***Han Solo movie***

I'll probably wait for the Blu-ray if I'm being honest, can't stand going to the cinema these days. At least it's not getting
in the reviews like people said it would. It has to better than The Last Jedi, I'm hoping for another Rogue One.
Well so far all the first reviews coming in from those that have seen it have been very positive so think it is worth going to see in cinemas.

Unfortunately, since it's not on general audience release, I'm going to take all the current reviews with a VERY heavy pinch of salt. I feel a more accurate take on the film will be achieved by waiting for the reviews that come a week or two after it's general release.

I hope it continues to generate good reviews by that point.
Unfortunately, since it's not on general audience release, I'm going to take all the current reviews with a VERY heavy pinch of salt. I feel a more accurate take on the film will be achieved by waiting for the reviews that come a week or two after it's general release.

I hope it continues to generate good reviews by that point.

Same, I'll still be waiting for DVD release. I want their cinema tickets to take a hit so they can pull their finger out. The last one hurt too much to go through those emotions in the cinema again. Feels :(
Well so far all the first reviews coming in from those that have seen it have been very positive so think it is worth going to see in cinemas.

So were the first reviews of The Last Jedi and Black Panther. BP has now settled down to "above average", and TLJ - well, we all know what happened there. The initial reviews and Twitter comments from professional reviewers just can't be trusted, as nowadays it's all an extension of Disney marketing.
Black Panther holds an audience score of A+ on cinemascore

Some of the Metacritic user reviews are downright racist, this is literally the most recent review

So I've decided to fill my only remaining gap in the MCU franchise, and oh my God, this wreck of a movie is the new absolute low not just for superhero flicks, but for cinema in general.

The plot is disjointed and stupid, with unbearably tedious dialogues and painfully poor acting. Listening to the dialogues is especially repulsive thanks to the African accents the cast is using, so prepare to hear things like "pentha (panther)" and "teeknoludgee (technology)". Chadwick Boseman especially excels at this, delivering a performance that perfectly mimics a speech impediment and an astute case of autism. The bald woman and Panther's teenage sister look especially heinous, out of which trash can have they been pulled? Every other actor is just as cringeworthy, except for Michael B. Jordan (partially) and Andy Serkis and Martin Freeman, coincidentally the only two white actors in this garbage. But the veteran actors' serviceable performances cannot pull this trash out of the abyss.

The setting for the movie is also unimaginably ridiculous - apparently there is a technologically advanced African nation hidden in plain sight. However, despite being so advanced, it selfilshly offers no aid to its neighbors, honors ridiculous savage traditions and has its soldiers armed with spears and swords. Thanks, but even a talking raccoon breaks the suspension of disbelief less than this. If ludicrous colorful costumes weren't enough to annihilate the visual aesthetics of the movie, it's also filled with old video game-quality CGI that makes your bleed, so obviously it stands out.

But wait, it's an action movie, right, perhaps there are some thrills to be had? Well no Sir, because about 90% of action sequences are done with the same cheap CGI while the remaining 10% are horrendously choreographed with slow unrealistic motions during fights.

To add to all this bedlam this film allows itself racist phrases like "Great, another white boy to heal". The fact that this mucus gained over a billion at the box office is disgusting and shows how far both Disney and the herds called "general audiences" have fallen.

Also someone else complaining that beta black panther is protected by women!

One of the worst movies I've ever seen! 1/10

Beta prince that has ONLY female guards that try to act tough. I couldn't stop laughing at the fight scenes (woman vs man). The men fight like they are fighting a child. These no other male character really compare to his cousin who acts semi bad. Female scientist propaganda! My eyes were hurting afterwards from rolling too much!

I can understand why the feminists love this movie. These nothing more dysfunctional than a woman that fights even tho she will NEVER be strong as a man! These also a bit of PC rubbish of course regarding black people! Another piece of garbage Hollywood movie full with PC rubbish that stinks of Feminist ****
Yea, but it made a billion so it's the best film evar.

I haven't actively sought out to avoid "Disney" films, but recently I haven't been able to bring myself to catch up on the MCU stuff (I have Thor: Ragnarok, Spiderman Homecoming and GotG2 still to go before BP even comes to home release) or re-watch TLJ after how it made me feel such disappointment at the cinema. I get to the sofa, sit down for film time, about to press play, or even get to the opening credits rolling, then go "nah, I'm going to watch something else, I ain't feeling this".

The TLJ did this to me. It introduced a malaise with "universe" films, and because I wasn't as big a fan of MCU stuff as I was am SW, it's been too easy to dismiss them and ignore them.

Unless someone asks me to go watch Solo with them, I will not be making a special effort to see it on it's cinema release. I have plenty of other stuff to watch that just seems more interesting. Maybe I've finally grown up and don't need SW and MCU any more.
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Fair enough.

But I feel I should point out that whilst Disney own marvel studios, they have no creative input. Just because you didn't like TLJ, it has literally no bearing on MCU movies

The proper critic reviews embargo for Solo is 15th may. I know the Empire team really haven't been looking forward to it at all, because they've mentioned it many times on the podcast.
Nah, it's more the franchise thing.

Same thing with DC movies, even though I enjoyed MoS and BvS, I haven't got round to the others.

I think with TLJ though, it was such a jarring experience having something within a universe I love, that I just didn't connect with at all, has made me realise that these things just aren't there for the fans - it's there to make money (well duh!) and that's what it felt and looked like. I was fooled and I felt it, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.

I should have known better.
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This is getting surprisingly good reviews from my usual go-to critics

Empire, Total Film and Robbie Colin all gave it 4/5

If you ever listened to the Empire podcast, all of the reviewers were expecting it to be crap of the highest order. As was I.
First time I saw Black Panther I thought it was great!

2nd time? I got bored quickly.

Re : Solo?

I will autopilot to watch this. The Disney buy out of Star Wars is a double edge sword of sorts. At least they are giving us something, when Lucasfilm had seemingly hit the retirement home with motion pictures after Revenge of the Sith.

Personally I also think the 'Disney have ruined it' mantra goes a little far. TLJ was a turd fest for sure, however Rogue One was excellent and TFA was pretty darn good.

We should also note that Lucasfilm's last 'go' at the franchise was shocking and AOTC is renown as being an epic fail on every measure. We should be glad that George doesn't still have it!

Whatever my thoughts on Solo I am and still will be a Star Wars fan, and when the Galaxy's Edge opens in DisneyWorld in Orlando in 2019, the next summer vacation afterwards I will be there for another epic 6 week family holiday.
TLJ was a turd fest for sure, however Rogue One was excellent and TFA was pretty darn good.

Rogue One came really close - a good movie but 1-2 elements needed more work, TFA captured a lot of what was Star Wars and showed promise - that kind of felt like they just needed to improve on 1-2 areas to deliver a really excellent Star Wars experience and then TLJ dropped :(

Solo seems like it isn't a bad movie in its own rights but what really made Hans Solo work was Harrison's little subtleties - other actors tend to ignore the set furniture while he kind of worked it into his scenes both when the camera was on him and not - from what I've seen so far Ehrenreich's face just goes dead between delivering lines while Harrison was constantly in character like he is thinking "what would I be doing/thinking if I was really in this situation?" even when not specifically directed by the script and it really makes a difference.
from what I've seen so far Ehrenreich's face just goes dead between delivering lines while Harrison was constantly in character like he is thinking "what would I be doing/thinking if I was really in this situation?" even when not specifically directed by the script and it really makes a difference.

That's a lot to pick up from a trailer...
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