Had the most epic night last night...

Got many decent friends at 25? or do you get them through bragging about having money.

We can all lead good enough lives on average wages. Ok so maybe we cant afford lots of fancy things, but we have all the good things in life that matter.

When one of us average folk hit hard times we struggle through. When rich folks lives crash and burn they commit suicide. :P

In real life, I have many good friends and associates from diverse backgrounds and some are in a better financial space than myself. I look to people for inspiration and I treat people equally regardless of their abilities to earn. My post was not to be taken serious and if it has caused you offence then I apologise to you.
In real life, I have many good friends and associates from diverse backgrounds and some are in a better financial space than myself. I look to people for inspiration and I treat people equally regardless of their abilities to earn. My post was not to be taken serious and if it has caused you offence then I apologise to you.

No need to apologise. Just seemed like you were revelling in the fact that you had a high earner card and invested in gold :)

Or if you want the very best - http://www.natwestblack.com/

Ahh so the bragging rights are basically that you can own a credit card that you need a £75K-£100K/Year Salary...

I'm a little way off I guess... :( :p

I am thoroughly dissapointed that nobody found my centurion card picture on google.

OcUK detective failure.

It's almost 5PM and it's a Friday :p
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