So I've decided to fill my only remaining gap in the MCU franchise, and oh my God, this wreck of a movie is the new absolute low not just for superhero flicks, but for cinema in general.
The plot is disjointed and stupid, with unbearably tedious dialogues and painfully poor acting. Listening to the dialogues is especially repulsive thanks to the African accents the cast is using, so prepare to hear things like "pentha (panther)" and "teeknoludgee (technology)". Chadwick Boseman especially excels at this, delivering a performance that perfectly mimics a speech impediment and an astute case of autism. The bald woman and Panther's teenage sister look especially heinous, out of which trash can have they been pulled? Every other actor is just as cringeworthy, except for Michael B. Jordan (partially) and Andy Serkis and Martin Freeman, coincidentally the only two white actors in this garbage. But the veteran actors' serviceable performances cannot pull this trash out of the abyss.
The setting for the movie is also unimaginably ridiculous - apparently there is a technologically advanced African nation hidden in plain sight. However, despite being so advanced, it selfilshly offers no aid to its neighbors, honors ridiculous savage traditions and has its soldiers armed with spears and swords. Thanks, but even a talking raccoon breaks the suspension of disbelief less than this. If ludicrous colorful costumes weren't enough to annihilate the visual aesthetics of the movie, it's also filled with old video game-quality CGI that makes your bleed, so obviously it stands out.
But wait, it's an action movie, right, perhaps there are some thrills to be had? Well no Sir, because about 90% of action sequences are done with the same cheap CGI while the remaining 10% are horrendously choreographed with slow unrealistic motions during fights.
To add to all this bedlam this film allows itself racist phrases like "Great, another white boy to heal". The fact that this mucus gained over a billion at the box office is disgusting and shows how far both Disney and the herds called "general audiences" have fallen.