***Han Solo movie***

TBH the best droid character is HK-47 from KOTOR :D

Most of the others have been pretty annoying. C3-PO was always annoying but he didn't have some stupid, almost out of context dialog or an "agenda" to rub in the audience's face.
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I think this is it, as much as we loved C3PO and R2D2 they very much acted like how we would expect a droid to act. They acted like they were programmed rather than had feelings and fitted in with all the other droids in the SW universe.

This doesn't sound like the droids I remember from the original movie...

C3-PO is a slightly camp wuss who is usually always moaning about what the humans are planning or terrified whilst doing something dangerous.

He was angry when Chewy put his head the wrong way around and upset when Luke seemed to offer him and R2D2 to Jabbas.

Those sound like feelings to Me.

Then there is the droid being tortured in Jabbas palace, like that makes any sense? Screaming as the guards apply a red hot stamp to his 'feet'
Shame Rogue One was let down by the bland lead actor/character though :/

I watched it for the second time this weekend. My previous experience being the opening weekend at the Leicester Square Laser Projected 3D IMAX, so it's been 18 months since I saw it.

It held up for me, though I would argue that it's not really let down by a bland lead actor - more that the entire cast weren't really fleshed out in any way. That's not necessarily a criticism, as movies with very little back story about characters do work (see: Dunkirk). It's actually the links to the original which take me out of the movie. When Grand Moff Tarkin first appears, I didn't even catch his first lines of dialogue as I was too busy inspecting the CGI. Also the shoe-horned in footage of Red/Gold Leaders from the original Star Wars - It makes sense they would be the squadron leaders but it just blips me out of what's happening because your brain goes "Oooooh it's that guy, they must have used outtakes"

The locations (Jedha, Vaders castle thing on Mustafar and the end on Scariff) felt more distinct than Solo though and the cinematography was better on Rogue one.
Shame Rogue One was let down by the bland lead actor/character though :/
I agree - apart from the droid, whom was excellent, very bland. Blind guy and heavy weapons guy were just a bit forced.

I’d still rather have all of those than L3 though. So, so annoying.
I watched it for the second time this weekend. My previous experience being the opening weekend at the Leicester Square Laser Projected 3D IMAX, so it's been 18 months since I saw it.

It held up for me, though I would argue that it's not really let down by a bland lead actor - more that the entire cast weren't really fleshed out in any way. That's not necessarily a criticism, as movies with very little back story about characters do work (see: Dunkirk). It's actually the links to the original which take me out of the movie. When Grand Moff Tarkin first appears, I didn't even catch his first lines of dialogue as I was too busy inspecting the CGI. Also the shoe-horned in footage of Red/Gold Leaders from the original Star Wars - It makes sense they would be the squadron leaders but it just blips me out of what's happening because your brain goes "Oooooh it's that guy, they must have used outtakes"

The locations (Jedha, Vaders castle thing on Mustafar and the end on Scariff) felt more distinct than Solo though and the cinematography was better on Rogue one.

Yea the CGI Grand Moff Tarkin didn't make a lot of sense, considering the guy who did the voice acting even looks quite like Peter Cushing. A bit of makeup would have been more convincing.
Yea the CGI Grand Moff Tarkin didn't make a lot of sense, considering the guy who did the voice acting even looks quite like Peter Cushing. A bit of makeup would have been more convincing.

It felt like a tech trial to me. A chance to try something out.
Yea the CGI Grand Moff Tarkin didn't make a lot of sense, considering the guy who did the voice acting even looks quite like Peter Cushing. A bit of makeup would have been more convincing.

Saw Rouge One in London with my parents... my Mum somehow didn't realise it was CGI and while we were discussing the movie afterwards she was surprised "Oh! I did think he would have been quite old by now!"
Saw Rouge One in London with my parents... my Mum somehow didn't realise it was CGI and while we were discussing the movie afterwards she was surprised "Oh! I did think he would have been quite old by now!"

i don't understand people who say they thought it was real - they must be face blind or something, because i thought it was shockingly terrible and completely took me out of the movie.
i don't understand people who say they thought it was real - they must be face blind or something, because i thought it was shockingly terrible and completely took me out of the movie.

I went with someone who's never seen star wars and she had no idea either. I guess if you don't know you're not looking for imperfections. Didn't think Tarkin was 'shockingly terrible' although the Leia one gave me the heeby jeebies!
i don't understand people who say they thought it was real - they must be face blind or something, because i thought it was shockingly terrible and completely took me out of the movie.

I dunno why some people made such a fuss about it mind - I wouldn't have thought it was real but I probably wouldn't have even noticed enough to care if it hadn't been talked about being CGI so much - as it was it was it didn't detract from the movie for me though more widespread use of it probably would have.
i don't understand people who say they thought it was real - they must be face blind or something, because i thought it was shockingly terrible and completely took me out of the movie.

I thought it was very good although as said it did make you ignore what he was saying from spending too much time inspecting the cgi. Then you see BladeRunner 2049 and the moment when...
Rachael turns up just blows Tarkin out the water, that was spectacularly well done.
i thought it was jarring and looked like a computer game - if they couldn't do it perfect, they shouldn't have done it.
Not quite as bad as the justice league moustache but it wasn't that far off.
i thought it was jarring and looked like a computer game - if they couldn't do it perfect, they shouldn't have done it.
Not quite as bad as the justice league moustache but it wasn't that far off.

I'm with that guy - Tarkin was in-game CGI level, but Leia and Rachel in BR2049 were just diabolical, everything that could go wrong has gone wrong with those face renderings, both looked like they were having a stroke. Those elongated features and giant gaping manga eyes on CGI Carrie Fisher, (shakes in horror) uhh... #notmyleia

Kermode mentioned about Darth Maul not being stopped by him being chopped in half, this got me thinking...

Where about it Solo in the grand scheme of the other films? I'd assumed it was before the prequels but perhaps not?
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