Got knocked off my motorbike today!

Its been removed by the looks of it, and some new post now about abusing people, I guess there were some more comments after I last looked :D
Glad you're ok dude, and that video evidence is pretty cut and dry.

LMFAO at 0:44secs (in the background)......dunno why really, just made me laugh out loud.
Glad your ok, didn't like watching that!! That sort of thing can happen to the best of us, very unfortunate. Hopefully you get it all sorted quick enough.
Don't think she can be using the old "I didn't see him " it is plenty bright enough. Did that lady come over and say something like I am a biker too? I couldn't quite catch it.

P.S. I like the way you still managed to remember yr cam....and then point it at yourself for our enjoyment obviously :)
Perhaps the sun blocked her view of the motorcycle?

If you look at the shadows they are from the right hand side, so the sun would have been to her left (i.e not behind me) if she was looking in my direction.
The sun would have had to be behind me for her to not see me.
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