Yeah, consistency seems to be the big problem, and short approach shots killed me game yesterday, but all you can do is stick at it and keep practising I guess.
Looking like I need to spend more time on my short game at the range or in the garden at every opportunity
This was my round Tuesday:
Score: = 79
Compared to yesterday:
Score: = 94
As you can see, the back 9 is where I lost most ground yesterday. I was only 4 shots worse on the front 9 (most of which were as a result of poor chipping), but 11 worse on the back, nightmare!! Worst thing was I was hitting the ball well off the tee, and full iron shots really well too, just couldn't get the short (50yds or so) game going at all, and it really came into play on the back.
I know how you feel though about getting off the tee, there is nothing worse than standing there not knowing if you will get the ball away, and if you do, will it still be in play!! I had that very problem not so long ago and its awful.
A lot of that comes down to confidence, practise, and the odd lesson with the local pro works wonders. I was push fading every single drive for a while and it was doing my head in. One quick lesson from the pro and its now pretty much sorted.
The problem - not a lot, I was standing 2" too close to the ball, meaning I had to come inside on every shot. Thing is though I would never have sussed that myself, so the lesson was invaluable.