Rather than start a new thread I thought I would try here first.
I am a fairly average player. Can hit well but am plagued by problems.
I borrowed a Smart Swing analyser, to breakdown my swing and have found the problem. Just wondering if anyone has any ideas how to practice to remove it
The middle image is half way through my down swing. My upswing is fine, it's in the correct place (im1). However my first movement on the downswing is the drop the club grip (im2) and force down. You can see in the picture above that BLUE line is the upswing and the RED line is the down. The club head is returning to the correct place (im3), but only through cocking the wrists, to compensate for the massive downward angle of the grip, sometimes ending in an out to in motion.
I think this stems from a forward movement of my hips and shoulders, so have been trying to keep my head steady and behind the ball. It feels very unnatural for me to throw my arms outwards on the downswing, but I'm struggling to get the lines to match up.
Seems it's a common problem.
On the downswing ensure you drop your hands enough so the golf club stays on plane and doesn’t come down too steep. Ensure your lower body (legs) are starting the downswing.
Does anyone know if this has a name, or any tips??