Government to consider banning smoking in pub gardens etc..

Good, extend it to any public space and include vaping. Nothing worse than being assaulted by a cloud of second hand smoke or vape walking down the street or coming out of a building
I'm ok if the ban on smoking in pub gardens is enforced. I'll just pop out back of the pub where we (staff) smoke in between pints. Unless they ban workers smoking on breaks too-which will really affect pubs/restaurants as I can say whole heartedly that 90% of pub/kitchen/restaurant workers smoke, or do drugs.
Good, extend it to any public space and include vaping. Nothing worse than being assaulted by a cloud of second hand smoke or vape walking down the street or coming out of a building

I was accosted by a cloud of scooterists riding past to a rally today. Their slogan on their posters said "smell the two stroke", and right they were.

We have lost many pongs over the years with two stroke and leaded petrol, gas holders, burning stubble, coal fires, horses and general body odour. We forget how things were until we get an instance of memory jogging.
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Starmer could just reduce the supply of cigarettes / put the price up - are they priced proportionately with the NHS cost from alcohol;

more raving about wegovy today without discussion of the long term dependency cost for NHS.

Given that tobacco taxes raise more than is spent on NHS treatment of smoking related disease, are you therefore in favour of a reduction in tobacco taxes?

As to impact on health of second hand smoke in outdoor spaces- I'm not sure that's well understood. If anyone knows, I'm all ears.
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