***Halo 5***

24 Dec 2004
WTF it's just ended where is the rest of it ? This game is short......

Ending is also rubbish apart from that it's the best Halo by far, I rate it as good if not a little better than Reach.

Just wish there was more of it.
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21 Jun 2006
initial thoughts.

pvp has too long a time to kill.

no loadouts means your restricted. there doesn't seem to be much skill involved. your literally pounding bullets into someone for a good while before they go down.

no snipers as a main weapon?

destiny pvp for me is miles better i hope i get used to this as i hate the fact destiny doesn't have dedicated servers.

i dunno destiny just seems the better overall game to me so far. hopefully once i get more game time and i adjust i get to see what's good about the game.

animations, weapons, movement all seems nice.
19 Mar 2006
Scotland, UK
Sonny - have you played halo mp before?
It is all about depleting shields and headshots really - using a combination of grenades then fire to the head.
Controlling the power weapons on the map is also key to victory in most cases!
2 Feb 2012
Newcastle UK
I think when you go from playing things like Battlefield etc. that have a higher FOV it does feel strange, but it just takes a bit of time to adjust. I had the same feeling when I picked up MCC but after playing awhile it felt normal.
21 Jun 2006
Sonny - have you played halo mp before?
It is all about depleting shields and headshots really - using a combination of grenades then fire to the head.
Controlling the power weapons on the map is also key to victory in most cases!

halo 2 and i remember it being amazing, i think i played 3 also but probably briefly or not at all.

i may also have played halo 1 on the original xbox but that didn't have multiplayer.

i bought it for multiplayer and what i like about destiny is i can choose a loadout to suit the map then play the map. so some maps i'll play shotgun as a secondary others a sniper. in this game though shotguns are terrible and there doesn't seem to be any snipers it's either auto rifle, pulse or hand guns.

i think i need to go into the game thinking "it's not destiny" rather than directly comparing it.

for me destiny pvp is the best i've played since CS:S on pc or socom (the original) on ps2
17 Apr 2009
I've just sent friend requests to everyone in the Spartan Company in case anyone is wondering who it is that has added them.

343 really should work on integrating Spartan Companies in to Halo 5 TBH. That was a pain in the arse - had to add everyone manually.
30 Oct 2002
halo 2 and i remember it being amazing, i think i played 3 also but probably briefly or not at all.

i may also have played halo 1 on the original xbox but that didn't have multiplayer.

i bought it for multiplayer and what i like about destiny is i can choose a loadout to suit the map then play the map. so some maps i'll play shotgun as a secondary others a sniper. in this game though shotguns are terrible and there doesn't seem to be any snipers it's either auto rifle, pulse or hand guns.

i think i need to go into the game thinking "it's not destiny" rather than directly comparing it.

for me destiny pvp is the best i've played since CS:S on pc or socom (the original) on ps2

Biggest problem, it's not destiny.

Halo all about headshot, body shots you will lose everytime.

Battle rifle will kill in 3 shots, compared to destiny 2 shots.
Hand cannon will kill in 3 shots compared to destiny 2 i think?
auto rifle, well you may as well not use them, only kill in destiny shotgun range.

Shotgun very good, just map design not like destiny, more open.
Snipers are power weapons, need to control map.

if you like fast kill times play SWAT, you can only use battle rifle or hand cannons but only headshot kills win :)

EDIT: you know about the smash? RB when you jump?

I have played a bit more multiplayer and although I'm dire at it I did start to enjoy it once I had muted all the weirdos.....

I'm playing war zone with group of friends and its great fun, just need more people online together. i think a fire team of 12 could be great fun :)
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23 Mar 2011
I think theres 8 proper maps and then the rest seem/feel like cheap 343i own forge maps? Think bubgie did that too much on reach, every game was on a forge map
Man of Honour
13 Jul 2004
/* */
Some great cgi cutscene, music, gaming and online multiplayer!

I'm impressed it works after the shambles that was The MCC

This sums up my thoughts.

It's idiotic to include slayer in the arena playlist though when there is a separate dedicated playlist for that. Also big team battle has been intentionally held back to encourage people to play war zone for the req income.
19 Mar 2006
Scotland, UK
Seems they are only in the bigger modes - arena is pure 4v4, for now at least.

I do think we need to see a good number of new (non forge) maps soon for continued success
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