Can I suggest something to fix your slice, especially with the driver? I did this and it worked an absolute treat. I NEVER slice the ball now, and I ALWAYS used to slice.
It's pretty simple really, cut down your back swing to around 60-70%. Okay you might lose 10-15yds, but you will find you'll hit most if not all fairways.
Also, when addressing the ball, set your club behind it about 1-1.5" and try to ignore the ball. That way you will likely hit it on the upswing and carry more momentum.
I've been doing this for the last 6 months and have hit the best drives of my life doing so. In fact, so much so that I can now give it a little more hip turn on impact, and as a result I am actually driving further than before too.
My shot routine is this...
1 - Stand back directly behind the ball, imagine where I want it to go, imagine the route there and pick a target a few feet ahead on that line
2 - Take my correct grip, checking that it's not too strong or weak, and the clubface is square
3 - Address the ball, feet together, make sure i'm at a comfortable distance, then open the feet, left just a tiny bit in front of the ball
4 - Tilt my spine just a little bit to my right so I know I am behind the ball
5 - Swing
Sounds like a lot of steps, but I am trying to break it down for explanation purposes. In reality, having been hitting it so well this last few months, I pick my target, line up and hit it.
If you are still slicing like mad doing the above, then it's likely your timing is way off and you are getting ahead of the ball too early. If this happens, try to pause at the top of your backswing, only for a split second, and you might find this brings everything back into sync.
One of the biggest factors I find is not to think too much, especially during the swing, and NO negative thoughts. Imagine your ball landing on the fairway. Think about trees, bushes, OOB etc and you'll probably end up in it!
Also, something to help keep the irons on the straight and narrow is to imagine you are reaching out to shake someone's hand. That's pretty much the feeling you should have if you have followed through the ball properly at impact.
EDIT - on another note, my waterproofs and shoes turned up today, and they are really nice, and the shoes are super comfy
Have to say I would definately recommend Affordable Golf, their service has been great and some of their prices are excellent. My Stuburt waterproofs were about £20 cheaper than I could find them anywhere else.