Google Begins Testing Its Augmented-Reality Glasses

12 Oct 2003
If this develops as i imagine, eventually you'll need it more than you need your mobile, there will be the real world and the virtual world existing alongside each other like a parallel reality, people will own virtual spaces in and around their property, so imagine walking through town and seeing virtual stuff everywhere outside shops and businesses.

There will be worlds and spaces, theres the main world reality which is like the common internet with limited space to own but everyone can view and interact, then there will be the open or private spaces which only you or those you allow can view, in your home you may have a virtual setup thats yours alone or just for family and friends, gaming will be a big thing, imagine a something like paint ball but with virtual guns and enemys, that could be played anywhere, this tech has a lot of potential.

10 May 2004
Sunny Stafford
Serious question: the screen on those glasses appear to cover the right eye, which is my blind eye. Can they make a left-eyed version, or do you have to have 2 functioning eyes with 1 covered and 1 uncovered?

First, the 3D cinemas / TV.

Then widescreen 16:9 format (where 4:3 is better for 1-eyed people).

Now this.

What's the next thing I'll miss out on as a 1-eyed person?

18 Oct 2002
Actually the upcoming new models of one of the BMW's will have something similar to this. It will have augmented reality built into the windscreen of the car. It will spot pedestrians and highlight them when you approach them. Nothing really different to this tbh.

There is something I could say about that but I am under NDA so I wont.:(
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