, live with their parents for much longer, never leave their home town, stay with their same school friends who also didn't go off to university are more isolated and therefore more likely to maintain the same social-political beliefs of their peer group and especially their parents.

You then have the issue that in most western countries the main political parties are all center right, e.g. Tories and Labour in the UK, so it can be hard to get true representative samples.

There are also cultural differences, e.g. I believe the effect size is much bigger in the US, with the socially conservative tea party members bringing down the republican mean.
22 Jun 2004
Deep England
Interesting, did the original owner have links with the BNP?

No - he was a fan of Enoch Powell's immigration comments though (as am I). The BNP technical support thing is just an insult bandied about by liberal lefties with a bit of butthurt, members of this forum have always had a diverse range of views and been allowed to present them largely uncensored, which is to this forum's credit imo.



1 Feb 2007
Personally disagree with this. Having been on the forum a while now, I do not think that is true at all.

I do think it is true. Most of the homophobic/racist etc threads tend to be started by the same people and mostly have the same people posting in them. Don't mistake volume for numbers.
18 Oct 2002
Interesting, did the original owner have links with the BNP?

Possibly, I don't know though.
He did permabanned a load of left leaning people , a load of others left at the around the same time, I disappeared for a couple for years.

Things a better now, there used to be hundred page threads of endless Muslim bashing and blatant racism. There was one poster, DirtyDog, who was there for ages before ocuk finally got rid of him.
4 Sep 2008
Interesting, did the original owner have links with the BNP?

Brave to answer this honestly on the forum.

No - he was a fan of Enoch Powell's immigration comments though (as am I). The BNP technical support thing is just an insult bandied about by liberal lefties with a bit of butthurt, members of this forum have always had a diverse range of views and been allowed to present them largely uncensored, which is to this forum's credit imo.


Possibly, I don't know though.
He did permabanned a load of left leaning people , a load of others left at the around the same time, I disappeared for a couple for years.

Things a better now, there used to be hundred page threads of endless Muslim bashing and blatant racism. There was one poster, DirtyDog, who was there for ages before ocuk finally got rid of him.

I will refrain from talking too much about the previous owner and moderators / admins as I'll be banned.

However, as D.P. says, things are a lot better now. There is a lower tolerance for racist, homophobic and sexist posts. They still exist, there is still a group of members whom are still very much in line with that way of thinking however they do not start as many threads.

I do think it is true. Most of the homophobic/racist etc threads tend to be started by the same people and mostly have the same people posting in them. Don't mistake volume for numbers.

I would agree with that, however I still think there is a problem with it.

A lot of the homophobic / sexist comments are often missed or alluded to by members.
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13 Aug 2003
Maybe we should be voting for each individual policy put forward from all parties and the policies from each category that get voted for are the ones a "government" selected in some other way, jury type system, then has to implement.

I just hate the way politics is in our country. Ultimately self serving, perceived as corrupt and now seen as not really wanting to have their system looked into too deeply, or criticised, with things like the Chilcot Report and the recent paedophile revelations that they seem to want swept under the carpet despite all the ******** Theresa May and others are saying.

You've probably heard and no surprise once again that its been put off until next year.
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