***Halo 5***

23 Mar 2011
One worrying thing is that they are saying they have made the same mistake at 4 in that the story leans too much in the extended lore outside of the games, great for super fans but that was my downside to 4 tbh didnt have a clue what was happening!

Gameplay said to be the best in the series though so thats great, apparently you play as locke most of the game though :(
11 Jul 2004

Gaming Trend - 100/100
Halo 5: Guardians is a masterpiece, and quite possibly the best Halo game so far. The campaign is top-notch, even as Master Chief shares the spotlight, and the multiplayer is largely a return to everything that has made the franchise so beloved to begin with.
GMR Reviews - 4.7/5
Halo 5: Guardians is one hell of a rollercoaster for Halo fans. From the sombre and sad times to the action packed thrill ride, it surely was an incredible experience all around.
Polygon - 9.0/10
Halo 5 feels like it knows its obligations. The campaign's narrative is likely to prove controversial, though its biggest sin may be its familiarity. Otherwise, Halo 5 excels under the pressure, providing one of the most welcoming, competitive, balanced and fun games of the year — and providing my personal favorite Halo multiplayer since the series began.
Giant Bomb - 4.0/5
You'll spot some rough edges and notice some omissions, but Halo 5 looks great, plays well, and has enough options to keep you coming back.
Developer 343 Industries has engineered the strongest combat Halo has ever seen, with tons of excellent weapons, varied maps, an expansive and intense new multiplayer mode joining a host of returning greats, and some game-changing new mobility. At the same time, Guardians repeats Halo 4’s mistake of telling a story that can’t stand on its own without Halo’s expanded universe. This hurts, but doesn’t ruin, its otherwise impressive cooperative campaign.
TIME - 3.5/5
If you’re a Halo fan, Halo 5‘s probably going to feel like coming home, a graphically muscled version of a formula that’s resonated with devotees since 2001. It’s just like the other annualized multimillions franchises, in other words, only with its installments shrewdly spaced years apart, to keep us inquisitive, and expectant.
AR12 Gaming - 9.0/10
Incredible – Halo 5: Guardians takes you on a journey, a hunter-versus-hunted narrative across 15 Campaign missions. While some are short, the Campaign is full of high-octane action. Add that to the impressive new Arena and Warzone modes, and you have the best Halo Multiplayer you can find. All lag-free and on Dedicated Servers. Thankfully, the issues that plagued Master Chief Collection and no-where to be seen.
Cybershack News - 4.0/5
Halo's next-generation debut is a fun, sci-fi romp that's sure to please the series' fans. While 343 Industries has made a number of controversial changes, the game still feels like Halo. I miss split-screen multiplayer, and I miss campaign score-keeping, but those absences didn't stop me from enjoying the game. At the same time, if you're not already a Halo fan, Halo 5 probably won't convert you. Halo 5 is a great game, but it is still Halo. I’d say that’s what most fans are after though.
This Gen Gaming - 9.5/10
Halo 5: Guardians is one hell of a rollercoaster for Halo fans. From the sombre and sad times to the action packed thrill ride, it surely was an incredible experience all around. As a fan who has played every main Halo, one of my favourite things about this game in particular is the tremendous amount of respect a lot of the characters have for the Master Chief, even though they are trying to track him down and, for all intents and purposes, arrest him. There are some heart-warming, flanked very quickly by some heart-breaking moments but one thing’s for sure, this is possibly the greatest Halo game ever made. It’s a heavy title, one that is very well-deserved by 343 with this game.
Team Beyond - 8.0/10 SPOILER WARNING
Overall, the story of Halo 5: Guardians was told extremely well and was understandable to those who have only played the games and not read the extended fiction.
Destructoid - 7.0/10
If it weren't for Warzone, Halo 5: Guardians would probably be somewhere on the lower end of the franchise spectrum for me. It's still a fantastic and well-oiled machine, but the story falls flat, and the shift in gameplay mechanics result in the loss of some elements that made the series so unique in the first place. Still, if you're looking to shoot some dudes online, Guardians is your huckleberry.
ICXM - 9.0/10
Halo 5 takes the series and even the genre to a whole new level through its story and gameplay. 343 Industries took some bold creative risks and they paid off. The studio managed a large leap in just two games which their predecessor could not achieve in five. However, the noticeable technical issues are upsetting and take you out of the experience. If it were not for these problems, the game would garner a perfect score. The captivating story takes Halo in a complex new direction. A multiplayer experience unlike any other this year and the addition of Warzone makes Halo 5 a title you cannot pass up. I cannot wait to see what 343 Industries does with Halo 6.
10 May 2004
South UK
Except hunters...they are smart enough now to swat them away..im not looking forward to that.

Yeah I saw that in a preview vid. The number of times I died in previous games when those sneaky grunts lob a grenade and you dont notice. Now they bat them back at you! :eek:

Damn you postie, damn you to heck. No game today :(
Royal mail probably stole it. (Wouldnt be the first time either!)
26 Jan 2006
SO no game today..PAH!

AND my Elite controller hasn't shown any movement...PAH PAH!

Head set arrived though...so I know they have my address right!
19 Mar 2006
Scotland, UK
Anyone any idea how big the download is for this? I am going to get my xbox today and buy it on the market place (its a multiplayer game for me so im going digital) so wont be downloading until tonight!
9 Dec 2010
Oh man, i've watched some footage from Digital Foundry's channel and graphically i'm not that impressed. Last Halo game I played was 3 on the XBox 360 and this barley looks better than that though it is 60FPS (for most of the time).
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