I feel like a fraud after reading some of the posts by guys who started losing their barnet in their twenties etc.
I must have been pushing fifty when the barber first held the mirror up to show me what my hair looked like at the back after he'd finished cutting it, and I saw a spot of scalp about the size of a 20p piece.
For years after that, I kept my hair shortish, rather in the style of how Kevin Bacon's looks today, as he approaches sixty, but at around sixty myself, the 20p piece bit of visible skin was by then the size of a silver dollar,
so I asked my barber to crack away, but try to keep me looking reasonable for an old fogey, he settled on a 1.5 at the sides, and a number 2 on top, it took me about a week to get used to it, and I worried about
feeling cold in the winter, but once I got used to being able to get out of the shower, and virtually just smooth it down with my hands, no poncing about brushing it, I was happy with it, and the fact that what I have is all grey now.