Poll: General election voting round 4

Voting intentions in the General Election?

  • Alliance Party of Northern Ireland

    Votes: 2 0.3%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 276 39.5%
  • Democratic Unionist Party

    Votes: 1 0.1%
  • Green Party

    Votes: 41 5.9%
  • Labour

    Votes: 125 17.9%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 50 7.2%
  • Not voting/will spoil ballot

    Votes: 33 4.7%
  • Other party (not named)

    Votes: 5 0.7%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 3 0.4%
  • Respect Party

    Votes: 2 0.3%
  • Scottish National Party

    Votes: 31 4.4%
  • Social Democratic and Labour Party

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sinn Fein

    Votes: 1 0.1%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 128 18.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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13 Nov 2013
And who is to say whether they were right or wrong? It's not like you independently reached the conclusion that slavery is immoral from nothing, you were taught that slavery is immoral and even if you thought deeply about the issue, you're were always going to have a strong bias.

They were right because it was the only correct conclusion based on a logical analysis of the issue that takes into account all facts. Certain people usually reach such a conclusion hundreds or thousands of years before it becomes morally acceptable on a large scale. I don't need to be taught slavery is bad, I'm quite capable of using reason to reach that conclusion, in the same way that I can reach the conclusion that abusing feeling, thinking animals and eating them is immoral. Most of the lessons I've seen regarding these animals have been related to how to make them taste better so no, I wasn't taught the opinion I've just expressed. I've reached it through cold, hard logic and, in time, humanity will change and adopt this idea or similar ones in its moral code.

The people who push "progressive" values are on the whole self-interested parties, and if they've a monopoly in certain industries they are more likely to be successful.

This is why gay rights gained such traction in the turn of the century. It wasn't like everyone woke up one day and said 'Oh, everyone was immoral yesterday'. They were bombarded by a media dominated by cosmopolitan and post-modernist types who picked up the banner for gay rights.

Gay rights gained traction naturally, in time, just like women's rights or race rights and they had nothing to do with who it was that initially supported them. You just happened to live through the transition period, I'm sure you would have complained if you had lived through the race rights transitional period, just like the rest of the traditionalists.

I suppose what I am saying is that the reactive force of traditionalism is needed to fend off the self interest of minority groups, wanting to wholly redefine our morality. If they didn't exist, anything would go.

Why do you link progressivism with minority groups?
3 Oct 2014
I believe multiculturalism would not work with certain cultures.

Once the minority becomes moderate or equal footing. I predict there would be trouble ahead, conflicts of laws.
19 May 2004
Nordfriesland, Germany
And who is to say whether they were right or wrong? It's not like you independently reached the conclusion that slavery is immoral from nothing, you were taught that slavery is immoral and even if you thought deeply about the issue, you're were always going to have a strong bias.

So... you think that the only argument against slavery is cultural pressure?

This is why gay rights gained such traction in the turn of the century. It wasn't like everyone woke up one day and said 'Oh, everyone was immoral yesterday'. They were bombarded by a media dominated by cosmopolitan and post-modernist types who picked up the banner for gay rights.

You think being in the right had nothing to do with it?

I suppose what I am saying is that the reactive force of traditionalism is needed to fend off the self interest of minority groups, wanting to wholly redefine our morality. If they didn't exist, anything would go.

So the groups that supported slavery, race segregation and homophobia are necessary because it's more moral that way? Have you thought this through?
27 Apr 2013
So... you think that the only argument against slavery is cultural pressure?

I think the economic argument against slavery is the best argument, universally. Obviously there is a strong moral argument against slavery today, but morality is not linear. It can veer off in all sorts of directions depending upon economic and social pressures.

You think being in the right had nothing to do with it?

No, absolutely nothing. What is right and wrong but values we as a society have decided upon? In many parts of the world, gay rights are not right.

We often fool ourselves into think that because we are the most advanced civilization, everyone will follow our path. There is no reason to believe that is true and we're starting to see a strong reaction to that idea in places like Russia, Syria, China and so forth.

So the groups that supported slavery, race segregation and homophobia are necessary because it's more moral that way? Have you thought this through?

I didn't say it was more 'moral', nor would I. The fact you think I would say that suggests you've failed to grasp my point entirely.

What I am saying is that traditionalism is a form of social scepticism that ensures that we don't slip into anarchy. Not every challenge to progress is correct, but not every progressive movement (consider PIE) about how society should change is correct either. We need both forces to maintain a moral compass in the absence of religious doctrine.

Zethor said:
They were right because it was the only correct conclusion based on a logical analysis of the issue that takes into account all facts. Certain people usually reach such a conclusion hundreds or thousands of years before it becomes morally acceptable on a large scale. I don't need to be taught slavery is bad, I'm quite capable of using reason to reach that conclusion, in the same way that I can reach the conclusion that abusing feeling, thinking animals and eating them is immoral. Most of the lessons I've seen regarding these animals have been related to how to make them taste better so no, I wasn't taught the opinion I've just expressed. I've reached it through cold, hard logic and, in time, humanity will change and adopt this idea or similar ones in its moral code.

The only logical argument against slavery is an economical one, is that the root of your argument? You might have thought through the moral arguments, but that has nothing to do with logic.

Gay rights gained traction naturally, in time, just like women's rights or race rights and they had nothing to do with who it was that initially supported them. You just happened to live through the transition period, I'm sure you would have complained if you had lived through the race rights transitional period, just like the rest of the traditionalists.

What is natural about gay rights or women's rights? Both only exist as a consequence of a range of Western phenomena; industrialisation, liberalism, democracy, Christianity and so forth.

Why do you link progressivism with minority groups?

Because social progressives adovcate the cause of minority interest groups: Homosexuals, Transgenders, Minority ethnic groups, Paedophiles etc.
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14 Dec 2010
Yes, everyone is rolling in it, on their ~£13k gross wage per annum (~39 hour week, minimum wage).:rolleyes:

I had to work for that. Most people do at some point in their life. Then you try and get a qualification or two under your belt, and move on.

Not sit around blaming everyone else and waiting for a handout or someone to do it for you.

Life will never be that way.
14 Dec 2010
I am traditionally Labour, empowering the "working classes". Notice the part where it says working.

Somewhere along the line, "working class" got mixed up with people who have just given up. I don't blame them, it is tough out there, but you need to be responsible for your own life more.

Blair's Labour enforced the Nanny state mentality that has lead to the social mess we now face.

If the Conservative pledge of 30 hours free childcare a week for WORKING families is a reality, then they have my vote for that alone.

They are the only ones that seem to want everyone to work. I don't see a problem with that, I think everyone is a worthy of a fair shot and should want to be a part of work life.

I have gripes about the NHS that worry me, but I don't trust Labour or anyone to sort that out. We tried it the other way, maybe it's time for a new approach.

I also see a Labour vote as voting for indirectly voting for SNP now too. I cannot stand the thought that Scottish Nationalists will have a direct impact on our lives.
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13 Aug 2010
Poor Nigel is getting a spanking by Evan Davies on BBC1, poor man should have fact checked before spouting his rhetoric over the election campaign.

His chickens are coming home to roost
22 Jun 2004
Deep England
Poor Nigel is getting a spanking by Evan Davies on BBC1, poor man should have fact checked before spouting his rhetoric over the election campaign.

His chickens are coming home to roost

Ah nuts, there was a C4 interview with Farage at the exact same time. Fact checking blah, sorry about that.
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18 Oct 2002
Poor Nigel is getting a spanking by Evan Davies on BBC1, poor man should have fact checked before spouting his rhetoric over the election campaign.

His chickens are coming home to roost

I'm not a UKIP supporter - the opposite in fact, but I'm finding Evan Davies extremely irritating. He's continually talking over Farage being genuinely rude.
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