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GTAV performance thread.

only way to stop the d3d crash solid is rolling back to driver Version 347.88 ive tryed both new driver versions ie gtaV update and the driver for witcher 3 ... im close to sending card back.
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Decided to bother turning my other three screens off tonight..gpu usage has increased and cpu decreased which has now resolved any little fps drops and stuttering :) not that it was an issue but having literally none now is great.

Temps decreased too!
I found I had to reduce the clock speed of the memory on my 290x from 1400 to the default of 1250 to play this game, for some reason it pushes the memory much harder than any other game.
just upping it to 1251 would result in glitches!
OC'ed my 3570k yesterday, made a decent difference. Went from stock with a GTX580, dropping into the 30's north of the city, to 4.5Ghz and seemingly a 10-15 minimum fps increase, certainly didn't notice any drops into the 30 or 40's in the 20 mins test I did.

CPU sitting at 50ish degrees at under a H110i GT when playing :)
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GTA V benchmark at these settings:



MSAA - Off
Textures - Very High
Shaders - High
Shadows - High
Reflections - High
Reflection MSAA - Off
Water - High
Particles - High
Grass - High
Soft Shadows - Softest
Post FX - High
Anistropic Filtering - 16x
Ambient Occlusion - High

Single 580, 3570k at 4.5Ghz

Frames Per Second (Higher is better) Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 4.241274, 87.388786, 67.934029
Pass 1, 21.705095, 64.137550, 53.123306
Pass 2, 38.745983, 94.961731, 61.526279
Pass 3, 27.391905, 138.891357, 70.340187
Pass 4, 27.727240, 137.853394, 62.707241

SLI 580's, 3570k at 4.5Ghz

Frames Per Second (Higher is better) Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 25.138262, 122.607613, 91.023041
Pass 1, 16.761675, 92.614906, 58.698593
Pass 2, 35.789135, 143.681549, 99.041306
Pass 3, 4.365516, 154.621262, 111.226921
Pass 4, 3.358489, 193.121445, 89.254913

Only 6 more fps avg on the section with the water, might be that I'm CPU limited (or these areas are just that demanding!)
ive not run the benchmark yet, but on my i7 920 @ 3.2 and a 7950 @ 1050 core i mainly get 60fps with everything on high and 2x msaa,
it will dip down into the 40's at times but i dont get a stutter fest because of it
ive not run the benchmark yet, but on my i7 920 @ 3.2 and a 7950 @ 1050 core i mainly get 60fps with everything on high and 2x msaa,
it will dip down into the 40's at times but i dont get a stutter fest because of it

try turning off 2xmsaa and enabling fxaa...for me was even better.
Just to say....

I have under clocked my GTX 980 to 1199 MHz and I have not had a crash in 10 hours of game play... If I put it back to my 1266 MHz stock clocks it crashes with ERR_GFX_D3D_INIT

Both on Steam and Reddit, a number of Nvidia users are reporting the same solution on factory overclocked cards

Hope this helps someone.
Just installed this to my laptop for a laugh, figured i would see how bad it looked after i got about 20 fps in gta 4, and i was stunned to see how well it actually runs.

Its an old DellXPS from about 4 years ago with an i7 and an onboard 1gb nvidia gpu and its running at 40+ fps on medium settings.
Anyone know what restricts the FPS in gta online?

edit: ignore me, my fat fingers apparently hit my low energy CPU profile when i was entering online mode. :)
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So there seems to be a new frame scaling option in GTA 5 now (Supersampling?)

Someone with 4K and a load of titan Xs run it maxed please :p
Im seriously impressed with how this runs at 1440p (was previously on 1080p), i thought i may have had to have dropped some settings, but nope :p

Still got everything on, maxed, apart from Grass Detail on High, MSAA off, and mostly getting around 50fps, drops to around 44/45 every now and again, but only for like split seconds, when it seems to be loading in new parts, and its super smooth using FreeSync :D
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