Going bald before you're 40

^ This.
It's primarily childhood friends who will rib (that's only because just like you they're praying someone else within the group goes bald before they do).
Now 43 and receeding a bit, had a number 1 for a while but decided to give it another go about 18 months ago.
Using the big 3 Minoxidil, Finasteride and Nizoral and happy with the results.
Also going grey on the sides so using Just4men grey reducing shampoo.
Just short of 50 & still got long hair, although it's bit thinner than it used to be.
Bearded too.
Perhaps 1-3 grey hairs, not remotely fussed though.
Should probably stop wearing headsets or at least put something between it & my noggin, stop it rubbing & risking it ;)
I'm 59 with not one bald spot however I have to keep it to a number one because of psoriasis on my scalp.
When it grows a bit it is also very grey.
I'm 41, I've had long hair all of my life up until a few years ago. I started getting thinning hair that was only really visible from certain angles (annoyingly not the front, only from above or to the sides). It seriously took me about a year before I bit the bullet, bought a set of Wahl's and buzzed it all off.

I wouldn't go back to having hair tbh, life is way more convenient with a shaved head.

I'd link the "Bald to Badass in two easy steps" video if it didn't contain a sweary :D.
I've been bald since my early 20s. Wasn't one to live in denial like some members of my family pretending they aren't going thin on top for decades, and just cut it all off from the start. Started at number 4, and gradually went down to the bare clippers.

I don't even know if I'd prefer to have hair or not anymore, it's been so long. All I remember is I never really liked going to the barbers as my hair wasn't very co-operative. I do wish I had ignored my parents though, and had long hair in my teenage years.
I used to have waist length hair. Got to about 40, started going bald at the front, shaved it all off.

I dealt with it by not caring very much, which was fortunate. I soon got used to the change. Maybe having chronic pain helped me in that respect, by providing something worse as a comparison. Or maybe the main factor was me not caring what I look like anyway. I don't look at myself very often, so why should I care?

Here's an unrelated oddity - my remaining head hair is the same colour it's always been but my body hair is going grey.
Who else is going bald before they hit the big 40? I'm 38.
How are you dealing with it?
I've tried just shaving it all off down to a number one but it looked too severe and I still looked bald, not just a guy with a crew cut if you know what I mean :(
At the moment I've just left it to grow and it's a bit of a state but I don't know what to do grrr.

I have not come to terms with my impending baldness. My best friend started losing hair when he was 22 or so. He is now completely bald except for a bit of Homer Simpson action around the sides. He's 33. I'm 34, and the hair on my head is thinning severely and falling out at a high rate of speed. My hairline has receded a good 3 cm and where the hairline meets the forehead it is super super sparse. In a square cm there are like 12 hairs. It's bad. I suspect I'll be thinned out to virtually bald and severely receded by 40, and by 50 probably going to look like Heisenberg after he buzzed his head.

It's sad because I used to have amazing thick hair that always got compliments from hairdressers and the opposite sex. Now it's a mere husk of its former glory. Sad times. My father is bald, my grandfathers were both bald... it was only a matter of time :( :(

I have 4 cousins my age none of whom are balding... btw... which is rage inducing.
At 27 I’m developing a Jude Law hairline with a few greys around the side. My dad and my mum’s Dad were both bald from their early 20s. I’ve accepted that I’m destined for the same fate!

Embrace it, you’ll soon stop caring! :).

At first I thought you said your mum went bald lmao

Thankfully I still have lovely long-ish hair. I am going grey though so it's salt and pepper but I get compliments for it. I am dark too also in my 30's, it must be genetics as my Grandfather had a full head of hair when he died. I'd definitely rather go grey than bald. I feel for you balding guys.
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I'm 38. I've got the same hairline I had when I was a teenager, and the same hair density. I have thin hair naturally so when/if I do start to go bald I guess it will be fairly rapid.
No grey as such.... I do find the odd grey strand, but again I have found those for decades - but they are few and far between, with no grey in the beard either. My mates recently accused me of using Grecian2000 :p
Alas OP here is the rub.

No one cares apart from crazy woman who read Tattler & Vogue who are 15-30 in age. Unless you are lucky/unlucky enough to wander in this circle, my advice is get it down and keep it down to a number 1 or less and start building up that layer of sun resistance now :)
Been balding since my mid-teens. It seems to have slowed down over the last few years (I'm now 26), but I have in the past wet shaved it.

I used to be a bit self-conscious but it doesn't bother me now, I'll happily shave it again some day.
I started to lose hair a bit at the front at around 20. Since then (now 30) I have lost a bit in the middle. I found mine seemed to be associated with itching and flakes. I think it is psoriasis based or a mixture of ageing related as well. I use T-Gel shampoo which has really helped prevent further loss. Another good one which has some evidence of helping certain forms of hair loss is Nizoral shampoo. It contains an antifungal I believe. You can look up the studies on it, and you will see there is some evidence of it helping. I tend to use that whenever things start getting worse again.

I do know from my own experience, that using regular shampoos like head and shoulders make my hair worse, even the antindandruff ones. I have tried caffeine based shampoos and I think they just make the hair follicles frizzier in my experience, and don't really prevent hair loss or stimulate more growth. If you want to enjoy a really effective shampoo thickener that definitely does make your hair feel thicker and look visibly thicker without resorting to artificial fibres or other messy products, I recommend Nutrasome Thickening Shampoo.

In my case, I really haven't wanted to explore the serums or pills, purely because I have read some controversial things about them doing damage to libido and hormone levels. Also, I haven't read anything that suggests they are a huge advantage other some of the other things I'm already using and seeing some benefits in, so there is no reason for me to feel the need to.
I have the same condition as you do. Went to Dermatologist for couple of years and tried everything. My condition goes away when I am on holiday in tropical country with plenty of sunshine.
At the moment using Capasal shampoo to tackle the itching & tea tree oil.
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