I don’t agree with that assessment. Nvidia were roundly chastised by the tech press for their 4080 and “4080 12GB” pricing and naming. Though in general Nvidia do get away with a lot more crap than AMD would.
That negative press is why they rebranded the 4080 12GB to a 4070Ti and charged the same price for it. It’s it did seem hypocritical it reviewed so well considering it was massively overpriced.
Even at their original release prices the 7900 XT made a 4080 look overpriced. And the 7900 XT release price was a joke.
I agree the 7900 XT price was a joke, but it was 90% the 4080 for 75% the price. The 7900 XT is currently 60% the price of the 4080.
I just rewatched the HUB conclusion of the 4080, his complaints about the price was very soft touch, he concluded he didn't want to comment on it until he reviewed the 7900 XTX, so i watched the conclusion of that, he went very hard on that despite it being 20% cheaper and 5% faster, even citing AMD driver tropes, he compared it to the $1100 6950 XT, at $1000 its 40% faster and that's what set him off on a massive rant, the 4080 is 45% faster than the 3080 for 73% more money, he didn't care much about that.
Steve Walton's AMD driver tropes. Let me tell you after 8 months running a 7800 XT the drivers have been 100% solid, it has never, not once even slightly put a foot wrong, i cannot say the same about the RTX 2070S before it, never ending Chromium checker box artifacting that Nvidia and the press are completely ignoring.
He came to with in an inch of concluding the 4080 better value, suddenly he had a lot of good things to say about it and a 10 minute rant about AMD and their latest GPU.
I don't think the price of the 4080 ever really came down, when i look at them now they are still £1000 to £1200.