Got knocked off my motorbike today!

Ughhh what a blind women. had some one hit into me last summer not fun! But at least like mine she claimed full liability which makes the insurance claim quick and easy (all thought the sly insurance company will still fine some ways around it I'm waiting for the money for my leathers and it has been nearly 6 months) at least you will get the money to repair the bike nice and quickly and you will be back on the bike in no time (as long as it hasn't knock your confidence) glad you didn't get hurt mate!
Must resist joining that group too... need to abuse Mark Walters...

I hate riders like that, for one the GoPro gives a warped view of what distance you are travelling in time anyway and yes I agree you should ride like everyone is out to kill you but if I was to slow down to 5mph and beep my horn at every car that was stopped to do a manoeuvre in the road there would be no point riding a motorbike, always feels like its preach to the victim not the persecutor....
There is a second if that were you realise she is not going to turn after you have passed to realising she is actually turning into you, I dont know about you guys but even with sportsbike brakes I cant stop from 30 in 8ft....

/rant over I'm going to bed :p
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Must resist joining that group too... need to abuse Mark Walters...

It's high viz wearing know it alls like him that put me off doing any advanced road training. I can't stand that attitude and there's no way I could stand somebody like that criticising every part of my riding.

No thanks, I'll just stick with the likes of California Superbike school or Ron Haslam etc to improve my riding.
I knew it! Talk about stereotypes.

Bit further down the page is a comment from Andy Stoll. I've never seen anyone get quite so excited about high viz waistcoats before.

** Excellent News ** Just had a call from Urban-Glow to say that our waistcoats have just been despatched and should be here by Monday, ready for members to collect their order at our groupnight & AGM. It was touch and go as we had a small problem with the badges!
Bad times dude, glad you are ok.

There was a full 3 seconds from when she started turning to when she hit you.
More than enough time to brake or swerve round it.

She should be paying attention, as should you.
Bad times dude, glad you are ok.

There was a full 3 seconds from when she started turning to when she hit you.
More than enough time to brake or swerve round it.

She should be paying attention, as should you.

Ah yes. But did you see me doing my mirror check before she hits me?

I'm not saying that all, just cant think of a reason or a time when i have needed to check that parked car is still parked in a correctly parked manner.
Joining the group to voice my opinion.

They clearly cannot see that a shoulder/mirror check was done by metbandit prior to the BMWs maneuver.
There isn't even a shred of evidence to suggest that you could have avoided that. Unless of course you were the super-dooper Mark Walters.
I feel ashamed and dirty sharing the same surname with him.
Their posts do make me wonder.
They are effectively saying:
"You could have avoided that by driving at 5mph and sounding your horn with a big neon sign above your head"

I would honestly love to know what they would do in that situation.
If they are advanced trained it would be interesting, I have attended a bikesafe course and came out with pretty good marks so it cant be my training surely?
Thanks for letting me know I have a horn and breaks Steve! I would never have known that...

"Steven Lindley" I must admit on the small screen I can't see too much, but it seems clear from the video that the BMW was in plain sight from the moment it started moving. A u-turn from stationary would be something that should have at least been anticipated. While I agree the BMW driver is 100% at fault the rider had 3-4 foot to his left he could have drifted into, a horn he didn't use and a brake he didn't use.
While I agree the BMW driver is 100% at fault the rider had 3-4 foot to his left he could have drifted into, a horn he didn't use and a brake he didn't use.

You would need to have superhuman reactions to avoid that, she obviously wasn't looking for motorcycles and doubt sounding the horn would have made any difference.
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